HyperTerminal or PuTTY will work, which ever you have on hand.
Use this procedure to change the control head’s model information character.
The model information character is the sixth (6th) character in the head’s 12-character EID:
1. If a CAN cable is connected to the control head, disconnect it. The head cannot be communicating with a radio.
2. Turn the control head off by rotating its on/off/volume control fully counterclockwise to the off (detent) position.
3. Set a regulated-output DC power supply to 13.6 VDC and connect it to the control head’s DC power input connector using DC Power Cable CA-012365-001 or CA-012616-001.
4. While holding the control head’s “C” preset button fully depressed, turn the head on by rotating its on/off/volume control clockwise out of the detent position. When it powers-up, it will indicate “NO MRU” in the display. Disregard this indication. The head’s test command mode is now enabled.
5. Using CH-721 Serial Programming Cable CA-104861 (or equivalent), connect the Personal Computer’s (PC’s) serial port to the DB-9 serial port connector on the rear panel of the CH-721. If the PC is not equipped with a DB-9 serial port connector, the use of a suitable adapter is required, such as USB-to-RS-232 Adapter Cable CN24741-0001.
6. At the PC, start the terminal emulation software such as Windows HyperTerminal.
7. Configure the terminal emulation software for the respective serial communication port (e.g., COM1) at 19200 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, and no flow control.
8. Set the terminal emulation software’s function, arrow, and control keys to act as terminal keys. For HyperTerminal, this is accomplished via the respective serial port’s Properties dialog box (Settings tab), as illustrated in Figure 5-3.
9. Set the terminal emulation software for TTY (teletype) emulation. For HyperTerminal, this is accomplished via the respective serial port’s Properties dialog box (Settings tab), as illustrated by the left-most dialog box in Figure 5-3.
10. Set the terminal emulation software to echo typed characters locally. For HyperTerminal, this is accomplished via the respective serial port’s Properties dialog box (and Settings tab), and ASCII Setup button, as illustrated by the right-most dialog box in Figure 5-3.
Figure 5-3: Configuring the Terminal Emulation Software (e.g., HyperTerminal)
11. While in the terminal emulation software, enable “Caps Lock” by pressing the respective key on the PC’s keyboard. The control head’s test command mode only recognizes capital (upper-case) letters.
12. Type the following command to send it to the control head. This is the “show EID” command. <Ctrl B> means to hold the keyboard’s “Ctrl” key down while typing the "B" key. Likewise, <Ctrl C> means to hold the keyboard’s “Ctrl” key down while typing the "C" key. The space between the “W” and the “E” must be included, and all letters must be in upper
<Ctrl B>CH-SHW EID<Ctrl C>
The control head will respond with its 12-character EID string, as illustrated in Figure 5-4. The sixth character in this EID string is the control head’s model information character that must be changed in a subsequent step. The other characters within this string cannot be changed.
Table 5-1:
Control Head’s Model Information Character Definitions (6th Character in the 12-Character EID String)
5 Front-Mount System Model Control Head
6 Remote-Mount System Model Control Head
7 Front-Mount Scan Model Control Head
8 Remote-Mount Scan Model Control Head
13. Select only the twelve reported EID characters and copy them to the Windows clipboard.
14. Open a Windows Notepad session and paste the 12-character EID string into Notepad.
15. Using Table 5-1 as a guide, determine the proper new character for the control head conversion, for example, if converting a System model control head from a remote-mount to a front-mount, the correct new character is 5.
16. In Notepad, change the sixth character of the 12-character EID string to the proper character. The other characters within this string cannot be changed!
17. Copy only the 12-character EID string to the Windows clipboard (with the new 6th character).
18. Within the terminal emulation software, type the following command to send it to the control head. The space between the “D” and the “S” must be included, and all letters must be in upper case.
<Ctrl B>CH-LOD SFM<Ctrl C>
<Ctrl B> means to hold the keyboard’s “Ctrl” key down while pressing the "B" key. Likewise,
<Ctrl C> means to hold the keyboard’s “Ctrl” key down while pressing the "C" key, then release both keys before pressing the key for the next character.
19. Within the terminal emulation software, type the following command to send it to the control head. This is the “clear EID” command. The space between the “R” and the “E” must be included, and all letters must be in upper case.
<Ctrl B>CH-CLR EID<Ctrl C>
The control head will respond with a cleared EID (all 12 characters set to “F” as illustrated in Figure 5-5.
Figure 5-5: Clearing the Control Head’s EID (Example)
20. Send the revised EID to the control head by sending it the following command. Spaces are significant, and “ENTER NEW 12-DIGIT EID HERE” is use a paste function within the terminal emulation software to enter the EID, before typing the <Ctrl C>:
Verify the entered string is correct before sending the <Ctrl C> to the control head. If the string is not correct, press the Backspace key until the string is erased, type or paste in
the correct string, and then press <Ctrl C>. An example is shown in the following figure:
Figure 5-6: Sending the Revised EID to the Control Head (Example)
The control head’s EID is now revised to match the new mounting configuration.
21. Disconnect DC power from the control head, and then disconnect the serial cable.
22. If performing a front-mount to a remote-mount conversion, connect the radio to the control head via the CAN link, power-up both units, and verify basic control head operation. Be sure to terminate the radio’s antenna port with an appropriate antenna or 50-ohm load.
If performing a remote-mount to a front-mount conversion, continue with the hardware conversion procedure presented in Section 5.1.2.