No Signal unless I hit the Function Button

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Dec 7, 2002
Allen TX
This is really odd. I have been scanning for years. But have not updated to a new scanner in a while. I decided on the 436HP. About 3 weeks after getting it I had to send it in because I broke the antenna off when I dropped it. Uniden repaired it and sent it back but I have been having the most odd issue with it.

When I turn it on it will not get a signal in the city that I live in unless I hit the function button a few times. You would think I was making this up but it's true (See Video). I have been in my car, outside, in the house at work you name it and it won't pick up anything and it will be on for hours.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
That is kind of wild. How recent was the Uniden repair - perhaps something odd happened during the repair.

Are you close enough to make a road trip to the Uniden repair place?


Jul 12, 2016
Murder-Querque, NM
If it was dropped, I'm sure that is the reason as the 436 is a very advanced radio. Only option is to write down all your issues and make sure you communicate those when sending it back in for repairs.


Premium Subscriber
May 8, 2004
Dallas, TX
This is really odd. I have been scanning for years. But have not updated to a new scanner in a while. I decided on the 436HP. About 3 weeks after getting it I had to send it in because I broke the antenna off when I dropped it. Uniden repaired it and sent it back but I have been having the most odd issue with it.

When I turn it on it will not get a signal in the city that I live in unless I hit the function button a few times. You would think I was making this up but it's true (See Video). I have been in my car, outside, in the house at work you name it and it won't pick up anything and it will be on for hours.
Not sure what's going on there, but I'd suggest that you take a look at the Favorites List(s).

When the scanner appears to be 'frozen', you have have no quick key numbers, except for the flashing "1" on either line (top line Fav list/second line Sys). No indication that it is receiving any signal, since no indication is seen of signal strength.

But once you hit the Function key, and it starts scanning, I see numbers on the System line (2,3,and 4), and you then see an indication of a signal being received.

This may be off base, but what I think I'd check for first is a 'ghost' favorites list, one that may not exist in Sentinel, but was created on the scanner itself (manually). Try reading the scanner with Sentinel & check what it downloads. See if you don't have an extra list, that has no active site for PAWM. Or, an extra PAWM system. There is also a possibility that something is wrong with the SD card, so possibly clearing user data after formatting it with SDF could change the strange behavior. Or, if you have a spare card, format it first to clear it, then reload via Sentinel. May not make any difference, but that's what I'd try first.

If the repair was fairly recent, the repair warranty is 90 days, so another visit to Roanoke for the scanner may be in order, as noted.


Dec 7, 2002
Allen TX
It is wild. It was not even doing this when I got it back from repair. It was back from repair and I had it about a month I guess and it was working fine. But every once in a while I would turn it on and get nothing. I would just turn it off because I didn't know if the frequencies were off or what. But then the other night they had a guy wanting to jump off the bridge around the corner and I was getting nothing. I was like ok this is not right. So tonight I was like I have figure this out. I had the scanner on during the cowboy game and never got anything. Then I just started messing around with it and that is what happened. I hate to have to send it back again. Maybe I just need to wipe the card or something but might be another issue. Hopefully someone will chime in here that knows. (Paul Opitz)



Dec 7, 2002
Allen TX
Not sure what's going on there, but I'd suggest that you take a look at the Favorites List(s).

When the scanner appears to be 'frozen', you have have no quick key numbers, except for the flashing "1" on either line (top line Fav list/second line Sys). No indication that it is receiving any signal, since no indication is seen of signal strength.

But once you hit the Function key, and it starts scanning, I see numbers on the System line (2,3,and 4), and you then see an indication of a signal being received.

This may be off base, but what I think I'd check for first is a 'ghost' favorites list, one that may not exist in Sentinel, but was created on the scanner itself (manually). Try reading the scanner with Sentinel & check what it downloads. See if you don't have an extra list, that has no active site for PAWM. Or, an extra PAWM system. There is also a possibility that something is wrong with the SD card, so possibly clearing user data after formatting it with SDF could change the strange behavior. Or, if you have a spare card, format it first to clear it, then reload via Sentinel. May not make any difference, but that's what I'd try first.

If the repair was fairly recent, the repair warranty is 90 days, so another visit to Roanoke for the scanner may be in order, as noted.

Good advice. I never changed anything in there. It's been the same stuff I was scanning before I sent it in. I might try doing another video and see what it does on a different city.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 14, 2015
I really think it's an SD card issue try clearing all the data and reloading it again.If that doesn't work try a new SD card.


Dec 7, 2002
Allen TX
Well I re did the card today and that seems to have fixed the problem. I copied everything off the card, formatted it and then pasted it back on the card.
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