BCD160DN/BCD260DN: Is this a new Uniden model? BCD260DN


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
Once figure out what that niche is.

Ladies and gentlemen, in six pages of this widely varying diatribe of debate and debacle, there is one glaring question that has yet to be asked.

Does this thing get cell phones?

It is nice to see that new scanners are being built/conceptualized though. I have no need for one of these but I hope they'll fit the niche for those that do.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
Upstate SC
To me it looks like a stripped BCD996P2. It's the same hardware that have already been designed and developed and paid for and it's just the cost for the material and the machines that spit them out in Vietnam. Strip out the GPS and include the DMR and NXDN options but crippled without a trunked function and Uniden doesn't have to pay anything to their organizations or allow for post upgrades of digital modes. All firmware already exists in their other scanners and have already been developed and paid for and you can probably use a OFT programming, maybe slightly modified, to scan slots and frequencies to make it work more or less like a Whistler TRX scanner.

I can see this as being a $250 scanner and would do great also outside of North America where database scanners are of no use. I would certainly buy one if it where $250 or even $299.

Good prediction. Then, Uniden could sell trunking capability as an upgrade. $250 base price + $150 upgrade price = same price and capability as the 996P2..


Mar 31, 2010
I thought it might be useful to post side-by-side images of the front views of the current BCD996P2 (top) and the new BCD260DN (bottom). The following are the differences that I see between the front views of the two models:

1. "TRUNKTRACKER V" is present on the BCD996P2 but is not shown on the BCD260DN
2. "TONE OUT" is present under the upper "PUSH" on the BCD260DN but is not shown on the BCD996P2
3. "GPS" button on the BCD996P2 is replaced by an "SVC" button on the BCD260DN
4. "DISP" under the number 6 on the BCD996P2 is not shown on the BCD260DN
5. "REV" under the number 8 on the BCD996P2 is not shown on the BCD260DN

FYI Scanner Master currently has the list price for the BCD996P2 at $499.99 with an actual selling price of $399.95 and Bearcat Warehouse is currently selling the BCD996P2 for $350.00. The list price and actual "street" price for the BCD260DN are unknown at this point.
BCD996P2 Front.jpgBCD260DN Front.jpg


Jul 12, 2022
Friday Harbor,Washington , in the San Juan Islands
also, it doesn't make sense how uniden keeps it tight-lipped and yet the scanner guys gets to show it first hand, wouldnt uniden wana spill the beans? makes ya wonder, also food for thought, if uniden brings out new scanners how fast do you think Whistler will be behind em bringing out new models too, most people said no new models due to scanners going the way of the dodo Bird however there is plenty to scan out there, that's what i told my sister Tamara, i said you may not get grant county mac dispatch but you can get everything else in the area and other pds in other counties, on a side note the picture on the video im also curious about the mobile hand held, is there going to be a new one too? im excited as well :D


Premium Subscriber
Jun 13, 2002
Probably for commonality with other scanners. My 325P2, SDS100, and 536HP all have mini USB connectors. My SDS200 has a micro USB, but I rarely do programming using it. I just pop the micro SD card into my computer.

Plus USB-C probably has a cost factor attached.

It's 2023 and Uniden chose a Micro B USB connector? USB-C anyone?


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
If we're going to do rumors, lets do it right to help Uniden's sales:

-NOT cellular blocked. Will decode LTE and show you ever website every person on your local cell sector is using by simply plugging a monitor into the USB port. No SIM card needed.
-Decrypts all forms of communications, even those digital modes not invented yet.
-Covers shortwave band down to -40KHz.
-Designed to receive 800MHz systems from 3000 miles away with no pesky external antenna. In fact, the smaller antenna you use, the better it'll work.
-Never needs programming. New AI interface will know what you want to listen to before you do.
-Designed to work with magnetic mount antennas, in fact, will NOT work with a proper NMO install, scanner will spontaneously combust if connected to a proper antenna.
-Plug in a microphone to the USB connector, and it'll transmit on every frequency it will receive without additional programming. No pesky licensing required, and all public safety agencies will immediately respond to your advice on how they should be doing their jobs.
-Submersible to 1000 meters.
-IP99 rating. Drop tested from 35,000 feet.
-Decodes 5G, 6G, 7GGG+ and the coveted 1.21GigaG (aka: The Great Scott! band)
-Decodes P25 Phase 3.
-Trunk tracks conventional systems!
-Decodes AES256 because you are a taxpayer and you pay for their radios.
-Works through tinfoil hats. You'll know exactly when the gubbermint is spying on you.
-Google G-Scanner interface. Automatically posts every call in your neighborhood to Radio Referece.
- @GlobalNorth mode. Loud alert to notify you of nearby recycling center fires.
-Scanner automatically knows when a "bad guy" is holding it and blocks out all law enforcement radio traffic.
-Snoopy Neighbor mode, streams medical telemetry and health records to your laptop any time an ambulance shows up at your neighbors home.

There. It's on the internet. It is therefore true.
You forgot the waffle maker.


W3BUX- Bucks County, PA
Premium Subscriber
Feb 22, 2007
Seriously though.. those who are predicting it's an analog radio, it does have, a BCD designator as previously posted.

If it was simulcast friendly with a SDR chip, imagine what it would do to the sales of the SDS radios.

There will be a small niche for some listeners, personally I live in the Northeast where it is all simulcast in my immediate area.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2003
New York
also, it doesn't make sense how uniden keeps it tight-lipped and yet the scanner guys gets to show it first hand, wouldnt uniden wana spill the beans? makes ya wonder, also food for thought, if uniden brings out new scanners how fast do you think Whistler will be behind em bringing out new models too, most people said no new models due to scanners going the way of the dodo Bird however there is plenty to scan out there, that's what i told my sister Tamara, i said you may not get grant county mac dispatch but you can get everything else in the area and other pds in other counties, on a side note the picture on the video im also curious about the mobile hand held, is there going to be a new one too? im excited as well :D
I don’t think but may be wrong The Scanner Guys will only have a picture to show you!
I don’t think you will see anything new from Whistler, no matter what Uniden comes out with!