McLennan County Announces Digital Migration

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Silent Key - Aug 2014
Oct 20, 2002
Katy, TX
Today, I heard talk group 610 traffic from ETMC to Providence ER. I will submit this later. I've already submitted ETMC Dispatch as talk group 600. A number of other talk groups came up, but none related to LE.

If ETMC is moving over then why even have a TxWARN site in Waco?

I think it would be instructive to know if they are being simulcast on both systems. There is something about this whole thing that doesn't seem right. I don't live up that way, but this has the smell of a political problem.


Texas DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Dallas Texas
... but this has the smell of a political problem.

Absolutely!. User fees are the issue. Waco/McLennan want total control of their destiny. Thus, their reluctance to join or stay on TxWARN.
The same political climate exists in D/FW, as well. That's why there are so many systems and no TxWARN.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Siamese Twins

Absolutely!. User fees are the issue. Waco/McLennan want total control of their destiny. Thus, their reluctance to join or stay on TxWARN.
The same political climate exists in D/FW, as well. That's why there are so many systems and no TxWARN.

It is time to separate the twins, but things have to be ironed out better for this to work well. Once either system moves to AC, the whole thing falls apart.

At present, I have the radio parked on the TxWarn talk group for ETMC dispatch. At present, it is dead silent. Yesterday, I heard a radio tech ask someone with ETMC whether they had switched their radio to the new system. They said they were currently talking on it (TG 600).

So, I suppose the radios have a way to toggle to various systems like a scanner.

Since I programmed my radio to have one exclusive CC for each system, I've not heard a peep from TxWarn P25 talk groups.

Yes, I know the folks in this city. They are cheap when it comes to government expenditures. They also like to go rogue.

At present, both TxWarn & the Waco Public Safety talk groups are dead silent. I will run an analysis to see what is happening just in case either system has decided to move toward AC's. Otherwise, I'm still hearing Waco PD on their old MOT trunking system.


Jan 2, 2006
It is time to separate the twins, but things have to be ironed out better for this to work well. Once either system moves to AC, the whole thing falls apart.

At present, I have the radio parked on the TxWarn talk group for ETMC dispatch. At present, it is dead silent. Yesterday, I heard a radio tech ask someone with ETMC whether they had switched their radio to the new system. They said they were currently talking on it (TG 600).

So, I suppose the radios have a way to toggle to various systems like a scanner.

Since I programmed my radio to have one exclusive CC for each system, I've not heard a peep from TxWarn P25 talk groups.

Yes, I know the folks in this city. They are cheap when it comes to government expenditures. They also like to go rogue.

At present, both TxWarn & the Waco Public Safety talk groups are dead silent. I will run an analysis to see what is happening just in case either system has decided to move toward AC's. Otherwise, I'm still hearing Waco PD on their old MOT trunking system.

After reading all of these post, it seems the TxWARN system and the new Waco / McLennan County P25 system might be interconnected using a ISSI Gateway like the one here Cisco ISSI Gateway  [Cisco IP Interoperability and Collaboration System] - Cisco Systems ... This could be the reason you are hearing the same talk groups on both systems simultaneously!


The big K
Super Moderator
Jan 7, 2001
I'm everywhere Focker!


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Pro96Com Silence

Well, figuring out why Waco Public Safety is dead is rather difficult when the lone CC is silent. Ain't heard a peep out of this system today.

Since I now have both TxWarn P25 & Waco Public Safety programmed with one CC each, the possibility exists that an alternate is being used. I have heard no traffic from ETMC while having TxWarn engaged. I wonder if the DB has changed.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas

Did you try searching 851-866 and 769-775 MHz for new control channels?

No. I went over to TxWarn & parked it on the CC. Yesterday, things were working fine. Today, the CC's seem to have changed.

So, 859.2125 is now showing up as the CC. The system ID shows the one for Waco Public Safety. All of the talk groups are consistent with the new Waco trunking system, not TxWarn DEC's.

This won't work like expected if there is multiple sharing of control channels between these two systems.

But, again, the CC for Waco Public Safety has changed to the aforementioned frequency.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas

Truthfully, I don't frequently monitor TxWarn P25 since Waco PD & various LE agents don't use such anymore. On occasion, I would hear DPS155 on TxWarn. Now, I can hear ETMC on the new trunking system.

Since Waco changed the CC on the new P25 trunking system, I don't have much of a choice. So, I gutted TxWarn P25 from my current V-folder for Waco.

Next, I downloaded all of the system frequencies for Waco Public Safety in order to monitor emerging talk groups. When the radio went dead today, I suspected what actually happened, the CC changed.

I can't say all of the bugs have been worked out of the Waco system, but it was quite strong out on IH35 nearly to West, Texas.

I hope all of this gets worked out to everyone's satisfaction. I will say this, the new talk groups are blowing my doors off sitting here near the 8000 block of Woodway Drive. I need a higher meter level. This seems louder and more forceful than Woodway & I am practically sitting beneath their antenna tower.
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TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Shoot me a submission if you have at least some dispatch talkgroups identified. Wouldn't want anyone in the dark up there.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas

Shoot me a submission if you have at least some dispatch talkgroups identified. Wouldn't want anyone in the dark up there.

I surely will submit these when I learn of them. What I don't understand is how some people have an enormous amount of talk group information in their systems.

At present, TxWarn P25 has an fairly long list of talk groups for McLennan County & Waco. I wonder who learned of the order of these various talk groups before they were ever activated?

There were a select few of the talk groups being used for LE. The others were being used for ETMC & utilities.

The best example of what I'm talking about is with McLennan County analog trunking. The talk group alignment sounds like an official listing of talk groups like channel 1A, 1B, etc. Who obtained this information? I might waltz down to city hall and ask them for the official listing. What can they do, say no and put me on a watch list? LOL.

Although I've already submitted three talk groups for the new Waco Public Safety, ETMC, I will continue to be vigilant to emerging ones.


Texas DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Dallas Texas

Step through the TxWARN control channels manually and see if you hear more than one control channel. One will obviously be Waco P25. If there are no others then TxWARN moved off those control channel completely. If you hear no TxWARN on any channel listed then they may have shut it down completely.

I'll be in Waco tomorrow for a very quick trip. I probably won't have time to run UniTrunker.



Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
As Expected, the "E" Shows Up

While monitoring the new Waco Public Safety, I encountered a new talk group, TG6. Guess what? It is fully encrypted. I suspected this might happen. With a new Sheriff in town, who came from USMS, you would expect such. Hopefully, this will be an isolated channel like DEU1 & DEU2 on the previous TxWarn P25 talk groups for Waco. I'm going to be mighty angry if they resort to full-time encryption on Waco PD or McLennan County talk groups.

So, I loaded all of the TxWarn P25 system frequencies and the only active one was 859.2125. Hence, it does not seem like any changes have been made to TxWarn P25 for the Waco location. All other system frequencies for TxWarn P25 specific to the Waco site are silent.
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TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
I surely will submit these when I learn of them. What I don't understand is how some people have an enormous amount of talk group information in their systems.

At present, TxWarn P25 has an fairly long list of talk groups for McLennan County & Waco. I wonder who learned of the order of these various talk groups before they were ever activated?

There were a select few of the talk groups being used for LE. The others were being used for ETMC & utilities.

The best example of what I'm talking about is with McLennan County analog trunking. The talk group alignment sounds like an official listing of talk groups like channel 1A, 1B, etc. Who obtained this information? I might waltz down to city hall and ask them for the official listing. What can they do, say no and put me on a watch list? LOL.

Although I've already submitted three talk groups for the new Waco Public Safety, ETMC, I will continue to be vigilant to emerging ones.

Most of the time they come from either somebody who works on the system or someone that has a radio on the system. It is pretty simple, really. Just turn on the radio while running unitrunker on the system, and flip through the channels. You don't have to key up at all, either. You can simply track the radio ID and the TG it is affiliating with and build the list from there. Otherwise, we might never know that, for instance, TG 33755 is XX Police Bomb unit tactical, because it is hopefully never used.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
Right From the Horses Mouth

Previously today, I heard heavy encryption on TG6. Now, since the system is being tested and all, I thought it might be an overall run through. Then, I started getting worried. Wow, I could end like those poor folks in Ft. Worth with full time encryption on everything.

So, I thought to myself. What is the best way to address this? If I call communications, they would like be too busy to answer my question. Most of the time, when I asked officers about codes and/or frequencies, they get very evasive and vague. Instead, I posted a question about it on the Waco PD FB page. Here is the response,

"WOW!!! Thanks Dxxxx Wxxxxx for giving us an oportunity to address your question before ya jumped on us..:)) You will be happy to know we are NOT going to encrypt our communications on MOST channels. You will still be able to monitor our radio traffic as long a you have the updated scanners. We actually like for folks to hear what we are doing as they can realize what we deal with on a daily basis!!...By the way we never said we were going to encrypt...not sure where ya heard that."

Now, I can rest easier.

I will be out of town some tomorrow, but will get back to work monitoring this coming week.

Thanks for your response about how the talk groups as discovered.
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Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
TG 48 Captured

Although I could not catch the details from across the room, a new talk group emerged this morning, TG48. This sounded like it came from WFD.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 24, 2004
Waco, Texas
How Many Volunteers?

I need some volunteers out there to help identify these various talk groups. I already asked Waco PD on their FB page for the list of talk groups. Let's see what happens.
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TX/LA Database Admin
Database Admin
Dec 22, 2004
Boerne, Texas
Ha, found your comments on their FB page, lol, bet they are nervously combing through your history and running a 43 on you, IRS/DOJ style. Expect an audit later this year, haha.
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