Thanks, great logs !!Checking recordings, I had caught some of these flights.
1203z 396.200 Possible boom freq, heard weak comms. May have been ROMA 61,62 contacting TREND flight as they take off from Pease.
1210z 269.400 TREND 11 flight of six working Pease Departure direct SCUPP.
1222z 269.300 TREND 11 (x6) chk in with ZBW, FL190, TREND 16 will depart flight.
1324z 269.400 TREND 21 flight of six climbout Pease on departure direct SCUPP.
1325z 263.050 TREND 21 (x6) chk in with ZBW, passing 9-10 for the block 190-200.
1331z 269.300 TREND 21 (x6) chk in with ZBW, block 190-200 requests direct DOVEY.
1333z 391.000 ROMA 72 and TREND 21 flight coordinating their meet up at SCUPP block 190-200 on Primary boom freq.
1334z 394.600 ROMA 71 and 72 A-A coordinating their upcoming AR on Secondary boom freq.
That's all from here. Missed the ROMAs on ATC as they use VHF which I don't record.
The KC A-10's are also going to Zaragoza and Greece so maybe the KDMA cargo pickups are also for these upcoming Exercises.The 62AW C-17's busy today with stops at KDMA Davis Monthan then East.
RCH-042 #03-3120 inbound Dover along with RCH-043 #94-0066.
Parking next to each other 042 req one pax offload to get some stuff from local store.
RCH-043 shows next dest LEZG Zaragoza Spain on Acars.
The other 62 AW C-17's have some going to Bangor.
RCH-044 #98-0053 into KDMA.
RCH-045 #02-1105 KDMA to Bangor.
RCH-046 #09-9209 KDMA to Bangor.
RCH-047 #10-0220 unknown yet.
Rgr that is is MQ-4C Triton #169538 that used to be with VX-20 Pax River.A few days ago in the early morning hours I caught WPE538 orbiting off Wallops. Earlier it was in Restricted airspace overland east of Camp Lejune. The aircraft may be based in Jacksonville. MQ-4C Triton?
DEED landed at JFK. Just took back off.1258- HMX-1 active 143.825 and just had 2 TIS-B targets pass by me. Got an eyeball but too far out. Might be a dry run for POTUS visit since I see DEED and KECK C-17's into JFK right now. DEED and KECK both out of Quantico as Ron mentioned above.
1309- The 2 TIS-B also landed at JFK.
Ron here are your Wardogs in action yesterday1415- MD ANG A-10Cs (Wardog) working in Kiowa Range. Freqs: 233.45/271.4/281.525