Monroe/Ontario County Project 25 Phase II ?

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Jan 2, 2016
As I said in a previous post TG 1811 is now on a patch (50579) to TG 1076 which is a permanent link to VHF Fire 5.
Is TG 1811 going to be a permanent Ops 5 to replace the VHF link?

The Fire and EMS countywide TGs 1072-1076 and 1806-1808 all now seem to have reverted to FDMA but individual department TGs are still P2 TDMA.
1811 is what is being programmed as ops 5 into the fire and EMS radios along with 1076 still named as Fire 5. I would have thought they would have renamed 1076 to ops 5 and kept VHF outbound for two-tone paging. This is exactly what was done with EMS 295 TG 1077. No new TG was created.

Since now 1811 exists, the right thing to do would be to move the 154.310 UAC patch to 1811 and do away with 1076 once all fire agencies are on the ops talkgroups but who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1076/1811 patch stays up indefinitely with all users on 1811 and the VHF input to 1076 turned off.


Database Admin
Feb 7, 2011
Rochester, NY
1811 is what is being programmed as ops 5 into the fire and EMS radios along with 1076 still named as Fire 5. I would have thought they would have renamed 1076 to ops 5 and kept VHF outbound for two-tone paging. This is exactly what was done with EMS 295 TG 1077. No new TG was created.

Since now 1811 exists, the right thing to do would be to move the 154.310 UAC patch to 1811 and do away with 1076 once all fire agencies are on the ops talkgroups but who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1076/1811 patch stays up indefinitely with all users on 1811 and the VHF input to 1076 turned off.
I suspect an alternative would be that 1076 becomes strictly a VHF paging rebroadcast and 1811 becomes an independent Ops TG. Also possible, as you suggest, that 1076 may just go away some day along with 1072-1075 when everybody is off of VHF.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 6, 2009
I'm noticing that they seem to be splitting dispatch between MC Fire dispatch and MC Fire Ops 5.


Database Admin
Feb 7, 2011
Rochester, NY
I have been watching TG 1266 and the RIDs seem to be Lift Line units. Mostly radio checks as before but now I am hearing what is "admin" type Lift Line communications. I have submitted it as "Lift Line 2" as mc48 suggested.


Active Member
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Feb 17, 2020
Monroe County, NY
What is the system type you have programmed in for Monroe county? I was looking into my HP Sentinel database and it's listed as P25 X2-TDMA and in the x36HP Sentinel it's listed as P25 Trunk. I tried it both ways in my HP2 and both work. I just found this strange, which is correct or does it matter? I would hate to think that my entire system in x36HP would need to be changed at some point because you can't change system type in Sentinel without starting over from scratch and I have numerous changes and 1500 custom unit ID names.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
The correct system type is P25 Trunk for both the x36HP and HP-1/2 (I don't recall if the type is the same in the HP series, it might be called P25 Standard).

X2-TDMA was a short-lived proprietary Motorola system which was replaced by the official Phase II standard in mid-2011. There are no X2-TDMA systems in existence anymore. That being said, some experimentation I did a while back suggests that a Phase II TDMA system should be received fine if you accidentally set the system type to X2-TDMA in a Uniden scanner, but it's not ideal to do so. Frankly, it would've been better if Uniden had removed the X2-TDMA system type a few years ago after the last system was converted to Phase II. Oh well.


Database Admin
Feb 7, 2011
Rochester, NY
What is the system type you have programmed in for Monroe county? I was looking into my HP Sentinel database and it's listed as P25 X2-TDMA and in the x36HP Sentinel it's listed as P25 Trunk. I tried it both ways in my HP2 and both work. I just found this strange, which is correct or does it matter? I would hate to think that my entire system in x36HP would need to be changed at some point because you can't change system type in Sentinel without starting over from scratch and I have numerous changes and 1500 custom unit ID names.
I am glad that GTR8000 responded while I was struggling with what to say. I am not familiar with the Uniden HP series but am aware of inconsistencies in Uniden firmware vs earlier models and even vs what industry standards for the actual radios are. This is especially true for Uniden wanting some parameters in Hex when Decimal is the standard. I believe Sentinel massages the RRDB data to fit the scanner. This gets messy with some types of DMR and NXDN systems.

If your question goes back to why we see different Patch IDs on Monroe/Ontario in DSD+/HP vs SDS100/200 that may be due to the fact Harris systems apparently handle patches differently from Motorola. I heard this may have resulted in prior compatibility problems that are resolved in current radio firmware.

GTR8000 - any further comments?


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
I'm not familiar enough with the Harris patching methods to offer any insight, however I do recall that some hardware/software such as Uniden have historically had issues with patches.


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Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2020
Monroe County, NY
The correct system type is P25 Trunk for both the x36HP and HP-1/2 (I don't recall if the type is the same in the HP series, it might be called P25 Standard).

X2-TDMA was a short-lived proprietary Motorola system which was replaced by the official Phase II standard in mid-2011. There are no X2-TDMA systems in existence anymore. That being said, some experimentation I did a while back suggests that a Phase II TDMA system should be received fine if you accidentally set the system type to X2-TDMA in a Uniden scanner, but it's not ideal to do so. Frankly, it would've been better if Uniden had removed the X2-TDMA system type a few years ago after the last system was converted to Phase II. Oh well.
Thanks for the information! I use the x36HP software to generate the favorites lists and UID names then export/import to the HP Sentinel so I'm in good shape after all.

The patches are not an issue at this point as I currently leave all 4 scanners on search ID but I hope at some point to maybe resolve that so I don't have to listen to the temporary patches they use all the time. I have DMR in the 100/200 but they both programmed and operate fine and display unit numbers as assigned to the trucks by the Town.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 6, 2009
The BCD325P2 is hit n miss with the Harris system,I find that Law works better than Fire,not sure why.


Database Admin
Feb 7, 2011
Rochester, NY
The patches are not an issue at this point as I currently leave all 4 scanners on search ID but I hope at some point to maybe resolve that so I don't have to listen to the temporary patches they use all the time. I have DMR in the 100/200 but they both programmed and operate fine and display unit numbers as assigned to the trucks by the Town.
I am always in ID Search to discover new TGs so I find the way the 100 handles the patch IDs to be very annoying. It is nuisance to have to set a new "avoid" every time the patch changes.

The 436 and 100 are fine on DMR unit IDs. It is issues with LCN/Channel and things like system IDs on some NXDN and DMR Tier 3 systems that are the problem. GTR8000 and I have had a lot of grief over how to reconcile DSD+ system data to an appropriate format for RRDB so it is handled properly by Sentinel and other software for downloads.

I use the 100 just to listen to Monroe and to discover and listen to new TGs. I periodically run Unitrunker with RTL-SDR for logging activity and RID info. I use Sentinel to update the 100. There are TGs, as I have mentioned before, that generate log hits on UT but they never seem to have any voice activity heard on the 100 for me to identify them.

I use ProScan with the 436 for both programming and occasional activity logging. I prefer ProScan to Sentinel for quick download updates. I don't have to wait for a weekly Sentinel update and I find ProScan is more convenient for selective minor updates and editing of favorites. I use DSD+ with both Airspy and a tuneable receiver with discriminator tap for discovering and analyzing new systems. DSD+ data is my standard for
system parameter submissions to RRDB.
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