Interesting traffic today around 1530-1630L, probably out of Patuxent. Remarkably loud & clear on my mobile in Mechanicsville, VA.
262.75 - KING 4 addressing SHADETREE. Lots of numbers and distances being called. This is Button-26 for KING 4.
243.00 - "Guard Checks" - test counts at distances of 60-70 miles. Can't be sure, but altitudes possibly 9500-10,000'.
313.5 - KING 4 agreed to switch here for other traffic. This may be Button-32
262.5 - can't be sure. Sounded like noise but could be encryption. Button-25 mentioned around this timeframe but can't confirm.
I have 262.75 and 262.5 both listed for VFA-213, but SHADETREE AFAIK is Rotary Wing Directorate at Patuxent.
These tests also seemed to involve establishing comm ranges, using both upper and lower antennas.
Unknown if related, but some military jet ranger '016' did a few things at Hanover County Airport, around 1900L before heading off northeast. Looked like red & white paint job from a distance, but might've been orange and white.
Am really enjoying this mobile setup in the car using a couple TRX-1's sharing a 9" antenna via a multicoupler. They sat in the car recording the op while I was at work teaching music lessons.
73/Allen (N4JRI)