This stuff gets covered as daily training topics. You're not going to hear any hushed words over radio comms or frantic cellphone chatter. This is just the daily grind- be aware, be safe, watch for weird activity. Nothing changes except a short period of increased readiness in probable target areas- readiness that mostly shows up as increased focus in daily rollcall type training including perhaps some specific tactical advice on what telltales or areas to focus on, and maybe some more focused deployments of ESU type units at likely targets if there are any.
As I said though, there's not really going to be any chatter unless there's an indication of a specific threat. Without that, 'be vigilant' is what it boils down to, and there's not going to be any transmissions about that because that's covered in daily bulletins and rollcall training. It's not that this stuff is there and so hush-hush it can't go over the air... it's more that it's so distant, and so vague without a specific threat, that it doesn't merit any attention over the air minus such a threat.