Logs 23-Jun-2011
HF logs monitored June 23, 2011 from Riverside County, California.
Audio clips:
solarix.net · Logs 23-Jun-2011
5112 USB 1637z: Unknown net control station M9AZ wkg 9AZ, 9CE, 9UC and A9USA.
5693 USB 1645z: ANDVT
5732 USB 1610z: Alpha 48 wkg Service Center for troubleshooting issue with voice privacy key.
6519 USB 0820z: Shipcom maritime broadcast with station callsign identification of WLO and KLB.
6849 USB 0818z: Tail end of transmission with English speaking YL signing off.
8080 USB 0806z: unIDed YL in Asian sounding language. Could hear baby crying in background.
8110 USB 0810z: Simplex comms with OMs in accented English.
8201 USB 0814z: unIDed OMs in unknown language.
8299.2 LSB 1347z: Fishermen in QSO. One of them goes into profanity-laced tirade about some Bluefin fishermen.
8912 USB 1751z: Service Center wkg Mike 51 troubleshooting crypto problems.
8980 USB 1351z: ANDVT
9019 USB 1625z: RRL clg CNU in ALE mode followed by ANDVT comms.
11494 USB 2236z: Omaha 8CS clg Hammer on "western node" followed by Parkhill encryption.
12172 USB 0733z: Australia Control wkg Army Perth and reports weak and barely readable.
13261 USB 0149z: San Francisco wkg FedEx 9167 attempting to selcal check BGAH. McDonnell Douglas MD-11 from Honolulu to Sydney.
14582 USB 1724z: CommSta Kodiak wkg Juliet 10 for flight ops and position.