Yes, that is what I figured on. Tried moving the antenna around with no results. Seems like I am right in the middle of 2 towers and that is causing the problem.If you have Site 56 programmed correctly, and you are seeing full bars on the control channel but the scanner is not decoding anything, then you are having the classic and widely reported issues with scanners based on older designs not handling P25 simulcast correctly. There are many, many threads on this site discussing the issue.
I've answered this for you a few times over the years, including not long ago in another thread you started about filters. Please try to pay attention to the answers people give you when you ask for help.on this nj system should i have all sites in scanner sds100 or just sites closest to mahwah?
State Park Police as listed in the database.Anyone have any insight who is on tg 1541 on Cape May Simulcast?
5295, also in the DB, as Sea Isle City Beach Patrol. Guards were issued brand-new APX portables, and they have access to the PD TG.TG 5295 RID 509162 509052 509059 509063 509059
Not sure what happened there and I have to look my programming. Updated sentinel db on my laptop from a 2021 date to I believe 8 13 23. Imported the system, forced full write database. I might have njics in two different fav lists.State Park Police as listed in the database.
Hearing new tgid on Cumberland county site, 3467 coming in with low modulation but sounds like county fire/ems dispatch.