You are in a bad spot! I'm glad to hear it is improving for you. Can you send me a sample of your P25-P2 audio issues with the line-out / Bluetooth via email? or you can post it here if you prefer. Line-out and Bluetooth are basically ideal now for P25 P1 with this version. I suspect it is probably approaching subscriber quality, but I'm waiting to hear back from those having issues. For testing, I've added 20dB of attenuation in front of a -96dB to -100dB signal (-116 to -120 dBm input). I'm seeing error rates with peaks up to 0.03 with very good audio. (note that is 0.03, not 0.002 like we were talking about yesterday). I think I may know why P2 is has a new issue for you (due to a change made), but it would help to hear a sample.
edit: Also, please try changing the LNA gain from AUTO to fixed 20dB gain, and possibly lower to see if that improves reception.
edit2: Sending a direct email with link.
I didn’t see your post before I updated this morning from your link. The audio issue with the line out/Bluetooth was fixed when I did the update. Can’t be in too bad of a spot, my SDS200 works fine, especially with the mag mount antenna that came with the RX-II.
LNA Gain at 16dB seems to be working best for now
Audio still cuts out at times, I will email a recording made using BTConfig.