Not exactly. Analog is permitted as a "secondary mode", except on the nationwide interop frequencies. There is a trend in NJ of counties using the 700 MHz designated low power frequencies in analog mode for fireground ops.
As with a lot of FCC rules, the language is somewhat unclear, as the first sentence in 90.535(a) reads "All transmitters in the 769–775 MHz and 799–805 MHz frequency bands must use digital modulation.", but then they go on to lay out some exemptions for the use of analog modulation. 90.535(d) states "Transmitters designed to operate on the channels listed in paragraphs (b)(2), (5), (6), and (7) of § 90.531 must be capable of operating in the voice mode at an efficiency of at least one voice path per 12.5 kHz of spectrum bandwidth.", which technically narrowband analog complies with.