Whacker Extraordinaire
If only I could read Japanese, it was there the whole time.
While I speak a little Japanese, I cannot read it worth beans; however, Google Chrome reads it just fine.
If only I could read Japanese, it was there the whole time.
According to The Spectrum Monitor the ID-52 is shipping in Japan, anyone heard anything about A/E availability?
Translated from a press release....
144/430MHz dual-band 5W digital transceiver ID-52 will resume shipping.Since its launch in October last year, we have received many orders, but additional production has been significantly delayed due to difficulties in procuring key components.We are pleased to know that we will be available for procurement of core parts and will resume production/shipment.In addition, based on the recent social situation, Selfiel ® processing that demonstrates excellent effects such as antibacterial and antiviral has been applied to the main body and the attached battery from this shipment.We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused to customers and dealers who are looking forward to ID-52, and ask for your continued patronage of ICOM in the future
Crossing my fingers. I'm still holding on to my Christmas money waiting for it....
It appears that there will be external photos, internal photos, and the users manual available for download on 4-9-21. I read that as Icom has shipped radios to the FCC with the type acceptance label as required for sale in the US. Good news at least.
Great news. Now, if the price doesn't knock my socks off, I'm ready to buy.
One guy (not a reliable source) said they might be in country April 16.
The Japanese price was 58,000 yen ($540 US), but that’s been a while back. The restock of new Kenwood D74A’s at $679.00 + is alarming.
I thought the TH-D74 was discontinued.
It was, but evidently Kenwood made another run. They are now $729 at HRO, were $679....crazy.
Maybe I should sell mineI also have a D72 and an F6. I could be setting on a gold mine....
Let's stay focused on the ID-52. Thanks.Keep the D72, never had a single problem with the one I owned...
Keep the D72, never had a single problem with the one I owned...