I don't know which site you're actually on. My gut leads me to believe it's 044-001, because that would make the most sense given the other site numbers other people around the province have seen.
As for if you have the right frequencies, well, try to program your PSR500 like this:
(If you've already figured out how to put a new trunk system in your scanner by a piece of computer software, you probably don't need to do it this way.) If you do have programming software, what's the name of the software?
Anyway try this if you haven't created the system yet.
- Hit PGM.
- Hit F1 ("New").
- Hit F1 again ("TGRP").
- Hit the down-arrow key so you are on the line that starts with "TSYS:"
- If the rest of the "TSYS" line doesn't say "NEW" already, hit the right-arrow key until it does.
- Hit the "SEL" key (middle of the arrow buttons). This should change the screen to say "Trunked System".
- On the "Type" line, hit the right-arrow key until you see "P25 AUTO".
- Hit the down-arrow key twice to go to the "Frequencies" line.
- Hit "SEL" to get into the "System Freqs" menu.
- On the "Ch01" line, type in "160.59" and hit "ENT" (enter).
- Hit the down-arrow key and then type in "161.25" and hit "ENT".
- Hit "F1" (Save).
- Hit "F1" (Save) again. You should be on a line that says "TSYS: System".
- Hit "F1" (Save) one more time.
- Now your scanner should be on the "Select object type to create" screen. Hit "SCAN".
- It should now be scanning and you should see "System" pop up in the bottom line (because we didn't change the name of the new trunk system from its default, "System").
At this stage, you should start to hear stuff. The instructions I gave you programmed in a "Wildcard" instead of specifically talkgroup 546. "Wildcard" in PSR-500 terms means "listen to every talkgroup". So it will stop on any talkgroup you can receive, not just 546.
Again, if you can tell me what kind of programming software you have, if I have the same stuff for my own PSR-500, I can try to create a system for you and send it your way.