Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
There used to be 2 hospitals in Natchez. Before NRH became NRH it was another name, and now Merit. The other one was indeed a "charity" hospital, trying to remember if it was called "Community" or specifically "Charity". (Natchez Community Hospital, and yes it was the "charity" hospital.) Way back when Natchez PD and FD was still VHF Hi, and SO was using VHF Lo, and UHF, before the Adams County E-911 LTR TRS. Back when Natchez Mall was a cool place to go, and Natchez Trace was still analog and not encrypted. IP still was King of the Hill, and "Under the Hill" was cool to go hang out at when the river wasn't up. When there was only 1 bridge crossing the river. (Used to spend most of my summers at my grandfather's place there in Natchez near the park) Jefferson County Hospital now isn't even a real hospital anymore unless they did MASSIVE upgrades and improvements to that clinic in Fayette that used to be a hospital. Hell, they don't even have an ER or radio system there last I checked. (Same as the now on its end one in Meadville, where I was one of last babies born before they quit OB/Gyn services.) When I lived in Union Church, you called Kings Daughters Ambulance, and could have Loyd Star VFD respond as fast, or faster than our own VFD. And if it got real bad, you could have Allen VFD faster than any mutual aid from Fayette. Or even McCall Creek guys out of Franklin County. LOL Or if you had a death wish, you got an ambo out of Hardy Wilson (Now Copiah Medical Center)... AKA "Hardy Homicide" Now also an ASAP ambo service... (Whole other time when I lived in Crystal Springs, and can tell ya some real fun stories from that "massive" town.) We had it made on Power Outages, as Entergy (one MP&L) responded priority to our area as we lived right by the Texas Eastern transmission facility (Now Duke Energy) and they were an priority response on the power grid.
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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
To clarify which park in Natchez, that would be Duncan Park (the best park in MS), where the cool steam loco was the thang to play on.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
It's my understanding that Pafford does transfers out of and too Natchez area, 911 calls if requested. As far as picking up talkgroups with Pafford I can be on the coast and pick up Delta, Central MS, Tunica (Clarksdale), etc. They have statewide coverage..

Be Safe


Active Member
Feb 28, 2018
Mississippi Delta
Question, does any agencies use MS Common/Share or Mississippi MedCom conventional frequencies? Like I know the Statewide EMS Net in use. Because my county and I use it to contact the helicopters, that don’t have the MSWIN system.


Premium Subscriber
Dec 29, 2011
Vicksburg, Ms
I hear Helo traffic to hospital on 155.340 quite often. I also have heard traffic on EMS to Hospital on Ms Medcom Region 1 TG 22306. Totally unrelated, does anybody know who TG 65111 is? I have heard this TG a lot this week. I think it may be partial encryption of full time.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Question, does any agencies use MS Common/Share or Mississippi MedCom conventional frequencies? Like I know the Statewide EMS Net in use. Because my county and I use it to contact the helicopters, that don’t have the MSWIN system.
For LEA's not on MSWIN, the Statewide High Band 155.4900 is still in use, the old Statewide Low Band 45.2200 is still available though I do not think anyone still has or uses low band in MS anymore. For fire, all three of the Statewide Interops are there. 154.1600, being primary. 154.2800, and 154.2950 are the other 2. Also, the State Med Nets 463.1750 (MED 8) is also still available, and is patched to MSWIN via MEDCOM on demand, as is SERN 155.3400. ALL EMS agencies are required by law in MS to have at least 155.3400 in their units. College LEA's not on MSWIN have College Law 155.5950, though almost all the state's colleges with actual PD's are on MSWIN now. (Side Note: MEMA also still has the SAR Net 155.2800, and has a sat radio link for nationwide use for those states/agencies that do not have an MOA and ISSI links with their Statewide TRS's to MSWIN, and FEMA. Though they no longer use sat radio for ops in MS. At one point both MEMA and F&W had gone to sat radios.)
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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Also, I believe that the old MEMA Low Bands are now all gone, as all the County EMA's moved up to High Band, and now all have MSWIN.


Rock or Something
Jun 19, 2002
I know a lot of or most of the Harrison County EMA vehicles sport the rear fender ball-mount low band whips, but I haven't copied any traffic (that wasn't skip) below 50mhz recently.


Premium Subscriber
Oct 4, 2004
All over the Great State of Mississippi
I have been told that all ambulances have to have MSWIN capability to contact Medcontrol/Hospital ER. I do know tho that Aircare does still have highband and it's monitored. Alot of EMS uses cell phones..Hopefully one day everyone will be on MSWIN.

Be Safe


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
I have been told that all ambulances have to have MSWIN capability to contact Medcontrol/Hospital ER. I do know tho that Aircare does still have highband and it's monitored. Alot of EMS uses cell phones..Hopefully one day everyone will be on MSWIN.

Be Safe
Untrue. There are still many Hospitals in MS that do not have MSWIN radios. They all must have SERN by law, though many are using unlicensed and have not had an FCC license in a LONGGGGGG time! L1TC's must also have MED-8 capabilities. There are many that do have both VHF and UHF. But ONLY SERN is required on any EMS transporting unit in the state of MS. Aeromedical units have some of the most advanced radios on the markets and pretty much complete coverage of anything used. AirCARE was originally set up on a statewide net of VHF base stations, with a repeater at UMMC, and those radios are still in place as as a backup to the MSWIN. And as an transporting EMS unit, they have to have SERN, , they use it to make contact with ER's at the non MSWIN facilities. (Used to also have to switch to other freqs at NRMC, and KDMC as they rarely answered SERN as they used their own CH's for EMS/ER - 155.4000 for KDMC, and 155.3250 at NRMC. SWMSMC also had its own EMS, but they were better at answering SERN LOL.) Eventually they want to have an statewide network set up like almost every other state with an TRS has, with every single medical facility having an TG. Also, there are still a LOT of FD's, and VFD's in the state without MSWIN access, and they still have not put the statewide School Net they planned years ago! (Every single public school statewide is supposed to get an MSWIN radio, and an TG. That was the plan originally.) And they still have not moved City of Jackson Operations onto the MSWIN which was supposed to have been completed well over a year or two ago.
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Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
Seems like the usual "We gonna do it later" mentality of MS is still alive and well lol.. "How y'all gonna be payin for dis here high tech radio stuff?" And then crickets.... Any of the elected folks say the word taxes, or go to close to actually getting bonds done.. that is the end of their reelection plans. Though if Benny Thompson was to say get r done it would get listened to... Maybe get Kenneth Stokes involved?


Jan 31, 2018
For the record, EVERY hospital in Mississippi has access to MSWIN. The MS State Department of Health put radios in hospitals many years ago. They are required to do monthly roll call of the hospitals on one of the state health talkgroups. You can hear it quite often.


Just kind of taking it all in
Premium Subscriber
Sep 1, 2012
Hattiesburg, MS
I was listing to Mississippi Air Rescue today on TG 60000 and they referred going to TAC 1 around Hattiesburg. Has anyone caught a TG for this TAC? I wasn't fast enough to do a search while they were on there so I couldn't catch it. Would it be encrypted like most other TACs out there?


Jan 31, 2018
Around 8 PM every evening all the MS Air Rescue helicopters move to "TAC". There's a TAC talkgroup for each of the MSAR helicopters; Rescue 5, Rescue 7, and Rescue 9. AAA dispatch (flight com) gives them their traffic at night time over the TAC for each helicopter as to not disturb the other sleeping crews of other helicopters. MSAR uses VP900 radios that didn't not originally support two tone paging over P25, so this was how it was structured.


Monitoring since 1982, using radios since 1991.
Premium Subscriber
Dec 18, 2002
Indianapolis, IN
How many ER's do you hear on MSWIN daily statewide, not JUST in Jackson? How about FGH? What about MRHC? CCMC? SWMRMC?


May 13, 2002
Benton, MS EM42ut
For the record, EVERY hospital in Mississippi has access to MSWIN. The MS State Department of Health put radios in hospitals many years ago. They are required to do monthly roll call of the hospitals on one of the state health talkgroups. You can hear it quite often.
I thought MSDH put the old sat radios in the hospitals? Mississippi Hospital Assn. has paid for & coordinated instillation in most hospitals.
How many ER's do you hear on MSWIN daily statewide, not JUST in Jackson? How about FGH? What about MRHC? CCMC? SWMRMC?
Very few. Old habits(VHF Hosp.) die slowly.
