I was told after I posted about Motorola/Harris consoles it's all Harris consoles down there, CFD 800 uses Harris equipment to link to the trunking system.
What this sounds like is some patch they're experimenting with and my "speculation" is it has something to do with the ISSI link issues they've been having. Unfortunately it really drops the audio level on the outbound transmissions on the consoles, and on the EMS consoles, the MDC tone is being transmitted (and I suspect received) as well. The dispatchers frequently complain that "ambulances are cutting off their signatures" so if ambulance 54 says "54 to Englewood", it must sound like "4 to Englewood". Besides all that, the EMS consoles have the audio issues more than the fire consoles.
Last night around 2000 hrs. the audio returned to it's normal level, so whatever they were doing down there is (at this time I type), not doing what they were doing down there.