Reliable sources are indicating the City of Clifton is seriously considering moving most if not all it's public safety communications to the NJICS system.
No time or dates given as of yet of an exact roll out and switch over to the new system.
A few portables have been given to the Fire Dept by radio sales (Motorola)
for testing. Sources also indicate if PD moves their TG's will be encrypted. Exact testing TG is currently unknown but assuming its a REMU TG or Test TG. (Perhaps 4143 TG 7)???
Wow that's a bummer for people who monitor Clifton.
^Great.... Thanks... Im curious what will happen with LBPD1 whether they have have the special's on it, use it for special events, give it to another city department or just disband it.
Lbfd is currently on the old lbpd 2... but anything could happen...
It wouldnt surprise me if they reeprogrammed everything a 2nd or 3rd time within a year.
They may do a mish mash between the TRS and VHF like communicatioms with county on TRS and fireground on vhf.
I hope that there are some upgrades to the system before FD gets on it as it seems to already be a little busy and users are getting denied to the system.
Just my thoughts
Looks like south orange is going to NJICS
South Orange Village Trustee Howard Levison detailed new technologies coming to the South Orange Police Department, such as the P25 statewide radio system and physical upgrades to the police headquarters.
Makes little sense when they are a small dept and small town. It is what it ia though. Any timeline?
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No need to purchase and maintain infrastructure equipment when you can use someone else's.