I think the low power is the 320A model I was searching for. The adjustable directivity of that type of antenna is interesting, as well as being on the ground or sort of on the ground depending on what is being done with it and where. I looked at the manual and was definitely curious about the different possible configurations depending on terrain as well as intentions/needs. I read chatter of building an ELPA, but the links were dead. Hmm...I should check the Internet Wayback Machine. I might get lucky. With only 10W out of the 705 and no need for a tuner, it would be interesting to see what could be done using an ELPA. I look forward to your next trip to the desert.
I honestly did wonder to myself why in the world "you" would not have taken an EFHW. I figured the lack of elevation for one or both ends was the issue in the desert. As to the motor, who could predict that. While I always carry that EFHW using the parts you sent, for desert sessions I would take the loop and a Buddipole. Setup both and when I get tired of fiddling with the loop, use the BP for some wide tune NVIS, or as a vertical with elevated counterpoise.
As for the OCFD, I am a big fan. Still, it is a bit much to rig up for one person along with all the gear it takes to raise it using a mast. Thus, my piqued interest in the ELPA which looks quick and painless.
I am surprised that Icom does not offer a manpack type vertical antenna with the 705. I have the Icom AH-703 HF vertical antenna with the two line counterpoise, but I mainly use it for RX and have never given it a chance on TX. Talk about a compromised antenna. The weather is nice and I should setup several of these QRP antennas and compare here in heavy RFI land in my backyard and again out in Nowhereville.