Lake County Sheriffs and County going Starcom

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Premium Subscriber
Dec 8, 2005
Dupage County, Illinois
Why don't we stop attacking Ron, I think we all forget he like many of us has lost the ability to monitor his local police and fire. I don't know about you guys but I for one like to know what's going on in my neighborhood. I don't care what ISP is doing for the most part and with the exception of my surrounding communities I don't care to hear much else than what's happening in my area. Also Ron lost a hobby that he loved and contributed to longer than most of us have if I were Ron I would be pissed to so lay off of him. I find it quite ironic though that we use a website that has helped twist the knife into the dieing corpse of our hobby by starting the streaming trend. Anyone who has lost the ability to monitor their local police and/or fire should attack the root of the problem by protesting this site and broadcastify. But that won't happen, this site and it's affiliate broadcastify have become to big of a business and make to much money yearly for that to have any effect. You want to see a drop in encryption let's get a law passed that bands the streaming of public safety communications in Illinois. Write your congressman, the govener, your mayor and police/fire departmets about coming up with a law to ban streaming and make scanner apps on phones illegal. Maybe even make the use of scanners illegal in cars and in public without a ham radio license. At least then you know the people who have the ability to monitor comms are responsible with the information put over the air. Either way stop attacking Ron if you streamers have the ability to stream live comms to the masses and criminals that use broadcastify and scanner apps on the phones Ron has the right to B*tch and complain till his heart is content in my eyes. He is living with a problem others have created so if you have nothing nice to say to him please say nothing at all. And trust me you will feel the same way when you get put in the dark when encryption comes to a neighbor near you.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 14, 2003
Im not whining about anything, im just discussing with what I thought was level-headed people about "ENC", but I guess that's not the case....I never "ATTACK" anyone on here and never will ....I will keep my hobby to myself.....


Nov 1, 2004
Terre Haute, IN
Hey Ron Lake counties ISPERN is unsecured ya wanna patrol and chase some ISPERN calls seeing the talk group is in the clear. We could help out with that. LMAO

This isnt a very nice post and really has nothing to do with radio monitoring!


Dec 19, 2002
Not attacking Ron-in-Joliet the communities are going the secured way and Ron keeps repeating himself in regards to secured communications. This thread alone 4-5 times, we got the point. Enough my hobby is also ruined as well. I have been monitoring NWCD since conventional days in the mid 70s. When I heard Lake county sheriff was secured I pulled the plug done. We all know the new communication law stuff is very much secured there is not a darn thing what we say and do that will change it. It is what it is. One does not need to monitor their town to help officer friendly we could call on our telephones to call them if we see something. I myself will not help a copper out for nothing it is not my job. So an apology is needed from you sir for marking someone wrongly. Have a great day.


Dec 19, 2002
This isnt a very nice post and really has nothing to do with radio monitoring!

Clearly sounds to me that Ron grabs his portable scanner to run out the door and help his local police. So you still owe an apology for your comment.


Dec 19, 2002
If this is considered attacking one, which people perceive things differently than others I would be the first to apologize to you Ron. You have seen how many departments by me alone that had secured communications and I just moved on. My recent Lake county plug pulled. I have been monitoring NWCD since the mid 70s and now not no more ... move on. I had visited both the old and new dispatch centers. If I remember correctly any time BFGR asks for info/help on a crime they always have one call such and such of a number to give info. I don't help leave to them to earn their money that is what we pay them for our taxes. Sorry Ron but the way your claiming you need a scanner to help, and the other individual claiming I was almost right sounds to me like you running out the door with your portable to help. That would totally be wrong me myself I don't care what happens in BFGR as long as it isn't me and several occasions I took the matter in my hands in Mayberry. I don't need a nosey cop in my house or property STAY AWAY I don't need your help me and 357 will handle the situation..


Nov 1, 2004
Terre Haute, IN
I will tell you this one instant that things can change, but not with the attitude you have... Here in Indiana, the Owen County Sheriff did the exact same thing...He took his department off of Safe-T (Indiana's Starcom we'll say) and opted for a nexedge radio repeater with full time encryption for reasons of officer safety in a county of about 40,000 people... This pissed off the people of Owen county to the degree that they voted his butt out in favor of a Sheriff that campaigned on returning his department back to safe-t... Long story short, he won and the nexedge radios were removed and the safe-t radios put back in the day the guy was sworn in! Never believe you don't have the power to change things in your community... I remember a piece of paper that starts out "We the People", not "We the government" That's all I'm gonna say on this issue....


Dec 19, 2002
The word for today Interoperability is the only reason that this route was taken, common sense would tell one that in regard to a statewide radio system. Look at Naperville with their Opensky system. Ain't gonna happen here trust me. Maybe let's go the route of a law suit upon our communities or better yet let's head for the hills because BFGR law is secured. Get's more interested everyday... kinda reminds me of my fire service days and all that I've seen with the general public. Hey keep on trying sounds good. Reminds me when I was in eighth grade when they let a teacher go the protest ended shortly and the teacher was still gone.


Dec 19, 2002
I'll make it less challenging for ya already knew SC21 was 700 as I have already monitored Ducoms 700 mhz site. Ok here goes .... Is the new Lake county sites either 700/800 mhz? I heard it is suppose to be a 700mhz. Too much involved in that critical thinking college course like my sister is. And she's a RN too...god help us.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Dec 16, 2010
Wauconda, IL
Well, I spent probably way too much time reviewing FCC licenses for Lake County this morning... there are NO active licenses for any 700 MHz freqs anywhere in Lake County, for any agency. So I'd bet it's safe to say they'll be using the existing StarCom21 800 MHz freqs.


Apr 19, 2006
I don't see how a 7 million dollars is going to solve the dead spot for radio's? If the site antenna is at18 N COUNTY ST and a portable can't reach it. Then how is the digital portable going to reach all the way to Russell Road from inside the elevator? Seems to me that the elevators need the update. Anyone who has checked their 800mhz cell phone in a elevator lined with stainless steel knows what happens. Seems to me that the elevators inspector should be under investigation. How can these elevators opperate without a working emergency phone?


Apr 19, 2006
Also the fact the the jail puts the inmates on a lock down when a elevator has broken stuck. Has nothing to do with officer's safety. I thought central was in control of Sally ports and elevator's? If a elevator became stuck most inmates wouldn't even know it has happened. Unless they see a rescue attempt through Sally port door windows. Seems to me that this one issue has been used into generate approval over the week minded individuals.


Jan 11, 2004
700 MHz talkpaths being advertised on the control channel (but not in use):



Mar 10, 2004
Noblesville, IN
I will tell you this one instant that things can change, but not with the attitude you have... Here in Indiana, the Owen County Sheriff did the exact same thing...He took his department off of Safe-T (Indiana's Starcom we'll say) and opted for a nexedge radio repeater with full time encryption for reasons of officer safety in a county of about 40,000 people... This pissed off the people of Owen county to the degree that they voted his butt out in favor of a Sheriff that campaigned on returning his department back to safe-t... Long story short, he won and the nexedge radios were removed and the safe-t radios put back in the day the guy was sworn in! Never believe you don't have the power to change things in your community... I remember a piece of paper that starts out "We the People", not "We the government" That's all I'm gonna say on this issue....

Well said!



Dec 19, 2002
The new sheriff in town must of been a advocate for the safe t system. BFGR (Buffalo Grove) police chief is chosen by the fire/police commissioner panel, we do not vote for the police or fire chief in our town. The only person we vote for is the sheriff. I'm just gonna move outta BFGR and settle in a community that doesn't have ENC.
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