New Legacy Scanner Upgrade Program

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Mar 20, 2006
Hickory, NC
But how did she use that?
That's how.

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Feb 19, 2010
Morris, IL. (Grundy County)
I don't know why but I feel like giving my 2 cents on this.

I have had my 800 almost since they came out. I was ecstatic to find, after what I thought was all forgotten, someone working on a "testing" of the 800. I followed the conversation and when it came time to take the plunge, I did just that. Remember, the 800 had essentially been forgotten. Whoa! DMR? On my 800? Say that again, just really slow........ Heaven it was. I also knew, by the conversation, that what was happening had Whistlers undivided attention. They said so in their own post somewhere on this forum. It was no mystery. It didn't take too long of all this going on, to "push" Whistler's hand. That in itself, was a very, very good thing for the hobby. Whistler went ahead with the announcement of the upgrade to the Legacy scanners. It was that EXACT moment, something ticked for me. I knew full well what I and the community was doing. I also knew full well that the move was of the best intentions on Whistlers part. After I absorbed the new information and compared that to what I had done with my scanner, I immediately decided to roll my 800 back to its original, GRE state. I don't regret "toying" with the scanner knowing that it was a push for something better and the end game result of someone "taking notice". If I had wanted DMR, I knew I could OFFICIALLY do so and that the "testing" phase had come to a complete but very successful end. New life for my older, forgotten scanner.

I have yet to send it in for the OFFICIAL update but plan to do so. With that said..........

I'm no better or worse than anybody else. Hell, we ALL wanted something more from our scanners, got it, unofficially and "pushed the hand". THAT should have been "Mission Accomplished". Hind sight is 20/20. What Whistler has done in an attempt to protect themselves and their interests has gone a hair over the line IMHO, however, if I were Whistler, perhaps I'd protect myself in the same manner (wouldn't you?), albeit a warning would have been given. To Whistler, here is my plea: DO SOMETHING FOR THOSE WHO ARE LOCKED OUT! You won't regret it, as I, don't regret "upping the ante" and being a part of the "movement" that "forced your hand" to breathe new life into my old, forgotten scanner. The only thing I do regret, is not sharing my thoughts earlier. Again, that damn hind sight.......

Just my 2 cents and please, take it as just that.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Evansville, Indiana
Unbelievable that people that used hacked firmware have the gall to act like it is Whistler fault for the issue that someone other then Whistler created, by using hacked firmware.

Maybe they will do something to help the people that have locked firmware, just give them a chance.

Just my opinion
Dec 16, 2015
Unbelievable that people that used hacked firmware have the gall to act like it is Whistler fault for the issue that someone other then Whistler created, by using hacked firmware.

Maybe they will do something to help the people that have locked firmware, just give them a chance.

Just my opinion
Not sure if English is your native language. By that I mean you speak, write, and UNDERSTAND the English language..... But people are only blaming Whistler for coming up with a "kill switch" that is ONLY activated by installing a software modification on it. They could've easily asked the creators of that software to cease, end project and remove it from the internet. From there Whistler could've just easily carried on with business. But instead they decided to be "malicious" with intent to cripple the Radio Shack Pro 668 scanner. A scanner that Whistler NEVER cared to touch. By touch, I mean develop updates for it. We begged for Whistler to extend DMR to the 668 before this modification was made available. They didn't care. Low and behold, the modification appears and now all of the sudden. They now care about developing DMR for it. I'm not a betting person, but I would venture to say that they reversed engineer the creator of the tool. Creating there own version for the 668.


Sarcastic Member
Nov 23, 2004
AES-256 secured
Listen, it's not like they locked up your scanner so it doesn't work anymore. They just basically removed the unauthorized DMR upgrade you got for free. And then they basically prevented you from getting the update due to the lock. I don't agree with the way it was done and I think THAT is what the issue is for many. If you read through, a lot of people that did it were sending in their units for the official upgrade and support and paying for it even AFTER doing the unauthorized upgrade. I think Whistler was going in the right direction with the $60 and the time bomb turned into a PR disaster now.

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Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Evansville, Indiana
Did it not cross the mind of anyone in here Whistler could not do anything with all the legal stuff going on with the bankruptcy of RS. What is it 2 times bankrupt, and could not talk about the issue or do anything until afterwards.

That's the last I have to say about this issue as it does not effect me.


Nov 13, 2016
Wait are these hacked scanners now bricked or just impossible to upgrade to DMR?

That's a huge difference.

I understood Eric had effectively stated that further updates with newer firmware would not work and that he would not be making them work.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk


Premium Subscriber
Feb 18, 2016
Wait are these hacked scanners now bricked or just impossible to upgrade to DMR?

That's a huge difference.

I understood Eric had effectively stated that further updates with newer firmware would not work and that he would not be making them work.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

These scanners are "LOCKED" this means they can no longer be upgraded or downgraded...not even by whistler as per whistler. SO they have taken away the only OFFICIAL path to upgrade or any unofficial path to return it to RS firmware.

Some maybe bricked in the update loop where their firmware is "NONE".


Premium Subscriber
Apr 13, 2009
Lancaster, CA
Wait are these hacked scanners now bricked or just impossible to upgrade to DMR?

That's a huge difference.

I understood Eric had effectively stated that further updates with newer firmware would not work and that he would not be making them work.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

They are "locked" on WS1080 CPU firmware version 4.6 with DMR reception disabled. They can no longer be upgraded or downgraded or have the original PRO-668 firmware loaded into them. They remain functional as a WS1080 scanner without DMR.

The term "Time Bomb" was used because Whistler designed the "package" to trigger after June 2017. This gave it time to be silently delivered before triggering after that date. Very clever.


Jan 29, 2011
Wait are these hacked scanners now bricked or just impossible to upgrade to DMR?

That's a huge difference.

I understood Eric had effectively stated that further updates with newer firmware would not work and that he would not be making them work.

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

They're not bricked. In fact they perform better than they did when it had the Radio Shack firmware which hadn't been updated in years. They can't be upgraded or downgraded, so people that want to pay for the DMR upgrade currently can not.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2011
Evansville, Indiana
Whistler has a disclaimer/warning about using firmware on a non Whistler radio posted for the Firmware and DSP on the download pages.

This software is intended for use with Whistler brand products only. Attempting to update any other brand of scanner with Whistler software/firmware may cause the scanner to stop functioning.

So basically people ignored this, did it anyways and are going to complain. Unless Whistler put this up after the fact. Which I cannot verify, but if it has always been there, I say you are out of luck and it is your own fault. Unless I am missing something here, which I could be. Seems there is more to this story that someone is leaving out.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 10, 2005
Delco, PA
Whistler has a disclaimer/warning about using firmware on a non Whistler radio posted for the Firmware and DSP on the download pages.

This software is intended for use with Whistler brand products only. Attempting to update any other brand of scanner with Whistler software/firmware may cause the scanner to stop functioning.

So basically people ignored this, did it anyways and are going to complain. Unless Whistler put this up after the fact. Which I cannot verify, but if it has always been there, I say you are out of luck and it is your own fault. Unless I am missing something here, which I could be. Seems there is more to this story that someone is leaving out.

Which is great, except for the fact that they are updated through the EZScan software. No mention of it there. I can't think of the last time that I visited the "download pages". The warning that I mentioned earlier, should have been broadcast on, email and in EZScan.


Sep 19, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Unless I am missing something here, which I could be. Seems there is more to this story that someone is leaving out.
You seem to be missing the fact that Whistler deliberately crippled scanners and went so far as to add a time delay in order to damage as many units as possible.

The owners of these scanners spent good money on these units, only to have them orphaned when GRE and Radio Shack went nips up. Their only option to get any ongoing support was to take advantage of Eric's work. And now when Whistler has finally been able to provide an official upgrade path, Whistler yanks that opportunity away. And on top of that, we have RR users with ties to Whistler coming on here and calling these disadvantaged owners thieves. Yes, those owners who paid for the development of the virtually identical product that Whistler sells with a different name on it are apparently nothing more than thieves in the eyes of the Whistler family.
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