Not quite, Your missing an important key element.
Whistler enabled code to lock up the device permanently. This disables the update they offered us for $60 to legacy users.
Thats the part that is bothering me.
Prior to that it was people experimenting and then happy when we were offered an official update. I like many others are wanting to pay to have a unit updated to have the official software, now we cant.
Thank you for FULLY explaining the story. It seems that people that posts are not fully aware as to what Whistler did in response is extremely shady....
I'll even break it down even further for those that are Whistler fan boys....
You purchased an iPhone or iPad.. You decide to jailbreak it. You now have a functional device that works to your liking. You've customized it to your needs. Then Apple creates an update that is sent out. You load that update without knowing the change log. All of sudden your shiny working device no longer works. Why you may ask? Later you find out that Apple pushed an update that cripples the device. Is that kosher? I think not....
Did or does Apple give a rats a$$ about jailbreaking and unlocking these devices? NOPE....
Did or does Apple care that you can get free Apps while jailbreaking? Nope....
And why don't they care? Simple.... They are selling a huge amount of devices, while only a small amount of consumers actually jailbreak the devices. Did anyone go after Cydia and it's creators? Nope...
Perhaps people should see the big picture and not be fanboys of these companies that pull these stunts that truly are negatively affecting there own companies source of revenue. Let's be honest, WE ARE THAT SOURCE OF REVENUE!