New to scanning - well, at least since 1980 when I had a 10-channel with LEDs and crystals.
Looking at the brand-new BC346XT (portable) or a BC898T (base station). I'd like the portable since it is compact, can carry from the kitchen to the family room to the bedroom and of course in the car and outdoors, but I have heard that you cannot really expect to hear much as the portable receivers and rubber duck antennas won't pull in the signals. True? Most listening will be done at home, but i would rather not have to leave it in one room or carry around a larger base station from room to room.
How can I tell if the portable will let me hear good signals? I am in the SF south bay San Jose/Santa Clara area. I am not in a remote area. I know I need a trunking scanner.
Thanks for any input and recommendations!
New to scanning - well, at least since 1980 when I had a 10-channel with LEDs and crystals.
Looking at the brand-new BC346XT (portable) or a BC898T (base station). I'd like the portable since it is compact, can carry from the kitchen to the family room to the bedroom and of course in the car and outdoors, but I have heard that you cannot really expect to hear much as the portable receivers and rubber duck antennas won't pull in the signals. True? Most listening will be done at home, but i would rather not have to leave it in one room or carry around a larger base station from room to room.
How can I tell if the portable will let me hear good signals? I am in the SF south bay San Jose/Santa Clara area. I am not in a remote area. I know I need a trunking scanner.
Thanks for any input and recommendations!