Hey everyone,
The 160th SOAR is in Brazil right now, were carried last week by a C-17, a MacDill KC-135 was on a training flight, changed plans to refuel the high priority C-17 with the 160th birds loaded, flying from McGuire to Brazil. The 160th boys and gals are currently safeguarding POTUS in Brazil. here's an interesting audio:
Keep an eye on the return flight.
A little OT from me, had VEGAS 32 and VALKYRIE 76 downrange, VEGAS 32 was approaching OKAS while VALKYRIE 76 flew all the way back to Al Dhafra, UAE. Both are MQ-9X-ER's (are able to employ the top secret R9X weapon). Looks like OPs tempo is skyrocketing for the MQ-9's flying in combat. In between was a C-130-30J Super Herc with callsign CHROME 7? (seventysomething).
If you're interested, LiveATC.net OKBK 17th November from 1300 to 1430 UTC (the MQ-9 comms started at 1325)
MQ-9's belonging to the 62nd EATKS, Valkyrie callsign confirmation:
(From left) Brig. Gen. David Lopez, the commander of the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing, awards Maj. Nathan “PHOD” Erickson, the previous commander of the 62nd Expeditionary Attack Squadron, the Meritorious Service Medal, during a change of command ceremony July 6, 2022, at Al Dhafra Air Base...