I'll be camping in the CA desert and the nearest other person is probably 20mi away. HF noise floor is close to zero.
If you are camping in a campground there will be a lot of interference on HF from all the inverters/converters/wall warts, etc. Most campgrounds I have stayed in look like a saw tooth generator on HF. Also I don't see much noise difference between a horizontal or vertical, slight but not enough to help. Got to get away from that noise cloud if you can.
I use a loop antenna which drastically lowers the noise floor, MLA-30 for receive only and Alex-Loop for transceive. The You-loop really lowers the noise floor since it's passive but it's receive only.
Our seasonal summer campground has a picnic spot on the Ohio River far away from the noise cloud so I'm going to take my 705 out there when my Bioenno battery arrives and try a few antennas. Let us know how your camping trip goes.