Communications. Breaking News. Photography
Was monitoring the USAR channels... Also Newark fire 1,, New Jersey State fire channel, Elizabeth fire... Didn't catch any actual interop comms or patches between agencies
Operations were moved to Simplex.Was monitoring the USAR channels... Also Newark fire 1,, New Jersey State fire channel, Elizabeth fire... Didn't catch any actual interop comms or patches between agencies
Try Burlington/Ocean Simulcast ???Does anyone know what njics site is ideal to program in to monitor consistent radio comms from njsp tgs like gsp channels in toms river,
Yes but is there a way to find out which tg work best on which sites? And if I program in two sites, the radio is going to lock into the closest site and not necessarily where the tg works on best.
Talkgroup 'listen-ability' is strictly based on whether or not there are radios on that site affiliated with said talkgroups. I've heard both NJSP GSP Central and South on the Burlington/Ocean Simulcast, but it's not guaranteed that they are always there. I also don't know what other sites you would be able to pickup from Toms River, possible the Monmouth County one?Yes but is there a way to find out which tg work best on which sites? And if I program in two sites, the radio is going to lock into the closest site and not necessarily where the tg works on best.
As @lynchy135 said, it's all dependent on subscriber affiliation. If no one is affiliated with a talkgroup you want to listen to at a particular site, then the talkgroup will not be active unless a radio affiliates again. Luck of the draw, so to speak. Generally speaking, the larger simulcast cells are going to carry more traffic and carry it more consistently, as they cover such a wide area.Yes but is there a way to find out which tg work best on which sites? And if I program in two sites, the radio is going to lock into the closest site and not necessarily where the tg works on best.
Thanks.. I can't figure out why I no longer receive that site on either of my radios and yes, I am well in the range.. I cleared the system, redownloaded it, checked location settings and still nothing. When I do the analyze feature on the SDS-100 it shows full signal, but nothing on the activity indicator. Picking up some of the traffic on Washington site and occasional on Hunterdon. I am totally perplexed. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to share them.Site 58 is fine, nothing unusual, strong signal on 774.08125
Specifically on Morris County site?having same issue never happened before cant even get it on phone app
Your situation has nothing to do with his. There is no issue with the Ringwood subsite/Passaic County cell, you're probably just too far north of the state line to pick it up, or you need to redo your programming. You really ought to continue the discussion of your issue in the thread you already have going, this is not really the right place for that sort of issue.glad im not the only one