There used to be 2 hospitals in Natchez. Before NRH became NRH it was another name, and now Merit. The other one was indeed a "charity" hospital, trying to remember if it was called "Community" or specifically "Charity". (Natchez Community Hospital, and yes it was the "charity" hospital.) Way back when Natchez PD and FD was still VHF Hi, and SO was using VHF Lo, and UHF, before the Adams County E-911 LTR TRS. Back when Natchez Mall was a cool place to go, and Natchez Trace was still analog and not encrypted. IP still was King of the Hill, and "Under the Hill" was cool to go hang out at when the river wasn't up. When there was only 1 bridge crossing the river. (Used to spend most of my summers at my grandfather's place there in Natchez near the park) Jefferson County Hospital now isn't even a real hospital anymore unless they did MASSIVE upgrades and improvements to that clinic in Fayette that used to be a hospital. Hell, they don't even have an ER or radio system there last I checked. (Same as the now on its end one in Meadville, where I was one of last babies born before they quit OB/Gyn services.) When I lived in Union Church, you called Kings Daughters Ambulance, and could have Loyd Star VFD respond as fast, or faster than our own VFD. And if it got real bad, you could have Allen VFD faster than any mutual aid from Fayette. Or even McCall Creek guys out of Franklin County. LOL Or if you had a death wish, you got an ambo out of Hardy Wilson (Now Copiah Medical Center)... AKA "Hardy Homicide" Now also an ASAP ambo service... (Whole other time when I lived in Crystal Springs, and can tell ya some real fun stories from that "massive" town.) We had it made on Power Outages, as Entergy (one MP&L) responded priority to our area as we lived right by the Texas Eastern transmission facility (Now Duke Energy) and they were an priority response on the power grid.
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