Gentlemen: Continuing the saga in Clinton.
This morning as usual, went for coffee, and parked in S. Clinton, and as usual had to find the right location to get a signal from DeWitt, but also got two bars from the Trailer.
On my way out and about at noon, parked at home in the same place, only to note that the signal from the trailer was five bars! I thought something was wrong, so switched to the duck antenna. Same results, even inside the house. I listened for a while, and at 1330, all of a sudden, no signal, even outside with the mag mount.
I checked at 1545, and indeed, there was a signal again, not quite as strong, but moving the antenna around, was able to get 4 bars. Checking in the house, 3 bars although it was not steady. I did hear traffic on R2Call21, and someone on IACall1 getting a radio check from Cedar Rapids.
Could it be they are moving the trailer different locations?