That clip is an un-edited wav file recorded with the latest BTCFG-II software/firmware on the local P1 system. I am lucky to live in an area where the quality of audio for most departments on that system sound very good.That clip is clean and well balanced. The audio is solid mid range to my ears. The large state NJICS system I listen to is all over the map with audio. Different subs having different radios from different manufacturers and all having different audio profiles. Even see this with different departments within the same city.
I only wish the audio could ever sound like that. Most do not.
There is a new stable version available. 2021-11-01_1625. Today's release adds the ability to pop-out the Display View tab into a separate window. The window can be maximized such that your entire display becomes the "display view". Closing the window pops it back into the tab area of the main application.