I would tend to agree, assuming Kenwood does a FPP capable radio of 30-3000 MHz / transmit and receive. The number of people who are just sucked into the rather dumb idea of being able to transmit on the local FD/EMS/LE and Fed frequencies is large and the illegal allure of a badly engineered, poorly manufactured, and all around substandard radio is just irresistible 'fools gold' to them.
Kenwood won't do it and thus, the social subset of the CCP radio is likely to be significantly larger than people like me who are willing buy a new radio that covers several bands at a price point less than Mother M's surplus.
Then again, let's not rule out those who must have, at any cost, a new APX8000HXE with tritium illuminated controls, quantum encryption, and is IR emissions compliant. The Thurston Howell III's of the whacker set.