In re: Delete, Delete, Delete FCC looks to eliminate rules and regulations


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Key points from DA 25-219:

"My first thought is that given the glacial speed at which the Commissioners have made decisions in the past, I don't expect to see anything change quickly. It could take the next four years for the Commission to work through the existing items on their docket, much less consider anything new. I also don't think that individual users will see much change. This is about companies using telecommunications, not individual users. Individuals are free to comment, of course, but I think you'll need to show how business could benefit from your comments.
Just reading DA 25-219 makes my head hurt🤕. I agree, no speed and not much to affect the hobby even though many would have ideas for change. I think unneeded regulations would be the most overall benefit, but I realize this is not a priority as is the telecom lobby.


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Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
I might agree on the unlicensed, but I truly believe that most licensed understand and appreciate the reason and positive results of a license which applies both to individuals and corporations. Most realize the chaos that would occur without some kind of control. Yes, there might be too many unneeded regulations but some are needed.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 10, 2021
North Dakota
The FCC has opened a new docket, titled “In re: Delete, Delete, Delete,” in which the agency seeks comment on every rule, regulation, or guidance document that the FCC should eliminate for the purposes of alleviating unnecessary regulatory burdens. What FCC regulation/rule do you want thrown out?

A copy of the FCC Public Notice opening up the new docket and seeking comment can be found here:
The FCC needs to regulate encryption. Especially PUBLIC safety. Everyone should in every state should be able to listen to their local agencies.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Yes and No. while I agree most communications should be in the clear, I also think public safety should be able to encrypt when the safety of the public or the department members requires it. The bad guys have scanners too.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
I might agree on the unlicensed, but I truly believe that most licensed understand and appreciate the reason and positive results of a license which applies both to individuals and corporations.

Key word "most".

Even with the existing regulations, there's very little compliance in some segments.
The "Baofeng crowd" is a big one.
There are GMRS users that "buy" their license but never crack open Part 95, don't comprehend type acceptance, and assume that whatever some mouth breather on the internet tells them is totally legal.
There are some amateurs that have never cracked the rule book and assume that their license gives them free access to public safety systems whenever they feel scared.
CB, FRS, MURS, to add to the list.


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
The FCC needs to regulate encryption. Especially PUBLIC safety. Everyone should in every state should be able to listen to their local agencies.

I can appreciate your dedication to the scanning hobby, but this statement shows a lack of understanding and shows exactly why we need encryption.

And, anyway, the current administration has tried to block transparency on a lot of recent actions, specifically DOGE, so it would be absolutely hypocritical to outlaw encryption, but maintain their current lack of public oversight.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
What he said. With the elimination of all adult supervision and oversight we are witnessing, mandating transparency especially down to that level, would be against the grain of everything DOGE and Co. is doing.
If anything, it will go the opposite direction once the money starts flowing towards those eliminating all checks and balances. Let's bookmark this and come back in 4 years and see where we are at.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
What he said. With the elimination of all adult supervision and oversight we are witnessing, mandating transparency especially down to that level, would be against the grain of everything DOGE and Co. is doing.
If anything, it will go the opposite direction once the money starts flowing towards those eliminating all checks and balances. Let's bookmark this and come back in 4 years and see where we are at.
Maybe I am interpreting what you are saying incorrectly but I don’t think anyone wants the elimination of “adult supervision” and transparency is great but as you say that level will never be reached.
Not everything can be safely “transparent” for local and national security and safety. However, not sure what the current DOGE initiative has to do with this since equating transparency with public safety encryption is a far reach. i mentioned that I agreed with limited encryption.
Not to get too political but the reduction in wasteful government spending should be celebrated and taking a clear look at this by reviewing unnecessary and useless regulations could help ultimately to reduce spending in these areas and the FCC certainly is included.
Yes, it could definitely go too far, but as you say, let’s wait and see. I will be checking in 6 months, not 4 years🙂


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
Maybe I am interpreting what you are saying incorrectly
You are. Turn off the rhetoric spin of corporate media and think with an independent lens (oh, that damn PBS again).
I don’t think anyone wants the elimination of “adult supervision” and transparency is great but as you say that level will never be reached.
It's simple. One can't have "adult supervision" if there is no one qualified to supervise. My comment about the desire of some folks in radio hobby land to think that the current powers that be are so interested in transparency is that you can't have any transparency without true oversight. ICYMI, agencies such as the Office of Budget Management, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, NHTSA, FAA, DHS and of course the DOJ are all a part of those checks and balances needed to keep things transparent. DOGE and Co have made it clear they don't want anyone in their way that might be a threat to do their gutting of the fish. That's not being transparent in my book.
Not everything can be safely “transparent” for local and national security and safety. However, not sure what the current DOGE initiative has to do with this since equating transparency with public safety encryption is a far reach. i mentioned that I agreed with limited encryption.
See above, everything about what is going down. Blindly eliminating or neutering oversight agencies erodes transparency. All one has to do is look at history and see this record has been played before.

Encryption will not stop and only a fool would believe that DOGE or anyone else will make some national campaign for a variety of reasons, most of it financial., and money will continue to flow in one direction and that is in carefully selected pockets of a few. With no adult supervision or accountability, you can see it continue unchecked.
Not to get too political but the reduction in wasteful government spending should be celebrated and taking a clear look at this by reviewing unnecessary and useless regulations could help ultimately to reduce spending in these areas and the FCC certainly is included.
Yes, it could definitely go too far, but as you say, let’s wait and see. I will be checking in 6 months, not 4 years🙂
I have zero problem and encourage elimination of waste, fraud and abuse. The best way is through this thing called DUE PROCESS and INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT not by those with financial interests being involved. That's how we got here.
It's already been 4 we really want to go there? My 401K is draining value. Gas is still $5 a gallon, and planes are literally falling from the sky. The FCC needs a reboot, has for 20 years since CORPORATE AMERICA infested the agency with lobbyist dollars and lawyers and not technical people, engineers and astute law makers.
Gutting it so everything is "license by rule" or "make everyone a subscriber" on your favorite telecom cartel is NOT the answer.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
You are. Turn off the rhetoric spin of corporate media and think with an independent lens (oh, that damn PBS again).

It's simple. One can't have "adult supervision" if there is no one qualified to supervise. My comment about the desire of some folks in radio hobby land to think that the current powers that be are so interested in transparency is that you can't have any transparency without true oversight. ICYMI, agencies such as the Office of Budget Management, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, NHTSA, FAA, DHS and of course the DOJ are all a part of those checks and balances needed to keep things transparent. DOGE and Co have made it clear they don't want anyone in their way that might be a threat to do their gutting of the fish. That's not being transparent in my book.

See above, everything about what is going down. Blindly eliminating or neutering oversight agencies erodes transparency. All one has to do is look at history and see this record has been played before.

Encryption will not stop and only a fool would believe that DOGE or anyone else will make some national campaign for a variety of reasons, most of it financial., and money will continue to flow in one direction and that is in carefully selected pockets of a few. With no adult supervision or accountability, you can see it continue unchecked.

I have zero problem and encourage elimination of waste, fraud and abuse. The best way is through this thing called DUE PROCESS and INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT not by those with financial interests being involved. That's how we got here.
It's already been 4 we really want to go there? My 401K is draining value. Gas is still $5 a gallon, and planes are literally falling from the sky. The FCC needs a reboot, has for 20 years since CORPORATE AMERICA infested the agency with lobbyist dollars and lawyers and not technical people, engineers and astute law makers.
Gutting it so everything is "license by rule" or "make everyone a subscriber" on your favorite telecom cartel is NOT the answer.
Thanks for taking the time to respond. Sorry I do not have the time for a full reply, but agree to disagree on some of your points will have to do. However, one point, it has not been 4 months, barely 2, gas prices were average 3.60 last March in my state and this year they are 2.67(to be fair, some of this reduction was late last year) and planes did not just start falling out of the sky and 401k‘s and the markets go up and down. Be prepared. Having been through this many times in my life I learned that the sky is not falling, I made a few dollars over the years, and patience is a virtue. Again, back on topic, as has been said “wait and see”.
Some humor to brighten up the day is attached. The attached applies to all of us 😀



Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Here's an interesting parallel. The new administrator of the Environmental Protective Agency has announced widespread deregulation in the area of U.S. environmental rules. Pretty much everything he says in his announcement is geared towards reducing the onus of environmental rules on corporations.

Warning, the YouTube video that I'm linking to starts off with the EPA Admin's recorded announcement and then turns into a rant about how emissions regulations on Diesel pick-up trucks has ruined them. The presenter then goes off on how without EPA rules, the truck manufacturers will be able to lower the price of new pickup trucks :ROFLMAO: , and Diesel "tuners", like his company, will be able to strip emissions controls from late-model pick-up trucks and make them wonderful again.

So, tell me, dear radio hobbyists, what is the radio equivalent of a Diesel pick-up with jacked up suspension, big wheels, constant turbo whine, and exhaust stacks that "roll coal" every time you tip into the throttle? Please, @MTS2000des and @mmckenna , let others answer first. ;)



Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
And, anyway, the current administration has tried to block transparency on a lot of recent actions, specifically DOGE, so it would be absolutely hypocritical to outlaw encryption, but maintain their current lack of public oversight.
BTW, let's keep this thread focused on the deregulation aspect of these actions. When we start talking about hypocritical governments and lack of public oversight, we dip our toes into the political waters and, well, that could get messy.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 15, 2004
Hermitage, TN
Here's an interesting parallel. The new administrator of the Environmental Protective Agency has announced widespread deregulation in the area of U.S. environmental rules. Pretty much everything he says in his announcement is geared towards reducing the onus of environmental rules on corporations.

Warning, the YouTube video that I'm linking to starts off with the EPA Admin's recorded announcement and then turns into a rant about how emissions regulations on Diesel pick-up trucks has ruined them. The presenter then goes off on how without EPA rules, the truck manufacturers will be able to lower the price of new pickup trucks :ROFLMAO: , and Diesel "tuners", like his company, will be able to strip emissions controls from late-model pick-up trucks and make them wonderful again.

So, tell me, dear radio hobbyists, what is the radio equivalent of a Diesel pick-up with jacked up suspension, big wheels, constant turbo whine, and exhaust stacks that "roll coal" every time you tip into the throttle? Please, @MTS2000des and @mmckenna , let others answer first. ;)

Making Tesla Coil Spark Gap transmitters great again. Back to the 'Golden Age' of no filtering or 'Regulation'. Yee Haw. LOL
Last edited:


I ♥ Ø
Jul 27, 2005
United States
So, tell me, dear radio hobbyists, what is the radio equivalent of a Diesel pick-up with jacked up suspension, big wheels, constant turbo whine, and exhaust stacks that "roll coal" every time you tip into the throttle? Please, @MTS2000des and @mmckenna , let others answer first. ;)

Well, I waited, and there was an answer, so I guess it's my turn.

I've owned a couple of Diesel trucks over the years. Currently my wife has a Chevy Colorado with the Diesel and I just purchased a new F250 with the Diesel.

But I do love to see the whiny, crocodile tears from these Diesel shops that got busted. They knew what they were doing was wrong. they knew that they ran the risk of getting caught. They chose to do it anyway.
Now they want to play the victim. The system is suddenly unfair. Sounds oh so familiar.

Sounds like some of the CCR crowd. The "FCC doesn't care!". "Part 97 says I can transmit on public safety frequencies in an emergency!". Or the "15 watt" hand held radios held within inches of their eyes/brains. Amazon sold it to them, so it must be all OK… Or, what about the noisy RFI spewing cheap electronics that impact the hobby for many of us? But, hey, cheap toy electronics from China are a God given right, and don't you dare put any regulations on them.

As often happens, and as we currently are watching, history gets forgotten surprisingly quick. The reasons for emissions standards have been lost on the younger people because they never experienced the filthy polluted air that we did. Not being able to see the hills/mountains around me in the summer due to pollution was a common thing through my childhood. Some can't think beyond the tip of their own nose about why clean air is a good thing and how emissions standards protect all of us from health issues. But, yes, the system is unfair.

Some hobbyists have forgotten, or at least never understood, why the FCC rules exist. They missed out on the real telecom monopolies and don't understand why competition and careful regulation is a good thing. They never had to wait until after 7pm to make a toll phone call. Most of them couldn't tell you what a toll call was, anyway.
Instead, we get the crocodile tears about how the FCC rules are unfair.

We're doomed to repeat history if we don't learn from it. But, yes, rolling coal is much like the prolific RF noisemakers that pollute our spectrum. At least some hobbyists realize what's happening and why it's a bad thing.


5B2_BEE00 Czar
Jul 12, 2008
Cobb County, GA Stadium Crime Zone
This is an excellent post so I won't go on and on but mmckenna is spot on. The reality is, we are here with the problems of RFI, the noise floor from DC to daylight ever increasing because of a lack of enforcement and lassiez faire governing of the airwaves up to this day. BDAs and DAS's being tossed up by toothless mouth breathers all because LOCAL, not FEDERAL building codes require them, lining the pockets of both big dollar vendors, down to Chuck and Truck low voltage losers- the price paid is public safety communications IMPAIRED not IMPROVED.

Meanwhile, the FCC auctions off every bit of RF spectrum to large corporations and equity firms who sell us, the consumer, the ability to use them as THEY see fit and for whatever they want to charge. Things like free to air TV are now on the chopping block as ATSC 3, with that nasty word ENCRYPTION means BROADCASTS INTENDED FOR PUBLIC USE (not two way radio transmissions) will soon be LOCKED DOWN and LICENSED. Internet connectivity REQUIRED to watch OFF THE AIR TV. That's first, next will be SUBSCRIPTION REQUIRED.

What happended to broadcasters operating in the public interest? Ask the FCC. They are sitting silent on this allow industry to police itself and do as it pleases.

The answer isn't to "delete delete delete" COMMON SENSE rules that are there to protect EVERYONE, it is ENFORCEMENT of those existing rules to keep "peace on the spectrum".

As I've said, with no adult supervision, RF will become as polluted as the air is in China but who cares. We don't need them gubment folks in the way.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 15, 2003
Surprisingly🙂I agree with most of what you and mmckenna have just said. Thanks for posting.👍


P25 TruCking!
Mar 15, 2008
I'd like to delete the FCC ULS and start fresh, it's obvious the people overseeing it's efficient operation were deleted long ago. Can we delete the regulations that allows this crippled thing to exist as it is today? If there was anything some gov efficiency could focus on, it's this piece of crap.


P25 Underground
Sep 27, 2019
Gadsden Purchase
Well, I waited, and there was an answer, so I guess it's my turn.

I've owned a couple of Diesel trucks over the years. Currently my wife has a Chevy Colorado with the Diesel and I just purchased a new F250 with the Diesel.

But I do love to see the whiny, crocodile tears from these Diesel shops that got busted. They knew what they were doing was wrong. they knew that they ran the risk of getting caught. They chose to do it anyway.
Now they want to play the victim. The system is suddenly unfair. Sounds oh so familiar.

Sounds like some of the CCR crowd. The "FCC doesn't care!". "Part 97 says I can transmit on public safety frequencies in an emergency!". Or the "15 watt" hand held radios held within inches of their eyes/brains. Amazon sold it to them, so it must be all OK… Or, what about the noisy RFI spewing cheap electronics that impact the hobby for many of us? But, hey, cheap toy electronics from China are a God given right, and don't you dare put any regulations on them.

As often happens, and as we currently are watching, history gets forgotten surprisingly quick. The reasons for emissions standards have been lost on the younger people because they never experienced the filthy polluted air that we did. Not being able to see the hills/mountains around me in the summer due to pollution was a common thing through my childhood. Some can't think beyond the tip of their own nose about why clean air is a good thing and how emissions standards protect all of us from health issues. But, yes, the system is unfair.

Some hobbyists have forgotten, or at least never understood, why the FCC rules exist. They missed out on the real telecom monopolies and don't understand why competition and careful regulation is a good thing. They never had to wait until after 7pm to make a toll phone call. Most of them couldn't tell you what a toll call was, anyway.
Instead, we get the crocodile tears about how the FCC rules are unfair.

We're doomed to repeat history if we don't learn from it. But, yes, rolling coal is much like the prolific RF noisemakers that pollute our spectrum. At least some hobbyists realize what's happening and why it's a bad thing.
Ah, RR delves into my day job! I work with this stuff all the time. DPF/SCR systems are responsible for a disproportionate amount of downtime and repair bills, as well as reduced fuel economy. Those added costs end up passed on to the consumer. I understand the intent but the end result isn't worth it - it's an 80/20 rule situation.

There's a wide gap between rolling coal and Tier 4 systems - we have equipment from the 70s and 80s that doesn't produce enough particulate matter to write home about, while lacking modern active aftertreatment. Run biodiesel blends and it just gets cleaner. A well-engineered, properly tuned diesel engine will run quite clean; you'll only see visible emissions (primarily unburnt fuel) on initial throttle-up. Rolling standards back to Tier 3 would be a reasonable compromise. The attention-seeking idiots who deliberately overfuel to roll coal are just that - idiots.