Did anyone hear something going on at the Manasquan Inlet early this evening (8/22/06) ?
Manasquan, Point Pleasant Beach and Point Pleasant Boro FDs were there, along with Manasquan and Point Beach EMS. I wasn't listening all evening but did hear some comms. Early on, EMS was staging at the Inlet and at the foot of Broadway. I heard Manasqua personnel telling someone they wanted to use SPEN 4 for comms, but someone replied that the dive boat did not have that channel, so they were going to work off their regular channels and relay information. There was also frequent mention of a Command Center. Towards the end of whatever it was, around 9 PM, two Point Boro firemen were talking about cleaning up, and one said they were able to wash everything down at the Coast Guard Station. I would guess the whole thing went on a good three hours or so.
I do know there was the Parade of Lights at the inlet tonight (fishing boats, all decked out in lights parade in the inlet) and fireworks after that. However, this didn't sound like just a routine assignment for a special event. It sounded like they were activly working some sort of an emergency. If anyone heard what it was, would you please post? Thanks.
EDIT: Found out thru my wife's friend, who lives in Point Beach, that the celebration was actually the 75th Anniversary of the Manasquan Inlet and they were expecting thousands of people to attend. Apparently that's what was going on. I didn't realize when I posted that it was that big of a deal.