The software is easy to find. Go to the on line store and select Software. It's on that page and you can buy the key and have it emailed to you in about 10 minutes.
On to the important stuff. The scanner was there when I got home. I had it set up and programmed in about 10 minutes. Sensitivity seems about the same as the 996, which is very good. I used UASD15 to program the scanner, copying the system files from the UASD996. All I need to make sure of is that I delete any digital channels I may have in the various systems.
Those will go into the 796D, which will now be the back up scanner.
Not a lot not to like about the scanner. The feature set is a reduced version of the 996, so if you have one of those, this scanner will be easy to get used to.
In person, I like the silver face plate more, for those keeping track. Since the face plate on the BCT15 is flat black, it looks like a less expensive scanner, which it is.
If you live in a non digital area, this will make a good primary mobile or base scanner.