so is it safe to assume this is a drone of some variety? seems a bit far off to be a helo, if it was SAR incident they wouldn't be coy with ID/Reg most likely, and the only stuff i have come across with that hex says Madarin airlines, which seems unlikely. just curious guys, thanks.
Navy HX562 is also out there w/Navy HX-531. Both departed from is it safe to assume this is a drone of some variety? seems a bit far off to be a helo, if it was SAR incident they wouldn't be coy with ID/Reg most likely, and the only stuff i have come across with that hex says Madarin airlines, which seems unlikely. just curious guys, thanks.
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Carrier offshore there Ron? Did they rtb right away? I was out for a bit.Navy HX562 is also out there w/Navy HX-531. Both departed from Wallops.
If it is HX-21 as most likely prob testing one of those new Navy CMV-22B types.. Still in testing stages.Last heard not operational yet.
F-35s enroute from Wallops to Offutt. This morning they continued to Hill AFB.Re: JEDI 01. It wasn't OTT, it was somewhere towards the northwest. Sort of sounded like maybe Knox (OXI) but their track trough ZID seemed further south than that ? Heard them on LiveATC working ZID97/74 then handoff to ZID 307.225 then ZID 370.925. Controller asked them their cruising speed, reply mach 0.90, cleared them direct to destination and IDd them as 2 F-35s.