All CFD Operations (Fire & EMS) remain on this system. During the week, heard a few companies switch over to the "regular CFD channels" for various radio tests. As in the past, it didn't appear to go well enough to return to the old, and the "800 Trunking" appears to be working well with little to no coverage issues. Since yesterday however, have noticed the Fire-Main dispatch position's audio to be very low, and might be using a different console? A couple companies have complained of the "low audio", but nothing has been done yet.
On another note, CPD Zone 3 has been utilizing radio position C-15 due to a constant rogue radio interfering with transmissions. I was able to determine TGID 5130 (encrypted) is in use on this system and is probably them. Radio ID's and all day/night consistent transmissions are my clue to this. It looks as if the Zone console is using a portable radio and not the console radios.
On another note, CPD Zone 3 has been utilizing radio position C-15 due to a constant rogue radio interfering with transmissions. I was able to determine TGID 5130 (encrypted) is in use on this system and is probably them. Radio ID's and all day/night consistent transmissions are my clue to this. It looks as if the Zone console is using a portable radio and not the console radios.