ICI Trunked System - Posts your new findings here!


Member since 2005
Jul 6, 2005
Winnetka, CA
Has there been any changes in the last few days too the Oat Mt site? I checked all of the frequencies , but I am not hearing a control channel.


Member since 2005
Jul 6, 2005
Winnetka, CA
Hi guys, I think I found the answer to my question. From HOME | icisystem


The ICI System has migrated its Master Site, Redundant Master Site, Oat Mountain, and Hauser Peak Cells to TDMA. TDMA quite literally doubles the number of talk paths at a site without adding spectrum and costly hardware. This represents a terrific opportunity to increase system Capacity in critical areas.

Cells soon to be added include: Burbank, Pomona, East San Gabriel Valley (ComNet), Montebello, Beverly Hills, and Culver City.



Global DB Admin
Mar 4, 2009


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Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2008
As always thank you for the update but I do not understand why you wanted to go fully encrypted and then a month later you put up a live feed that has a 15 min delay. With a 15 minute delay its just a waste.

Why would Burbank put up an official feed and then put a 15 min delay on it? Government mentality and thinking for sure. Let us encrypt because of cell phones and apps and then put a live feed up with a 15 min delay. Just want to know the logic behind putting this feed up.

Wonder if some pressure got put on these officials for making this decision. Isn't there a DOJ mandate for this?
Aug 16, 2013
As always thank you for the update but I do not understand why you wanted to go fully encrypted and then a month later you put up a live feed that has a 15 min delay. With a 15 minute delay its just a waste.

Why would Burbank put up an official feed and then put a 15 min delay on it? Government mentality and thinking for sure. Let us encrypt because of cell phones and apps and then put a live feed up with a 15 min delay. Just want to know the logic behind putting this feed up.

Wonder if some pressure got put on these officials for making this decision. Isn't there a DOJ mandate for this?

As a “system tech” I’d imagine you know why..

15 minutes allows the hot calls (crime in progress now) get LE on scene with zero heads up to criminals.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2008
I completely understand your point. But wasn't the point to encrypt all radio's to solve a specific problem?

Yes, it is suppose to fix a specific problem. By broadcasting a feed with a 15 minute delay on the internet to 7 billion people in the world what is Burbank trying to solve here? Is it trying to save face and think if they at least broadcast to the whole wide world that now they are being transparent.

I think I am missing the full understanding on why they are now after a couple of months now all of a sudden broadcasting with a 15 minute delay


Dec 19, 2002
The adage I would use is "it's better than nothing" On a serious note I do appreciate the City of Burbank posting the feed. It allows some level of transparency to it's residents and guests. Can't please them all...

I'm sure if things go sideways, that 15 minute buffer can allow them to drop the feed in the interest of sensitivity to the nature of the call.


Dec 19, 2002
Weird. Maybe they were testing TDMA. It's back to normal now.
Keep in mind that ICI is probably using Dynamic Dual Mode for their Phase 2 capable sites. If the radio is capable of Phase 2, the Radio Management will be programmed to indicate that. Not all agencies are probably upgraded to Phase 2 radios yet via the option flash codes. Once those are taken care of you'll see more Phase 2 traffic on the system. The control channel will remain Phase 1 per the EIA/TIA Project 25 standards that are published. Voice channels can be a combo of Phase 1 and Phase 2 as needed. It's all configurable in RM.


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Nov 19, 2008
The adage I would use is "it's better than nothing" On a serious note I do appreciate the City of Burbank posting the feed. It allows some level of transparency to it's residents and guests. Can't please them all...

I'm sure if things go sideways, that 15 minute buffer can allow them to drop the feed in the interest of sensitivity to the nature of the call.
Okay well I guess I still dont understand their logic but o well that's what makes the world turn in circles. My last question is then does the DOJ mandate not matter now? Wasn't this why most or all departments these days going silent because of the DOJ Mandate?

If its because of the DOJ mandate and for safety and security then why broadcast to the wold wide world where 7 billion people have the ability to listen now. Trust me I am coming from a good place and just trying to understand now as they just went silent a couple of months ago. Now let the wold wide world listen with a 15 minute delay. There is no benefit at all for doing this. If anybody see's that there is a benefit then please chime in. Wonder if contacting The City of Burbank and ask the PD chief what his mindset is on doing this.

That sure would be interesting because the majority of these agencies and high level of authority just do not have and idea with technology and their brains are the size of a peanut when it comes to communication and now broadcasting over the internet to the whole other side of the earth now.

I am just trying to logically think the whole purpose of now broadcasting over the internet the whole department to the whole world now? What postivie outcome is this now doing for this department?


Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2013
Los Angeles County, CA
I completely understand your point. But wasn't the point to encrypt all radio's to solve a specific problem?

Yes, it is suppose to fix a specific problem. By broadcasting a feed with a 15 minute delay on the internet to 7 billion people in the world what is Burbank trying to solve here? Is it trying to save face and think if they at least broadcast to the whole wide world that now they are being transparent.

I think I am missing the full understanding on why they are now after a couple of months now all of a sudden broadcasting with a 15 minute delay
I get where you're coming from, but I think the simple answer someone gave is probably the case: "It's better than nothing." I guess the delay means they wanted to (stop criminals from having a real-time tip-off that cops are on the way). I use parenthesis since there may be other reasons; yes, DOJ mandate included.
Another thing this subject brought to my mind is the encryption of LASD tac channels. I've always thought of ENC keys and transmissions as being something to highly guard and use only when necessary. Even though all the L-Tacs and A-Tacs have been secured, every deputy, firefighter, SAR member, and lifeguard's radio has at least some of those channels in there, with the LASD-AES key. Every FF has a take-home radio, and most every SAR member. Seems like a case of "no one can monitor, but also everyone can monitor" at the same time. All you have to do is sign-up for some job that gives you a take-home radio and now, boom, you can listen to L-Tac again with your take-home radio. It "slims the herd" of who can monitor, but sure doesn't make it as secure as I think it should be.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 28, 2013
Los Angeles County, CA
That's controlled by the agencies and the radio shop. Not every RICS Subscriber has everything in it.

Our forum members who actually handle the radios every day can speak better to it than me.
Thanks- Yes, I was only referring to LACo assets and personnel. People other than cops and admin staff having LE ENC channels seems to defeat the purpose of keeping PII secure. (IMO)


Scan Sexy
Premium Subscriber
Jan 16, 2010
Surfridge, CA.
The human element comes into play here. If you need access to the encrypted channels, then you will find a way. Some news agency's and stringers already have various ways to access these systems.
Non CLETS people like local politicians and elected members of various municipalities have easy access to department "pool" radios, and are quick to "leak" stuff to their favorite members of the media.
Lets pretend an overnight news stringer has a brother or sister on the force with a take home radio. What is stopping them from creating a private stream while that radio charges each night?

How much would it be worth to someone just to have a stream of LAPD Hollywood Division and its local Rover/Tacs.

Don't get angry with me for pointing this stuff out...but it happens.

The humans are the biggest security risk...not to mention MS-13 and the various gangs and cartels that would gladly pay a generous monthly fee for access.

The radio may be secure,but the human is NOT.
Everyone has a price.

How often do you think they audit all of these secure radios? Missing radios often go missing, but it's never noticed or it's a pool radio and nobody monitors the users.

Every one of these "scenarios" has already come true.

Scan Sexy!


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2008
I have seen in plain view eyes of people paying for the enc keys for certain systems in our country. Everyone has a price to be bought.

But with these new NEXT radios and the speed of the being able to push data accross WiFi or Bluetooth or LTE reprograming with OTAP and OTAR can be done within minutes on a statewide system. So rotating keys every 30 or 60 or 90 days in the future will be key if radios go missing. Most agencies do not have the backend equipment and money to get this done efficiently right now. But as time goes things will become more stream line.

Trust me you can put a radio in NAS mode and you are a ghost with or without a key and you are good.