1000 - Scoob 64 flight of two with Scoob 63 on with New York 133.5 MHz cleared into AR777 block 210-230.0945- Flt of 3 McGuire KC-46s (Scoob 61-63) working way down the coast. Working on AR 636 freq (238.9). Scoob 63 split off from formation and id heading north working on 315.9. Scoob 61 & 62 continuing south. Note: At same time Scoobs left McGuire there was a C-17 SHAGY51 working. Someone has sense of humor.
Is there any way to determine their flight path to and from DUKE-MOA? I feel like they'd almost fly right over me on their way.SATAN-21 flight from A/C climbing up with ZDC 363.000 then ZNY 323.300 A/A 294.725
heading up into Pa looking for tanker DEECEE-41.
DEVIL-11 flight up earlier A/A 298.600 also headed up towards the DUKE-MOA.
First waypoint they mention heading up that way from A/C is "direct Dupont" DQO heading into Delaware.Is there any way to determine their flight path to and from DUKE-MOA? I feel like they'd almost fly right over me on their way.
They picked up the Raptors, Miami center asked them about their flight of two F-22sBoth now airborne. Since both are using a "REACH" callsign, I'm not positive that they'll actually be dragging the Raptors on this flight. Most times it will be a mission specific callsign for events like these. Maybe just repositioning to bring the F-22s later on? Tankers are currently headed north up the gulf coast of Florida.
The 193rd was using FORGE at Allentown about a month or so ago.Not that new. Logged ZIPPO callsign for them back in January.. FORGE is Army Pax transport callsign normally.
Mid-Atlantic MilAir 2024
VSP and Loudoun are involved with a Cessna 208 that landed on Loudoun Co Pkwy just after takeoff. 7 onboard, no injuries. This is the flight. ADS-B Exchange - track aircraft live https://archive.liveatc.net/kiad/KIAD-Twr-1L-19R-12-30-Jan-19-2024-1730Z.mp3forums.radioreference.com
Last couple of times to Baltimore he helo'ed to downtown helipad then auto. Would suspect he might try to helo to somewhere on the north side of Patapsco since Transit PD HQs are on that side. Martin State is on that side, not too far away from Key Bridge area. MSP has helo facility there.On Friday, April 5, the President will travel to Baltimore, Maryland. He will deliver remarks at Maryland Transportation Authority Police Headquarters, Dundalk, Maryland. No mention of time for remarks, arrival or landing zone location.
President will host Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and Mrs. Kishida Yuko of Japan for an Official Visit, which will include a state dinner, on April 10, 2024.
These F-22s from Langley,Virginia.
They usually enter the DUKE at the Slate Run VOR. SLT : SLATE RUN navaid | OpenNavFirst waypoint they mention heading up that way from A/C is "direct Dupont" DQO heading into Delaware.
From there they turn a little NW towards Lancaster then Harrisburg.
DQO : DUPONT navaid | OpenNav
DEVIL 11 "cleared to KACY via the DM101 .... climb maintain 2k expect 24K ten minutes after departure ,departure channel 6 squawk 6572 ". That is how they are provided their clearance. Presume DM stands for DUKE MOA.Is there any way to determine their flight path to and from DUKE-MOA? I feel like they'd almost fly right over me on their way.