Maryland FIRST 700mhz TRS


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
Definitely Merkle NRMA. Mentions of Observation Tower, "Driving Tour," and Lookout Creek. All at Merkle.
7578 - State Park - Users use 3xx identifiers so it should be a PG State Park - Possibly Merkle NRMA, Rosaryville State Park, Cedarville State Forest (PG/Charles Border)

Heard a user talking about Cedarville State Forest too. Might be Southern MD Recreational Complex as I believe multiple state parks entities are under that designation (Merkle, Cedarville, etc.).

Thinking is this a talkgroup for multiple state parks similar to the Tuckahoe Complex talkgroup.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
7578 might be Southern Maryland Recreation Complex which is a conglomerate of parks in Southern PG, Charles and Calvert. I think I programmed them before I left, but I dont remember the talkgroup ID's. If I remember they had 4 or 5 talkgroups


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
DNR NRP Area 5 on the Montgomery County system is not encrypted anymore.
I checked the OpenMhz Feed and it appears that on the NRP Area 5 talkgroup on the Montgomery System is actually Seneca Creek States Park Ops not NRP.

Looking closer at the Montgomery system.
6487 is Seneca Creek State park (I assume they are still primarily on FiRST and it is patched to Montgomery). If someone can check the Montgomery FiRST Cell to see if Seneca is active on FiRST.

6488 is ENC on Montgomery which I assume is NRP Area 5 patch.
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
Looking closer at the Montgomery system.
6487 is Seneca Creek State park (I assume they are still primarily on FiRST and it is patched to Montgomery). If someone can check the Montgomery FiRST Cell to see if Seneca is active on FiRST.

6488 is ENC on Montgomery which I assume is NRP Area 5 patch.

When I was there, I had Parks primarily on Montgomery as First hadn't been built out, the park liked being on the Montgomery as it had better coverage than the VHF frequency they had. I did have NRP on the Montgomery system due to the superiority of the Montgomery system over First even after the switch. I cant answer for what happened when I left.



Aug 28, 2006
Berkeley Co WV
It looks like Frederick County now has “6” back up talkgroups to use at their disposal on the MD First System. These were just programmed into all of the radios recently. I’ll try to get those talkgroup ID’s soon.

Are these in use yet? --

Screenshot - 6_8_2024 , 8_10_01 PM.png


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
When I was there, I had Parks primarily on Montgomery as First hadn't been built out, the park liked being on the Montgomery as it had better coverage than the VHF frequency they had. I did have NRP on the Montgomery system due to the superiority of the Montgomery system over First even after the switch. I cant answer for what happened when I left.


Great, thanks for your insight!

I never hear any activity relating to Hart Miller Island State Park on FiRST which I believe is under Gunpowder Falls SP management. I know they had some staff/seasonals in the summer. Not sure if Hart Miller are VHF or even have a talkgroup on FiRST. Hammerman Ops for GPSP is busy but no activity related to Hart Miller Island.


Noticing this year NRP officers communicating with "Duty Rangers" on the individual state park ops channels during calls for service. Previously, they would just use the East, West, North, South Park Ops Channel. I don't think before this season, I ever heard them communicate on the individual state park ops channels.



Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
Great, thanks for your insight!

I never hear any activity relating to Hart Miller Island State Park on FiRST which I believe is under Gunpowder Falls SP management. I know they had some staff/seasonals in the summer. Not sure if Hart Miller are VHF or even have a talkgroup on FiRST. Hammerman Ops for GPSP is busy but no activity related to Hart Miller Island.


Noticing this year NRP officers communicating with "Duty Rangers" on the individual state park ops channels during calls for service. Previously, they would just use the East, West, North, South Park Ops Channel. I don't think before this season, I ever heard them communicate on the individual state park ops channels.

Hart Miller falls under North Point State Park, which is ultimately falls under Gunpowder State Park. Hart Miller is only 1.5 to 2.0 air miles from North Point, where it is almost 7 air miles to Hammerman.

Just a reminder not all parks are their own individual park, some of them are tied to a larger complex or tied to a larger park, I cant remember all the Parks that are attached to each other, but if you cant find a specific talkgroup for a park then look at the bigger park in the area, you may also be able to find what parks are together on the State Parks website.

I understand that NRP now has the ability to communicate with the Parks on their channels, not just the area talkgroups. I believe this came about after the large brush fire in Patapsco Valley State Park in the Soldiers Delight Area. Now if the NRP Officer knows how to get there is another issue (I always had trouble with that).


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Notes from Wednesday's RCB meeting:

Key Bridge Response - The radio system performed flawlessly. Four MD Tac channels were dedicated to the response, plus the normal operational tgs used by the various agencies. 70 cache radios were loaned to the USCG for their operations and interoperability purposes.

New Users:

PSP - The Pennsylvania State Police requests to become an Interoperability Partner and enter a tg sharing agreement with the Maryland State Police. This will give the PSP access to the various TAC tgs (MD, LAW, EVENT, etc) and relevant MSP Barrack tgs. The PSP has 11 bordering stations and approx. 1,000 TDMA subscribers. Approved.

ESVA - The Eastern Shore of Virginia Consortium is building a new 700 MHz system and requests access to FIRST as an Interoperability Partner to access the various TAC tgs mentioned above, plus enter a tg sharing agreement with MSP and NRP. They anticipate cutover to their new system in February 2025. Approved.

Metro Aviation (MEDSTAR Transport) - Metro Avaition is the private helicopter contractor hired by MEDSTAR to provide regional interhospital patient transfers currently numbering about 2,100 per year. They are requesting to become a Limited Primary Partner with two tgs (one dispatch and ops, and one medical control) for their four helicopters based at Fort Meade, St. Marys, and Indian Head. Their dispatch center based in Lanham provides flight following and hospital coordination. They are also requesting access to the various TACs and the MIEMSS tgs. The application was not recommended by the System Managers committee for technical reasons.

Discussion: The FIRST system manager explained the technical reasons why the application was not recommended. A helicopter at 1,500' can transmit much farther than ground based subscribers. FIRST heavily reuses their 700 MHZ State Channels at geographically seperated sites throughout the state and relies partly on terrain to reduce co-channel interference to acceptable levels. Some interfence risk is accepted for MSP helicopters as they are not frequent users of the TRS and can also utilize the 700 MHz conventional system built for this purpose (that replaced the 44.74 and 47.66). The committee suggested that Metro could use the conventional channels to coordinate with SYSCOM.

A VP from Metro Aviation spoke to the board at length about the application, begining with his personal background, explaining their needs empasizing safety, and that 30 other states allow private HEMS operators access to government radio systems.

The board is concerned about both technical issues and setting a precedent that would allow NGOs or commercial for-profit operators (MEDSTAR is non-profit, but Metro is for-profit) access to the FIRST system - the FIRST charter specifically states the system is for use by governmental entities. The state currently licenses three private helicopter operators to provide interhospital transfers and rarely scene response. The other two - STAT and PHI (both for-profit) would probably also request access to FIRST, further increasing the risk of interference. Currently the private companies build and maintain their own communications systems using both ground based and satcomm infrastructure. The board decided to form a workgroup to study the broader issues for all HEMS operators and how to meet their needs for communications without negatively impacting the FIRST system or violating the charter, emphasizing that access to FIRST may or may not be the solution. It was suggested that MDEM take the lead as the SWIC position was recently moved from MSP to MDEM.

About 1/3 of the MPLS networking equipment has been installed.

All simulcast sites will eventually have a geo-redundant prime sites. Roughly 1-2 are budgeted per year.

Howard, Harford and Anne Arundel are scheduled for 2-channel expansions. Frequencies for most sites/cells throughout the state have already been coordinated, shaving a year off each installation in the future.

New Sites:

The Swallow Falls site is operational and played a role in a recent rescue incident.

Oakland - 10/25/24
DC ASR - 11/14/24
Patapsco - geotechnical drilling has been started
Cumberland - legal eagle delays
Queenstown - SHA real estate process moving forward

Barton - Allegany owned site
Bretton Woods - Montgomery owned site
New Germany - (existing tower?)
St. Michaels (Talbot already built a monopole site in the area for initial coverage; perhaps a taller tower?)

A future site map was displayed, notably a number of new sites in Montgomery County along the Potomac River. (I would love a copy, lol)

All the GCP 8000 Site Controllers will be virtualized as this will be required for system software version A2026. Vitualized means that the harware device will be replaced by software running in a container on a server somewhere, either locally and/or at the mothership.

The Trax GPS that failed at the Baltimore cell has been upgraded with new firmware that is being field tested in several systems across the country - fingers crossed.
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Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
Thanks for the update @maus92!

Heard US Park Police Eagle 2 using Av Tac 1 for a flyout earlier this week. First time hearing them use FiRST.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
I really think it was a mistake in not approving Medstar helos to be on the Md1st system especially if they will be using their own TG's most of the time. When using Miemss or one of the tac channels , to talk to a hospital it would be short anyway plus their are multiple tac channels that can be used also. They really need to rethink their refusel and aprove it .. You never know when a major event might kick off where every helo that can respond with a full com capabilities.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
I really think it was a mistake in not approving Medstar helos to be on the Md1st system especially if they will be using their own TG's most of the time. When using Miemss or one of the tac channels , to talk to a hospital it would be short anyway plus their are multiple tac channels that can be used also. They really need to rethink their refusel and aprove it .. You never know when a major event might kick off where every helo that can respond with a full com capabilities.
It wasn't just the MIEMSS talkgroups and Inter-Op codeplugs they wanted, they want their own talkgroups and that is what the stickler is. They are not a public safety agency, they are a private entity.