1811 is what is being programmed as ops 5 into the fire and EMS radios along with 1076 still named as Fire 5. I would have thought they would have renamed 1076 to ops 5 and kept VHF outbound for two-tone paging. This is exactly what was done with EMS 295 TG 1077. No new TG was created.As I said in a previous post TG 1811 is now on a patch (50579) to TG 1076 which is a permanent link to VHF Fire 5.
Is TG 1811 going to be a permanent Ops 5 to replace the VHF link?
The Fire and EMS countywide TGs 1072-1076 and 1806-1808 all now seem to have reverted to FDMA but individual department TGs are still P2 TDMA.
Since now 1811 exists, the right thing to do would be to move the 154.310 UAC patch to 1811 and do away with 1076 once all fire agencies are on the ops talkgroups but who knows. I wouldn't be surprised if the 1076/1811 patch stays up indefinitely with all users on 1811 and the VHF input to 1076 turned off.