My county (King) has been on a Motorola Type 2 analog trunking system at 800Mhz for 20+ years now. This system has good days and really bad days RSSI wise depending on the weather or???. The users complain about it all the time. Now they are rolling out a new P25P2 system this year that looks to be utilizing encryption.
When P25P2 systems came alive on 700Mhz I found similar flucuations in signal that
@maus92 shows in his video. Uniden SDS200, SDS100, BCD325P2 and then P25RX and P25RXll all do the same. Here in the Seattle area we have lots of hills, trees and buildings (even though I'm not in the city of Seattle) to mess with signals.
I do think some of the firmware versions have had higher RSSI values though. Maybe filter or gain differences, or just translation of the rf strength.
I'm obviously not a rf engineer though, just a guess.
Over the years with the analog 800 system I experimented with different antennas and preamps. With preamps I would get excited when I could get more bars of signal (BC780XLT, BCD996T) only to find out I was overloading the front end and received fewer transmissions.
I try to give a day or two run on firmware to make sure it's not local conditions when possible.
I also notice the CC usually has a weaker signal than the voice channels.
Seeing the work Todd puts into this project gives me a greater appreciation for Uniden, GRE etc for what it takes to get things working nationwide or worldwide. Great work Todd.
Now onto the latest firmware.