There is one thing that these new models do that none of the above currently do! (Yet all of them once did). And that is...
They stir up a cauldron of insanity that accumulates 11 pages (so far) worth of speculation, satire, and keyboard warfare in a very short period of time. And I'm thrilled (?) to say I've been a part of that! (Just the satirical aspect...again, "so far")
This, at the time of my typing, appeared that it would be post #217. Anyone ever buy into Super Bowl Squares, where you pick a square with a possible final score of the game, combined points scored, etc.? I'm considering selling squares for this thread. Which post do you anticipate will drive the moderators to finally shut it down?
Jeez, it could be this one!
Maybe we can do a 50/50 raffle, one winner takes half of the winnings and another winner gets either model as a prize! Or we can do it in 3rds and donate the last 33.3% to Lindsay's aircraft based bar for some Old Fashioned cocktails, just like dear old dad used to make! See for details.
In the words of legendary New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rogers....
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