I know that this was mentioned back when the system first starting going online, but is there a chance that the County will put a Fire Paging talk group on the network? Personally, I think it would be a benefit, especially to the people who only regularly monitor/scan the CORNet system and not the VHF paging channel. Scanners can obviously scan CORNet and conventional channels, but they are slow and often miss transmissions on either side. Also with the new radio protocols, when an FD calls out to acknowledge a call, the type of call and the location of the call is no longer repeated, like it used to be. So, unless you are simultaneously monitoring conventional & CORNet, which to do correctly, you need 2 devices, you can miss out on what is going on. There has been a lot of recent sales of Unication G4 pagers in the County, to members of the media and as well as to individual members of fire departments, EMS agencies and law enforcement. It would be a nice convenience on behalf of everyone involved, to have the pages simulcasted over VHF and a CORNet TG.
After recently speaking with the owner of a communications shop in the area, the owner stated to me that there has been no issue with "loading" on CORNet system and it is his professional opinion that the addition of a paging TG would not cause an overload on the system or lead to getting a "busy" signal when someone else is trying to transmit. I know that Rockland County has more frequencies on their system, but the paging TG and having the Fire 1 TG repeated back over the UHF paging channel is great.
In addition, in the future, with the proper equipment, paging (both voice & text) of agencies or people such as the coordinators, F.I. can be done over CORNet, In some cases, CORNet provides better and clearer coverage than the current VHF paging system.