The 296-297 range is full of interference for some reason, especially prominent on SDRs. Donāt think that was WARRIOR but they do use FM quite frequently - may have been there.R 4201 - Steelgate Report
Spent last weekend on Little Bear Lake about 10 miles NW of the range. Brought the " Mobile Command Center " with me.
Saturday August 5 10:30 am
Yalta 51 & 52 ( Selfridge A10's)
261.200 AM Steelgate Range Control ( Also referred to as Strike Frequency)
Discussions with RC on 9 line coordinates (Unfortunately could not receive ground side - Need UHF Yagi next time). After the pilot reading 9 lines back to confirm he would then give visual confirmation of target using landmarks. Interestingly he kept refereeing to the " Coffee Cup". If you look on google maps for the range you will see the " Cup".
Yalta Air to Air : 307.775 AM
Checkout of range on 266.600 AM ( Yalta Button 9 )
11:29 am After range checkout Yalta came up on 254.700 with a battle damage assessment from his range work.
Saturday August 5 18:40
Warrior 22 Flight of 2 Checks into Range 261.200 ( Identifies as UH Y 1) ( Believe these are the guys Jared heard from Midland area. Warrior - USMC out of North Carolina.)
Several sorties thru the evening ( Warrior 11 and Warrior 55)
Note: Was using Airspy with SDR "Fast Scan" add on for UHF Military. ( See screen shot) No air to air found but the 261.200 and multiple quick hits on UHF would show. Cleared all several times to confirm. So maybe air to air was on Have Quick. Long range I phone photo of Warrior also attached.
Range checkout on 266.600 AM
Sunday August 6 9:45 am
Bosan Flight ( A10's) Same as Yalta flight above for frequencies.
FAA Minneapolis Center range check out frequency was 269.450 AM
Great weekend!
It was Warrior, have heard them multiple times during the last few days.The 296-297 range is full of interference for some reason, especially prominent on SDRs. Donāt think that was WARRIOR but they do use FM quite frequently - may have been there.
239.700 is ICE DIGGER. Just heard someone calling ICE DIGGER, 03:36pm.It was Warrior, have heard them multiple times during the last few days.
I run an Airspy mini w/fast scanner along side my hardware scanner and regularly pick up new MilAir freqs, 239.7 and 239.8 were snagged just today.
Northern Strike has been very interesting with both day and night fueling and range exercises the last 2 days.
Try searching 240.000 to 250.000 am mode for A/A Freq. 241.000 is a common ops freq. They're probably talking to Alpena on their VHF freqs.Two huey gunships screaming west to east back to Alpena crc fome Grayling range below radar no radio that i've heard as of yet 200's or 400's
Chuck, I heard there were some F-16s in from Arizona over the last couple days, could have been them?08-08-23
UNKOWN ? x 4
305.750 A/A, 5:40 p.m. air to air chatter. 290.425-05:48pm.
Anybody hear these guys?
I was driving home from shopping when I heard these guys.I believe they were talking about landing at Selfridge. Only one radio in the car.
Chuck in Detroit / NODAK 1