If we're going to do rumors, lets do it right to help Uniden's sales:
-NOT cellular blocked. Will decode LTE and show you ever website every person on your local cell sector is using by simply plugging a monitor into the USB port. No SIM card needed.
-Decrypts all forms of communications, even those digital modes not invented yet.
-Covers shortwave band down to -40KHz.
-Designed to receive 800MHz systems from 3000 miles away with no pesky external antenna. In fact, the smaller antenna you use, the better it'll work.
-Never needs programming. New AI interface will know what you want to listen to before you do.
-Designed to work with magnetic mount antennas, in fact, will NOT work with a proper NMO install, scanner will spontaneously combust if connected to a proper antenna.
-Plug in a microphone to the USB connector, and it'll transmit on every frequency it will receive without additional programming. No pesky licensing required, and all public safety agencies will immediately respond to your advice on how they should be doing their jobs.
-Submersible to 1000 meters.
-IP99 rating. Drop tested from 35,000 feet.
-Decodes 5G, 6G, 7GGG+ and the coveted 1.21GigaG (aka: The Great Scott! band)
-Decodes P25 Phase 3.
-Trunk tracks conventional systems!
-Decodes AES256 because you are a taxpayer and you pay for their radios.
-Works through tinfoil hats. You'll know exactly when the gubbermint is spying on you.
-Google G-Scanner interface. Automatically posts every call in your neighborhood to Radio Referece.
@GlobalNorth mode. Loud alert to notify you of nearby recycling center fires.
-Scanner automatically knows when a "bad guy" is holding it and blocks out all law enforcement radio traffic.
-Snoopy Neighbor mode, streams medical telemetry and health records to your laptop any time an ambulance shows up at your neighbors home.
There. It's on the internet. It is therefore true.