Here's an interesting parallel. The new administrator of the Environmental Protective Agency has
announced widespread deregulation in the area of U.S. environmental rules. Pretty much everything he says in his announcement is geared towards reducing the onus of environmental rules
on corporations.
Warning, the YouTube video that I'm linking to starts off with the EPA Admin's recorded announcement and then turns into a rant about how emissions regulations on Diesel pick-up trucks has ruined them. The presenter then goes off on how without EPA rules, the truck manufacturers will be able to lower the price of new pickup trucks

, and Diesel "tuners", like his company, will be able to strip emissions controls from late-model pick-up trucks and make them wonderful again.
So, tell me, dear radio hobbyists, what is the radio equivalent of a Diesel pick-up with jacked up suspension, big wheels, constant turbo whine, and exhaust stacks that "roll coal" every time you tip into the throttle? Please,
@MTS2000des and
@mmckenna , let others answer first.