NYC Metro-25 in Albany?????

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Dec 19, 2002
North Greenbush, New York
Added yesterday after I received an private email from an admin of this site who added it. Not that I'm looking for anything, but the way I interpreted the email I received, it was like I didn't know what I was talking about, then he post all the information in the DB under his/her name. I guess I have to question why an admin would send me an unsolicited email about this system and not post it here? Isn't that what the forums are about? Then he post the information in the DB without sharing any comments or input.

I guess I'm just a little PO'd because I took the time to research all the info after I found the signal and while I was trying to confirm my finding and admin goes ahead and posts it under his name.

I guess the next time I find an interesting signal, I'll keep it to myself.


Premium Subscriber
Jan 31, 2008
Bletchley Park
I think all DB submissions show the admin’s username, not the submitters. While I didn’t see the email, I wouldn’t be surprised he was trying to doublecheck the submission since it was a little out of the ordinary find.


Premium Subscriber
May 17, 2010

The Albany site is likely licensed under this license.
ULS License - Public Safety 700 MHZ Band-State License License - WPTZ779 - New York, State of

It would appear there is a 700/800 MHz P25 system scattered about in the urban areas of New York state. I would not be surprised if there is a site out in Buffalo, Rochester, etc...,

73 Eric

As of 5 min ago, nothing happening in the Buffalo area in the 700mhz spectrum other than the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Patrol) P25 Ph2. I got a little excited for a minute there.....but its just Canada....


The signal is quite strong in southern Rensselaer (the city), so the transmit site is likely to be at the Empire State Plaza or the Smith Building.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 8, 2002
Boston, Ma
As of 5 min ago, nothing happening in the Buffalo area in the 700mhz spectrum other than the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Patrol) P25 Ph2. I got a little excited for a minute there.....but its just Canada....

Occasionally we should tune around the bands and see if anything new pops up. I stumbled across a Longueuil simulcast (Site 8) for the RSP-25 P25 system when I was visiting Montreal last August. I was surprised the site was not already in the RRDB as some Montreal locals on RR were following the change-over from the old EDACS Provoice system closely. I like to explore the different radio frequencies when I travel. I admit I should do it more often when I am home.

I have no inside knowledge of additional sites. Since a site was found in two different urban areas, I speculated there might be others. My state's Motorola Mixed Analog/P25 multi-site system started out as a one site Motorola Type 1 system for a single state agency years ago and was expanded over the years. There is also a separate P25 system being slowly built out.

73 Eric


Dec 19, 2002
North Greenbush, New York
I think all DB submissions show the admin’s username, not the submitters. While I didn’t see the email, I wouldn’t be surprised he was trying to doublecheck the submission since it was a little out of the ordinary find.

I completely understand how DB submissions are posted.

I won't post the email, but out of five paragraphs, only one question was asked, the rest I interpreted as I was being spoken down to. There was no greeting, and he never bother to introduce himself or let me know who he was. The only way I knew or suspected he was a DB admin was from his email address which partially contain rrdb in the address.

I believe his follow up email speaks volumes as he stated "I don't recall you ever contributing much anyway, and your submission history is empty, so you certainly never contributed the proper way. 18 whole posts and you think you know better than everyone!". Needless to say, I was a little shocked that an admin from this site would send such an email.

Anyway, as I said, wasn't looking for any credit, just surprised that an admin would send an email talking "at" me like I didn't know what I was talking about, then adds all the information from my post to the DB. I guess I just expected an admin to participate in the discussion openly, help other to prove or disprove what was discovered and maybe let everyone know he was adding the information to the DB because he felt/knew it was accurate.

So I have big shoulders and vent, back tot he discussion of the suspected Metro-25 system in Albany. As of today after three days of logging, I have no hits from this system.


I recorded the system all day yesterday from my office with my 436HP and there were no hits.

Try monitoring this when something big happens in NYC. I suspect that it would give "the bunker" direct comms with officials in NYC when DHSES is activated.


The site number shows in DSDPlus as 20.20. Does this make enough of a difference that the DB entry should be updated?
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