In re: Delete, Delete, Delete FCC looks to eliminate rules and regulations


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jul 27, 2018
I was kind of hoping for more technical things than politics in this thread... but so far I've gotten (radio wise)... allow encryption everywhere, don't allow encryption almost anywhere, ATSC-3 will be the death of OTA TV, there is too much RF noise... and the FCC has always had the requirement to look at and remove unnecessary rules, the (well one of) the problems is they don't seem to have been doing that. The laws that say to do it seem ineffective.

Anything else was missed in the non-radio nonsense. Focus guys, focus, this could be an opportunity, take advantage of it, before the bureaucrats get a rigged system again. (Don't get me wrong, I love a well run bureaucracy for many things, what has been happening for many years hasn't been that).

My 2¢ is to maybe keep quiet parts of the spectrum quiet, for the purposes of GPS reception and maybe avoiding the 5G --> radio altimeter issues that they had.

Like maybe building in rules that would keep the possibility of FM radio increasing power 100 times above what it is without reducing allowable noise levels, getting more customers for the stations, (the new noise floor would kill some localizers IMHO).

(I think the FCC was already asking about something like (new noise levels) in the recent past).



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May 2, 2020
Fort Misery
A 25 year Amateur license makes sense for those applicants 50 years of age or younger. At 50 years or older, a 10 year license makes sense and will help clear out those gone SK or who no longer have an interest in the hobby.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 8, 2023
Latham, NY
A 25 year Amateur license makes sense for those applicants 50 years of age or younger. At 50 years or older, a 10 year license makes sense and will help clear out those gone SK or who no longer have an interest in the hobby.
Sensible on the surface, but too complicated administratively. Complexity=cost.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
I'd like to see the requirement that Uniden scanners have to skip over encrypted transmissions eliminated.
Yes, that was the 1st thing I thought. If this affects federal grants for new trunked systems, that is a good thing. Let's see where this train goes.


Premium Subscriber
Sep 15, 2006
Fair Oaks, CA
I was kind of hoping for more technical things than politics in this thread... but so far I've gotten (radio wise)... allow encryption everywhere, don't allow encryption almost anywhere, ATSC-3 will be the death of OTA TV, there is too much RF noise... and the FCC has always had the requirement to look at and remove unnecessary rules, the (well one of) the problems is they don't seem to have been doing that. The laws that say to do it seem ineffective.
The purpose of the proposal is rule-based, not technical per se. Unblocking the old analog cellular, while a technical task; is in reality just changing the rule (political or otherwise).

Gotta think back to the communications act of 1934. It was decades until that was updated. Oh all the advancements. Now we're decades out again since the later meaningful update. The "mom & pop" broadcasters are largely gone as anything in a reasonable sized market has been gobbled up by one of the few mega-opolies. Those same entities would like nothing more than the present limits to be lifted so they can gobble up what's left.

Sure Radio & TV broadcasting is not what it used to be. And cable(TV) has virtually killed itself. But the same companies are just playing the same game again (v2.0) as streaming. Milk, milk, milk the consumer. In many cases only limited by rules from such places as the FCC. Now instead of a single signal that reaches many, we have a world where everyone has their own virtual private RF signal (to their phone). I can only guess as to what the bean-counters would like to do to maximize that profit.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 2, 2020
Fort Misery
Sensible on the surface, but too complicated administratively. Complexity=cost.

It consists of a couple of lines of code at most and a DOB at time of initial application. I know of a very frugal State that does this with driver's licenses.

The idea of a costless government is fallacy.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
May 2, 2020
Fort Misery
I was kind of hoping for more technical things than politics in this thread... but so far I've gotten (radio wise)... allow encryption everywhere, don't allow encryption almost anywhere, ATSC-3 will be the death of OTA TV, there is too much RF noise... and the FCC has always had the requirement to look at and remove unnecessary rules, the (well one of) the problems is they don't seem to have been doing that. The laws that say to do it seem ineffective.

Anything else was missed in the non-radio nonsense. Focus guys, focus, this could be an opportunity, take advantage of it, before the bureaucrats get a rigged system again. (Don't get me wrong, I love a well run bureaucracy for many things, what has been happening for many years hasn't been that).

The majority here are end-users, not policy wonks. Again, as non-professional users of RF, our desires are going to be supplanted by the telecom industries, APCO, Enterprise Wireless Alliance, MRFAC, government, and major corporations. No one will give us an equal voice at the table when we do little more than 'play at radio'.

The FCC has had nearly a century long way of conducting business and working relationships. While Telco ITMS phones have given way to 5G carriers, there is a way the FCC wants business done and a new Administration is not going to overturn it.


Dec 22, 2013
I'm always hoping we can go to LIFETIME ham licenses.
I think I heard that some countries do this.

What's the point of renewing a license anyway?
Well, revenue collection, of course.
The advantage to requiring license renewals is that it demonstrates to the commission that there is a growing and continuing demand for that licensed service.