I know Con+ systems in the 900mhz range are not the focus of a lot of users. I am at the fringes of reception for this system, but generally capture all calls using an SDR dongle and DSD+ FL.
With that preface, here's some feedback.
Prior experience tells me that a manually set LNA gain of 22 dB results in best possible reception on this particular Con+ system.
This morning I've been working with the AGC target setting on the advanced tab, and monitoring the LNA gain readout on the Signal Insights tab. From prior experience I also watch the DMR BLKS_PER_SEC reading as I know it needs to remain above 30 for reliable voice reception. Also watch EVM% as I want to see this in the single digits during voice calls or reception is choppy.
Initial default AGC target = 65. This results in an LNA gain of 32 dB and very poor reception (control channel is often lost).
Slowly increasing AGC target and at 75 I start to have OK, but not great reception (control channel reception, but 20% of voice calls not received).
Increase AGC target to 76 on Advanced tab, results in AGC target actual reading of 71-73 dB, and LNA gain reading of 32 dB
Increase AGC target to 77 on Advanced tab, results in AGC target actual reading of 72-74 dB, and LNA gain reading of 26-28 dB; voice call reception is good, but not quite equal to DSD+FL dongle
Increase AGC target to 78 on Advanced tab, results in AGC target actual reading of 80-82 dB, and LNA gain reading of 2 dB
(Not a typo, 2); control channel reception is completely lost.
Also, after trying various AUTO settings, I attempted to write manual LNA gain of 22 dB. Setting did not take and appeared to be using last AUTO/AGC target setting. So I closed software, unplugged/re-plugged RX-II. Advanced tab reads my desired LNA gain 22 dB, but signal insights now reads AGC target: ~80 dB and LNA gain of 2-6 dB (varied after restart several times). I also tried using "reset to defaults" (and unplug/re-plug) and this also does not get the manual LNA gain to take. At present I can't find a way to set LNA gain to manual. (Did not try button hold restart yet). Written AGC targets do appear to take.
I have come close, but have not quite found a setting that equals manually setting LNA gain to 22 dB on this system.
A note for others trying to optimize AGC target setting, you need to allow the system to run for several minutes (maybe even 5-10) to allow eventual settling of LNA gain.
@btt , let me know if you want some samples. I understand Con+ is not a priority...and honestly performance is so good on manual LNA = 22 dB I have no complaints.