Maryland FIRST 700mhz TRS


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
Ok I can understand why on the thumbs down and on that part I do agree but I still think they should be able to access MIEMSS and the inte-ops TG's as you never know when you might need every medical helo that you can lay your hands on. Yes I know about the 700A/G on NIFOG but having to use 2 different TG's plus the switching back and forth by command during a major event for the LZ is not good IMHO. What would be your suggestion then to remove that stickler then?


Very Low Battery
Premium Subscriber
Dec 19, 2002
R8000 why the thumbs down?? be sides it being a private company? How would you resolve it then?
I gave it a thumbs down because I had nothing nice to say about it and disagree with your comment.
There's nothing to "resolve" here. We are just scanner listeners and nothing more. I see no reason to debate about it, that's why I gave it a dislike.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
So Motorcoach, you are ok letting them use this system, that your tax dollars paid for, for free, you dont think they should pay money to have use of their own talkgroups? I agree they should have the inter-op air to ground stuff, which they can get access to as everyone else has.

If they were on the State trunked system they would still have to switch back and fourth on Syscom and Heli-Med talkgroups and their own frequency, also they don't have any local jurisdiction talkgroups, because MSP is supposed to handle everything.

Think about the Pandoras box you are opening with them if you let them on the system, that would then entitle every commercial ambulance to then want their own talkgroups free of charge and access to the system, you could possibly tie up valuable resources on the system in times of need.

If you remember back, they were at one point questioning the legality of having MTA Buses, Light rail, Metro and others on the system as technically they weren't public safety and making money, I don't know how they got past that one, but the State will work it out, I understand they are reaching out to other states to see what they do as well



Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
I would make them pay to have their own talk groups on the system. I did not say i would have them be on it for free but they must contribute to help pay for the maintenance and upkeep since they would have to do so anyway with their own system. As for private ambulance services I already know of one having access to EMRC and MIEMSS when they transport from a 55 plus community, that sits on the Montgomery/PG County line , as they have their own EMS and fully equipped ambulance that is used to transport. I have heard them on EMRC and MIEMSS giving a local hospital a heads up as well but the last time I did hear them was a couple of years ago but then I have not been monitoring MIEMSS all that much lately.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 4, 2003
Mountains of PA!
I would make them pay to have their own talk groups on the system. I did not say i would have them be on it for free but they must contribute to help pay for the maintenance and upkeep since they would have to do so anyway with their own system. As for private ambulance services I already know of one having access to EMRC and MIEMSS when they transport from a 55 plus community, that sits on the Montgomery/PG County line , as they have their own EMS and fully equipped ambulance that is used to transport. I have heard them on EMRC and MIEMSS giving a local hospital a heads up as well but the last time I did hear them was a couple of years ago but then I have not been monitoring MIEMSS all that much lately.
Correct but that is on the UHF Nationwide MED frequencies that everyone is allowed to have, IF they have the license or agreement for that, but those frequencies are set aside for that just like the interoperability frequencies that are available.

If you open up the State system to all of these private entities, you allow for someone such as yourself to get ahold of the frequencies and talkgroups to the system and you have the possibility of things going sideways if they program the system wrong and have the possibility of a cell being tied up or some illegal radio on the system. It is not a great thing.

You act like Oprah, you get a radio and you get a radio, you just want everyone to have a radio on the state system that may not necessarily need a radio on the system, when equipping them with the inter-op frequencies for those rare occasions when they may called upon to assist with that large incident.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
Correct but that is on the UHF Nationwide MED frequencies that everyone is allowed to have, IF they have the license or agreement for that, but those frequencies are set aside for that just like the interoperability frequencies that are available.

If you open up the State system to all of these private entities, you allow for someone such as yourself to get ahold of the frequencies and talkgroups to the system and you have the possibility of things going sideways if they program the system wrong and have the possibility of a cell being tied up or some illegal radio on the system. It is not a great thing.

You act like Oprah, you get a radio and you get a radio, you just want everyone to have a radio on the state system that may not necessarily need a radio on the system, when equipping them with the inter-op frequencies for those rare occasions when they may called upon to assist with that large incident.
Dispatcher308 I respect you and I can see things from both sides of this as well. As for programming a radio for them, I would tell them a MD 1st tech has to do so and then lock the code plug so they can not change the programming. I did not say everyone got a radio, plus I do not like Oprah anyway, but I do believe trying to think of every event that might happen both large and small and have a plan for it.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 11, 2011
Off topic but I would be curious to know the last time they ever did respond (if ever) to an emergency scene in Maryland?


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
Off topic but I would be curious to know the last time they ever did respond (if ever) to an emergency scene in Maryland?
If I remember right about 4yrs ago a montgomery medic unit requested a helo and none of the MSP helos were able to respond to the request. then the medic asked what about private or eagle 1 to respond. the medstar bird was just lifting off the pad down in dc and they responded to transport the pt. Montgomery asked the medic unit to confirm they wanted a private helo to respond or something like that and the medic did confirm since none of the MSP birds 1, 2, or 3 and this was when trooper 8 hanger had just been shut down. Nearest MSP birds that could fly was trooper 5 at KCBE,in West Virginia, and or Trooper 4 over on the eastern shore at KSBY. I found it really odd a Medstar bird had to fly that one. I do know of a couple of times that FairFax 1 has responded to help out Montgomery PD.
Last edited:


Premium Subscriber
Jun 23, 2004
The OP
Off topic but I would be curious to know the last time they ever did respond (if ever) to an emergency scene in Maryland?
Their VP mentioned a few times they responded directly to a incident, but gave no specifics. Much more common for USPP Eagles or Delaware Troopers to respond into Maryland. OT, but there is a rumor in the ranks that Gov. Wes Moore is contemplating disbanding the Aviation Section to help pay for the state's education initiative. If true, the Gov. doesn't understand that medivac services has a dedicated source of funding from motor vehicle licensing, so I'm not sure how that would go over with the public.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
Gentleman, While we might have a minor difference of opinion on a couple of things , I want you to know you both have my respect totally and thank you for your view points as well. I can understand that some want to keep a very very tight control on the system but on the other hand remember it is the tax payers of Maryland who are paying for it and do have a say somewhat , but not much as you want to protect the people you serve every day on the radio. You have a tough job to do as well. Total Respect!


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
This is where you are confused. You have no say. The only say you get is on who you elect. After that, you have no say till the next election.
No I am not confused because what you say is true and we the tax payers have our say when we elect the people to office and pray they make the right choices plus I know not everyone will be happy with the choices they make, but at least let those choices be what is best for the people of Maryland even if we the people might not agree with them or at least see both sides of the coin....


Premium Subscriber
Nov 29, 2015
Some hillside by the water
Has anyone else heard any rumor of Harford switching to the first system? I am a tech in the area, and we have received word of some "changes" but haven't heard anything specific. A LEO friend of mine noted that his portable now has two zones, one labeled "Harford Law" and "Old Harford law" both contain the same talk group layout.


Apr 4, 2010
Leonardtown, Maryland
Interesting transmission on the Frederick Barrack B talkgroup on the First System.

A Montgomery County Police unit was traveling through Frederick County and came up on a disabled vehicle in the roadway, they came up as “Montgomery County PD 2** to Frederick MSP”

I didn’t think they had only but Rockville MSP in their codeplug.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 29, 2012
Silver Spring, MD
after a couple of times when a montgomery unit needed to go direct with Fredrick MSP but could not at the time when they called Rockville from I70 and had to go thru Rockville at the time. I was listing to the radio at the time when i heard the calls so I guess they added all the MSP Barracks or just the MSP in surrounding counties. That MSP officer was a long way from home and that is one heck of a talk group drag as well. About 5hrs from home..


Very good looking Member
Premium Subscriber
Aug 7, 2003
Silver Spring MD
Just started listening to FiRST again, and I reviewed about 10 pages of the 327 in this forum. Cannot find anywhere if Montgomery is operational on the system yet. I monitored activity yesterday and didn't even get a site signal. I am going to reprogram my HP2 to make sure I have updated data for the system and then try again.
I am getting activity on Howard and Charles but I think Anne Arundel is too far away (no outside antenna allowed!)


Apr 2, 2004
Washington DC Metro
Just started listening to FiRST again, and I reviewed about 10 pages of the 327 in this forum. Cannot find anywhere if Montgomery is operational on the system yet. I monitored activity yesterday and didn't even get a site signal. I am going to reprogram my HP2 to make sure I have updated data for the system and then try again.
I am getting activity on Howard and Charles but I think Anne Arundel is too far away (no outside antenna allowed!)
Yes I hear it often here in Upper Marlboro