PPSTN - Provincial Public Safety Telecommunications Network - System Updates


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
I am seeing this new RID on my local site, its 2216462 and it logs on / affiliates / joins onto TG 180 every weekday morning at about 6:50 am and then it leaves the area, returning just before 5:00 or 6:00 pm and logs off. TG 180 is not listed in the RRDB. I do know that TG 180 was seen in Saskatoon on site 19 in 2016 and 2017 but there were no RIDs associated to it and there were only 7 hits seen on it. Looking for help to identify this TG so I know just who has moved into my community. RIDs associated to this TG would be helpful, thanks.

As for TG 6111, I am not seeing it at all, just Saskatchewan Environment's TG and the associated RIDs. I am not seeing TGs 7104, 2110 and 2414 at my location. I do know that there can be a very high error rate when decoding P25 from distant tower locations, as I have also done this during "skip conditions". I always look at the raw dump and the decode rate. A low decode rate is telling me to ignore much of the data from that distant tower. Cheers.

I am getting these TGs on a regular basis. I have a cabin up there and have set up a antenna and laptop. The tower in question is about 8 miles from me. I don't believe them to be errors.

I wish I could of got the yagi I built up before the snow but ran out of nice weather.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
The murder in Melville and the manhunt in the Duff Saskatchewan area are shrouded in mystery at this point. The RCMP does not share much information with us or even with the PRT units involved.

I have posted a data file from PRO96com captured that day for you to see.
RIDs are seen that are used by what the RCMP calls a "Specialized Unit" out of F-Division in Regina utilizing the TAC 3 TG 46.
Will the identity and purpose of this unit ever be known? Maybe.

Cheers, and good reading.

Thanks for the log, I have seen ID's
2212714 (ERT) Regina Emergency Response Team
2212727 (ERT)
2212725 (ERT)
2213221 (ERT)
2212721 (ERT)

This is a new one for me 2212716. I have them listed as Regina Emergency Response Team (ERT)

I put some of my observations in column I


  • Events 11 02 of 2022 New.zip
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Feb 3, 2015
Thanks for you file wolffe. Some more information for you.

The occurrence that took place on November 2, 2022 in Melville followed by the manhunt in the Duff area.
The 6 RIDs that were seen on that day appear to be utilized by the ERT out of Saskatoon.
The Saskatoon ERT RIDs appear to be from 2212710 to 2212740 with team members using call signs like, SIERRA 5 and ALPHA 10. It is of interest to me that the both of these are seen in the word SWAT.
The RID 2211422 is also seen communicating with the ERT members.
Two additional RIDs were 2215113 and 2216139 these were also on TAC 3 but there were no communications from these 2, other than some data. A total of 9 RIDs were on TAC 3.
At that time I assigned tags to these RIDs, as I thought fit to do so without having any idea that these were Saskatoon ERT RIDs. These tags reflect what I thought were the possible roles of each this team’s members. A special thanks goes out to an RR member from Saskatoon for this very useful information. Thanks Ryan!
A look at the data/ timeline for Saskatoon ERT communications on TAC 3.
Nothing unusual is seen until 7:10 am when the ERT shows up and communications between the 6 members begins, with only 3 of the team’s members on site at that time. Routine communications are seen frequently between the members up until 9:19 am and then there is a large gap with nothing seen again until 9:37 am. A total of 18 minutes of silence.
Then frequent communications occur between the two RIDs that appear to be in leadership roles, followed by their communications with 2 other members. Then this is followed by communications from above.
The first communication from above is seen at 10:00:07 am","Group (Enc)","00-0093","138.46500"," 46","RCMP TAC 3","2211422","F-Div Southern District Command use" to the ERT leadership. This concludes 3 minutes later.
At 10:06:43 am","Unaffiliate",0,"",2215113,"Unknown Team Member 5113 TAC 3" This radio is turned off.
Routine communications then continue between the other members until 10:26 am followed by only data messages until the last data message sent at 11:00 am. Then nothing.

A look at the data/ timeline for the RCMP, PRT, and the public at large.
Portable FQ 8 is switched over to TG 50 used by Melville at, 10:12:24 am","Affiliate",50,"RCMP Yorkton",2212121,"Portable FQ 8". At 10:35 am, an emergency alert is sent out to the public.
Possible Fire fighting aircraft from PA shows up at 10:47:00 am","Affiliate",4041,"OFC OPS 7",2262003,"OFC Air Unit?"
Saskatchewan Environment PRT member turns on radio at 10:57:57 am","Affiliate",6000,"SE Dispatch",2261571,"CO# 415 Echo Park mobile AVL"
Possible OFC aircraft changes talkgroups at 10:59:08 am","Data","00-0093","138.46500","","","2262003","OFC on TG 6023 Southern Fire Air Ops"
SE PRT member moves radio to PRT 1 TG at 11:01:56 am","Affiliate",6169,"PRT 1",2261571,"CO# 415 Echo Park mobile AVL".
A total of 11 PRT units flood into the Duff area but there was only one transmission from a single RCMP traffic service member to a PRT member. Then no interoperability was further utilized.
Portable FQ 8 is returned to it’s home group at, 1:05:40 pm","Affiliate",18,"RCMP Fort Qu'Appelle",2212121,"Portable FQ 8". After a total of about 2 hours and 53 minutes. About 30 minutes later at 1:33 pm the public emergency alert is canceled.
Just before 3:00 pm the PRT units all gave up on the manhunt.
At 3:30:09 pm","Affiliate",50,"RCMP Yorkton",22114##,"F-Div Southern District Commander" traveled from Regina to Melville.
One possible travel route of the suspect/s.
Traveled on #10 highway to the Duff area and burned out the vehicle. Knowing that this vehicle would be quickly located and sending a message that the direction of travel was to the south west on # 10 highway.
Another vehicle possibly located in Duff, could have then used to travel north on the # 617 grid road and then north west on the #16 highway.
The police were not fooled and began searching an area to the north west of Duff and well beyond.
See the patch logs from 2 sites:
"11/02 09:41:24","Added Patch: 66 (RCMP Waskesiu) --> 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"11/02 09:41:24","Added Patch: 62 (RCMP Saskatoon) --> 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"11/02 09:42:18","Removed Patch: 62 (RCMP Saskatoon) --> 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"11/02 09:42:18","Removed Patch: 66 (RCMP Waskesiu) --> 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"11/02 09:47:30","Added Patch: 214 (SMCU 214) --> 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"11/02 09:47:30","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"11/02 09:48:36","Removed Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"11/02 09:48:36","Removed Patch: 214 (SMCU 214) --> 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"11/02 15:07:16","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2036 (Super Group 6)"
"11/02 15:07:16","Added Patch: 215 (SMCU 215) --> 2036 (Super Group 6)"
"11/02 15:07:35","Removed Patch: 215 (SMCU 215) --> 2036 (Super Group 6)"
"11/02 15:07:35","Removed Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2036 (Super Group 6)"
"11/02 15:08:02","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2035 (Supergroup 5)"
"11/02 15:08:02","Added Patch: 215 (SMCU 215) --> 2035 (Supergroup 5)"
"11/02 15:08:50","Removed Patch: 215 (SMCU 215) --> 2035 (Supergroup 5)"
"11/02 15:08:51","Removed Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2035 (Supergroup 5)"
"11/02 15:09:12","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"11/02 15:09:12","Added Patch: 216 (SMCU 216) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"11/02 15:09:41","Removed Patch: 216 (SMCU 216) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"11/02 15:09:41","Removed Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"11/02 15:10:10","Added Patch: 216 (SMCU 216) --> 2038 (SuperGroup 08)"
"11/02 15:10:10","Added Patch: 60 (RCMP Rosetown) --> 2038 (SuperGroup 08)"
"11/02 15:10:55","Removed Patch: 60 (RCMP Rosetown) --> 2038 (SuperGroup 08)"
"11/02 15:10:55","Removed Patch: 216 (SMCU 216) --> 2038 (SuperGroup 08)"
As can be seen the # 7 highway to the border and then onto Hanna was also covered.
The suspect/s were thought to be from the Edmonton region, as the victim was from that region.
There are so many questions. Where does one start?
Why did the Saskatoon ERT not switch over to Melville’s talkgroup? What was the reason for the 18 minutes of SERT silence? Why did the SERT just pack-up and leave by 11:00 am? Why did the SERT not assist with the manhunt? Why was the SERT in the area? What were they doing? Why the Saskatoon ERT and not the Regina ERT.
Why did the RCMP units not communicate with the PRT units? Was it because conservation officers are so familiar with chasing wild geese? I jest that perhaps they were sent on a wild goose chase.
Why were the PRT units all searching in a relatively small area north west of Duff? The patch logs show the RCMP’s search area had quickly expanded westward? Why did the RCMP not ask for help from additional PRT units from across the province?
RCMP reports from the Melville, Ituna and Fort Qu’Appelle detachments for the reporting period: October 31 to November 8 make no mention any occurrences that would require the Saskatoon ERT to attend.
The Saskatoon major crimes unit is conducting the Melville murder investigation. Why SMCU? The Talkgroups 214, 215, 216, and 217 appear to be utilized by the SMCU.
What do we know?
We know that what takes place behind the encryption wall will stay there until someone on the other side of that wall decides to share.
We know the final fate that always befalls the whistle blower.
We know that investigative journalism is dead. Cheers.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Great info, thanks for posting that.

My records show that,

2215113 is from Wadena RCMP
2216139 is from Kindersly RCMP

Good information, I read through it a few times. As far as Saskatchewan Environment PRT members and other LEO organizations communicating, there is and always will be a certain amount competitiveness and even animosity between the increasing number of law enforcement organizations. I believe we have seen that play out on the news across Canada the last few months.

As far as your final sentiments I don't believe that will change in the next few decades. Just have to study history to know that.

Good work!!!
Feb 3, 2015
Update to the previous two posts:

The identity of the unknown team of specialist RIDs that I saw on the morning of November 2, 2022 and what this team was doing.

On that morning the RCMP’s Critical Incident Response Team (TG 46), Warrant Enforcement and Suppression Team (west) (TG 217), along with members of the local RCMP detachment (TG 18), working in conjunction with the RPS Street Gang Unit arrested a 31 year old male at a home on a First Nation’s Reserve without incident. Why did this not appear in the previous RCMP report? Looks like this guy had an outstanding warrant for failing to comply with a probation order when he attempted to murder his estranged girlfriend with a handgun in Regina on September 8th of this year.
The following useful information is for our friend, @wolffe.
Decoding the data from your neighboring sites as well as your local site can reveal very useful information. You can keep records of the RIDs that regularly login/logout on each site. Look at when the regulars login and logout. Make a list of the locals for each site.
Unusual RID/s will then stand out. This is how we have come to know the Identity/home base of many of the RIDs.
Here are examples of just a few RIDs seen logging in and out on 2 PPSTN sites on November 17, 2022 and how to utilize that information.

CO# 345 from Duck MTN park logged in on site 72 at 6:35 am and then at 6:56 am onto site 71.

CO# 230 from Yorkton logged in on site 72 at 6:48 am and then at 7:11 am onto site 71.

CO# 186 from Good Spirit park logged in on site 72 at 6:58 am and then at 7:21 am onto site 71.

RCMP F-Div Command unit logged in on site 72 at 8:36 am and then onto site 71 at 8:56 am.

CO# 339 from Melville logged in on site 72 at 8:40 am and then onto site 71 at 9:04 am.

RCMP E390 Yorkton Provo logged in on site 72 at 9:26 am and then onto site 71 at 9:45 am. Then at 3:28 pm E390 logged back onto site 72 when returning to Yorkton. 6 hours later.

CO RID# 2261710 logged in on site 72 at 9:32 am and then onto site 71 at 9:59 am. This RID is new to me and I have no information on this RID but now I think that this CO is from Yorkton, but I will require site data from Yorkton to confirm this by seeing this RID’s regular logins on that site.
CO# 186 from Good Spirit park Logged in on site 71 at 10:18 am, That's 57 minutes since his last login on site 71, so he may have continued in the same direction (SW) for approximately 20 minutes (a mile a minute) to do something for a few minutes, before returning through the area and then continuing northeast and onto site 72 at 10:39 am. Going home.

CO RID# 2261710 logged in on site 71 at 1:08 pm after being gone for just over 3 hours and then logged out at 1:35 pm. This RID logged back in at 2:15 pm and traveled NE, logging onto site 72 at 2:38 pm along with a local CO# 415.

CO# 345 and CO# 230 logged in on site 71 at 4:12 pm and traveled NE and logged onto site 72 at 4:26 pm, and we can see that they are racing home at an estimated speed of 90 mph. These 2 COs were away from site 71 for 9.25 hours.

As you can see from just some of that day’s combined site RID logins how easy it is to establish the direction of travel (SW or NE) and speed (about 1 mile per minute) for each of these RIDs.
For me this was a very unusual day. Why? We see 5 Saskatchewan Conservation Officers all show up and then we add the 3 local COs that also participated but are not all listed here, doing something possibly 20 or so miles maybe to the SW of my location. I would think that this crew of 8 CO's executed a search warrant and we may be reading about this at sometime in the not too distant future. The COs from Yorkton probably drafted the ITO = Information to Obtain a Search Warrant and they got it.

Wolffe, you are decoding the data from multiple sites in every direction from your home site so this gives you an exceptional advantage not seen in my simple two site example. Try doing this.

We are looking for more information to confirm the home base of that Critical Incident Response Team seen on November 2. 2022. Look for their RIDs on site 19 and area. Thanks.
RID Information:
RCMP F-Div Regina ERT RIDs as confirmed by both a Moose Jaw RR member and this member.
ERT RIDs start at 2211210 and go to 2211239.
2211210 and 2211211 on TG 42 TAC 7.
2211212 ERT on TG 45.
2211215 TG 29 ERT flat black Suburban on site 71.
2211217 ERT on TG 46.
2211219 TG 29 ERT Mobile on site 71.
2211220 TG 29 ERT flat black Suburban site 71.
2211221 TG 29 ERT mobile on site 71.
2211223 TG 29 ERT flat black Suburban on site 71.
2211224 E245 TG 29 ERT site on 71.
2211226 TG 29 ERT on site71.
I have only seen the ERT utilize the 2 digit Talkgroups and not any of the 3 digit TGs.
2212458 appears to be a link radio for the Talkgroup 116 that seems to be used to connect the PPSTN to the Manitoba P25 system. The RID 2212458 is not used for a Supergroup patch as no patches are seen in the patches log file when it is in use. The RID 2211335 Regina GIS/MCU regularly logs in on the Talkgroup 116 and sends data as it heads to the east of my location.
RID 2216305 portable is used by C700 Yorkton Traffic Services.
RID 2212029 mobile is used by C831 Broadview Traffic Services.
The Talkgroup 180 RID 2216462 that I am seeing is still an unknown but I decided to call it a GPS tracking device, as there are no communications on that Talkgroup.

This is what was seen on Sunday November 20, 2022.
11:43am login followed by 2 data grants = This RID’s GPS location sent to the FNE.
11:48 am logout then login followed by 2 data grants.
11:53 am logout.
12:25 pm login followed by 2 data grants and then a logout at 12:29 pm.
12:30 pm login followed by 2 data grants and then a logout at 12:42 pm.
1:54 pm login / 2 data grants and logout at 2:01pm.
2:59 pm login / 2 data grants and logout at 3:01 pm.
3:06 pm login / 2 data grants and logout at 3:09 pm.
4:35 pm login / 2 data grants=GPS location sent to FNE and then nothing.

This talkgroup could be utilized by the Saskatoon RCMP radio techs.
This radio will be a new Harris portable. Has it been deployed as a tracking device?


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Great information, I am seeing that the logs from SDRtrunk seem to be lacking in some of the information. Only seeing call events and decoded messages, not very useful. No logon or joins.

I prefer SDRtrunk for many reasons but I will have to run Unitrunker as well.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Been reading through your post, nicely done.

Unfortunately SDRtrunk doesn't give that kind of detail in the logs, I only get calls. I set up Unitrunker to run along side of SDRtrunk so hopefully I can gather more useful information in the future. I like SDRtrunk for many reasons but if I run both maybe it will work out.

I did look through my logs and have not found any of the Id's that you listed, at least the first couple (I am still looking). SDRtrunk divides up its logs and you have to search a dozen or more for that day individually.

Enjoy the snow.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Good Morning, at least the cold weather allows me to give myself permission to stay inside and work on projects.

Have some new talk groups from towers 19, 34 and 32 not all heard on all towers.

TG - 5412 EMS a Martensville unit 1989 EMS ID joined
- 5204 EMS Kelvington EMS ID joined
- 6179 A 2264191 ID joined a completely new ID to me
- 180 Maybe techs ID 2216462
- 5191 EMS 2256315 ID joined another new ID for me
- 6133 A 2264777 ID joined unknown ID seen on TG 6113 previously
- 6136 A 2264648 ID joined another new ID for me
- 6162 A 2261722 ID joined that I have as Sask Gov Event ID
- 153 Heard a radio tech on testing ID 2264683 radio

TGs 6208 and 6209 were active today
ID 2264382 seen on 6209
ID 2264683 seen on TG 151, 153, 6208 and 6209 logout and login several times.
ID 2264384 seen on 6209
ID 2264385 seen on 6209

Can someone tell me the reason for this behavior other than a kid pushing buttons.

ID 2213863 joined the following TG's within 2 minutes 62, 64, 60, 76, 80, 56, 54, 14, 12, 26, 50. A tech testing a radio maybe?
Last edited:
Feb 3, 2015
Good Morning, at least the cold weather allows me to give myself permission to stay inside and work on projects.

Have some new talk groups from towers 19, 34 and 32 not all heard on all towers.

TG - 5412 EMS a Martensville unit 1989 EMS ID joined
- 5204 EMS Kelvington EMS ID joined
- 6179 A 2264191 ID joined a completely new ID to me
- 180 Maybe techs ID 2216462
- 5191 EMS 2256315 ID joined another new ID for me
- 6133 A 2264777 ID joined unknown ID seen on TG 6113 previously
- 6136 A 2264648 ID joined another new ID for me
- 6162 A 2261722 ID joined that I have as Sask Gov Event ID
- 153 Heard a radio tech on testing ID 2264683 radio

TGs 6208 and 6209 were active today
ID 2264382 seen on 6209
ID 2264683 seen on TG 151, 153, 6208 and 6209 logout and login several times.
ID 2264384 seen on 6209
ID 2264385 seen on 6209

Can someone tell me the reason for this behavior other than a kid pushing buttons?

D 2213863 joined the following TG's within two minutes 62, 64, 60, 76, 80, 56, 54, 14, 12, 26, 50. A tech testing a radio maybe?

Thanks for your information.

User is trying to get the radio onto it's home group. Most radios are now equipped with a HOME button, so one push and the radio goes to home group.

Again, thanks for your help, wolffe.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
I have a tower that I can't find its location. It Id's as 030 0000A-00c. The tower must be north of Saskatoon, the Tgs that access it range from Lloyd to Prince Albert to Saskatoon. The same tgs and ids do not appear on the Langham or Warman towers at the same time. Going by signal strength it must be within 40 miles.

TG 12030 has come up on tower 030 000A-00c with id 2216780 the Id is listed within the site radio range. Do they use a differnt tg range for towers that are 00c?

TG 180 Encrypted 2216462 id RCMP Swift Current, Maple Creek using the group.
TG 214 Encrypted was used on tg 2048(SuperGroup) and TG 76(Lloyd).
TG 215 Encrypted was used on tg 2032 with tg 76.
TG 217 Encrypted id 2213281.
TG 649 Encrypted id 2262139.
TG 114 Encrypted was seen on tgs 2042 and 2050 with the other tgs also on 28,10, and 14.
TG 37 Encrypted on tg 2030 with RCMP Swift Current Id using it.
TG 5418 has been on for a while it is EMS with Tisdale id using it.
TG 5212 EMS and id of 2254089 (Rosthern EMS Unit 1629) joining, id also seen on tg 5311 (Rosthern EMS).
TG 5304 EMS Id Nipawin 2253713 joining and id 2259982 Medical Comunication North Comm 2.
TG 6097 Encrypted 2262920.
TG 6133 Encrypted Id 2264777, tg using 60,12.
TG 6134 Encrypted id 2264778 seen on tg 6122.
id 2264707 seen on tg 74 and 6121.
id 2262771 (Sask Gov Sheriff, First Nations (Prince Albert)) seen on tg 6121.
id 2264553.
TG 6136 Encrypted id 2264685 tgs using 76,26. also id 2264779.
TG 6162 Encrypted id 2261722 tgs using 80, 50, 56.
TG 6179 Encrypted id 2264191.
TG 6209 Encrypted id 2264382.
TG 5168 Unknown came up during an emergency
TG 5191 id 2266315 STARS Ambulance tgs using 64 and 14.
Feb 3, 2015
No progress on 6209, but will be utilizing the 2-site method used in my previous post, to setup an "ambush" along the highway where I will be able to see them when they go past me. I will be able to get inbound messages sent by their SU's to the network as I will be very close to them.

Thanks for your info.
Feb 3, 2015

I have a tower that I can't find its location. It Id's as 030 0000A-00c. The tower must be north of Saskatoon, the Tgs that access it range from Lloyd to Prince Albert to Saskatoon. The same tgs and ids do not appear on the Langham or Warman towers at the same time. Going by signal strength it must be within 40 miles.
Maybe site 00C-30 is used to fill a coverage gap in the Duck Lake, South / North Sask Rivers region? I see 00C sites going up close to the "First Nations".
TG 12030 has come up on tower 030 000A-00c with id 2216780 the Id is listed within the site radio range. Do they use a differnt tg range for towers that are 00c?
If 2216780 is the site 00C-30 radio, it will do a location registration (local affiliation) about every 60 minutes only on it's home site and no others.
If the TG 12030 is the site radio's home group this TG will come up at the same time as the registration but there will not be any coms on this TG.
This talkgroup starts with the DEC=12=HEX=00C and ends with 030, the site's number.

TG 180 Encrypted 2216462 id RCMP Swift Current, Maple Creek using the group. Is Swift-C Traffic Service Portable, so TG 180 is used by them.
TG 214 Encrypted was used on tg 2048(SuperGroup) and TG 76(Lloyd).Is "WEST" use.
TG 215 Encrypted was used on tg 2032 with tg 76. Is "WEST" use.
TG 217 Encrypted id 2213281.Is used by the, (WEST) Warrant Enforcement and Suppression Team that also use TGs 214, 215, 216.
TG 649 Encrypted id 2262139. Is a RGIS unit
TG 114 Encrypted was seen on tgs 2042 and 2050 with the other tgs also on 28,10, and 14. The RIDs?
TG 37 Encrypted on tg 2030 with RCMP Swift Current Id using it. IBET/IBIT TAC being used by a Swift TS unit?
TG 5418 has been on for a while it is EMS with Tisdale id using it.
TG 5212 EMS and id of 2254089 (Rosthern EMS Unit 1629) joining, id also seen on tg 5311 (Rosthern EMS).
TG 5304 EMS Id Nipawin 2253713 joining and id 2259982 Medical Comunication North Comm 2.
TG 6097 Encrypted 2262920.
TG 6133 Encrypted Id 2264777, ***tg using 60,12.***?
TG 6134 Encrypted id 2264778 seen on tg 6122.
id 2264707 seen on tg 74 and 6121. Seen on TG 6134 DATA Grants only.
id 2262771 (Sask Gov Sheriff, First Nations (Prince Albert)) seen on tg 6121.
id 2264553. On what Talkgroup? I have no info on it.
TG 6136 Encrypted id 2264685 ***tgs using 76,26***? also id 2264779.
TG 6162 Encrypted id 2261722 ***tgs using 80, 50, 56***? Are you seeing Motorola SUs on Encrypted RCMP TGs?
TG 6179 Encrypted id 2264191.
TG 6209 Encrypted id 2264382.
TG 5168 Unknown came up during an emergency. EMS Kamsack TAC?
TG 5191 id 2266315 STARS Ambulance tgs using 64 and 14. This ID should start with 225 and not 226, = 2256315.
I have no info on the 2264777 to 2264779 RIDs.
The ***tgs info*** I don't understand.
Motorola gear cannot operate on encrypted RCMP TGs because Harris keys and their key IDs can not be loaded into Motorola gear.
Harris gear cannot communicate with Motorola gear as the Motorola keys and their key IDs can not be loaded into a Harris gear.
The RCMP use a single 256 bit key and key ID and GovSask use 8 256-bit keys and their key IDs.
Linking/connecting encrypted Harris and Motorola radios together with a hardware device would enable communications between users.
A company in North Dakota manufactures such a device. A simple plug and play with the two mics and it's done.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
As far as "tg's info" I mean that those ID's are also seen on those tg's as well.

I have been seeing "226" ID's increasingly on encrypted RCMP and on EMS channels. Quite often for a day and then not again.
Feb 3, 2015
Hi to all of those RR members following this thread.

After reading Wolffe’s recent posts, it looks like PPSTN system 12/00C has a total of 30 sites up and running in 2023. My records show that the 00C site 002 was utilizing the talkgroup 802 for it’s site radio ID 2216752 in 2016.

My records show that in February of 2020, the talkgroup 12000 was seen for the first time on system 00A with only a single hit, but no RID was seen and no other 12000 plus talkgroup IDs or 2216750 plus radio site RIDs could be found in my data base.
Why has the PPSTN administration changed the 00C site radio talkgroups that started with 801 to talkgroups starting with 12001?

We just have to add the Group = 801 and 250 = the number of possible radio sites and we get the talkgroup ID 1051. We can see that this would have been a problem as Sask-Power is utilizing the talkgroups from 1001 to 1111, so that method was not going to work for a system requiring more than 200 sites.

The system 00C sites now use the talkgroups 12001 to 12250 and the RIDS 2216751 to 2217000. These RID's and TG's will only be used for location registrations on their home sites and little else. These location registrations occur every 60 minutes.

A radio-tech will utilize a site radio when servicing a site, and yes all of those TG's are programmed into that technician's test equipment. Seeing one of these TG's outside of its regular affiliations will indicate that a site has failed or is being serviced. Seeing multiple radio site TG's in quick succession will indicate that a piece of test equipment is in use at that site, or one of it’s neighbors, if that site has been taken down by a radio-tech.

At the present rate of 6 radio sites per year, it will take another 41.5 years to complete system 00C. Only an optimist of epic proportions would have gone ahead with this change in the range of radio site TG's from 801 to 12001. Even I, being, a mere rustic buffoon, knoweth that I will be long dead before 2064 and so will APCO P25 and the PPSTN.

Perhaps an RR member with some ambition could update the PPSTN radio ID wiki page with the new information contained within this thread, as this member ran out of ambition some time ago. I have no idea where to find a refilling station that provides it. Of course it would have to be a full-service station with plenty of enthusiasm on tap as well.

Many thanks to RR member @wolffe for providing us with this very valuable information and we hope that there will be even more useful information coming in 2023.

Update for @wolffe on PPSTN talkgroup 6208/6209

While running Unitrunker on January 12, 2023, at 10:00 am the RIDs 2264380 / 2264278 / 2264376 affiliated onto my local site and sent data messages for 17 minutes. A few comm's were seen between the RID's 2264380 and 2264378 on TG 6208. From previous experience with these RID's, I knew that I had about two hours before their return trip through this area.

I started Pro96com running on the neighboring site to the east, and watched patiently for these RIDs to show up and at 11:55 am the RID 2264380 affiliated closely followed by RID 2264376 at 12:00 pm, so I immediately mounted up and road out to the highway to “ambush” them as they passed by me, just like any highwayman worth his salt would do.

With Unitrunker monitoring the local site and me watching the Pro96com data messages on the second site, I took up a position on the south side of the highway, utilizing binoculars to see all the traffic approaching from the east. This is a very busy location and is frequently used for speed traps by both the SHP and the RCMP-CTS.

The data messages stopped at 12:09 pm on Pro96com monitoring the neighboring site to the east, so I knew that I would quickly see them show up on Unitrunker and they did at 12:13 pm. At this point I moved the radio sending the data to Pro96com to the input side of the control channel being monitored by Unitrunker. Pro96com started showing a few inbound messages being sent by SU's to my local site but no messages were seen from the target SU's.

Then at 12:17 pm, right on time as expected, there was a black Chevy Silverado with a topper/cap on it that got my full and undivided attention. The truck had slowed so I could get a good look at it, the lone occupant was an XL white male wearing a black jacket with the green letter O on the left shoulder. He was staring at me as hard as I was staring back at him. Not a guy I would want to pick a fight with. Could this guy be a member of the OMEGA Team?

At 12:21 pm Unitrunker displayed the last data message sent by the RID 2264376. The RID 2264378 was not seen on the return trip. Why?

At 12:30 pm I gave up and road back to base camp to get some grub into me. No other users of TGs 6208 / 6209 were seen on that day.
I have a camera mounted on the muzzle of my trusty steed that automatically captures images of vehicles passing by. PIC 070 Black Chevy Truck close up.JPGly,PIC 070 Black Chevy Truck.JPGPIC 070 Black Chevy Truck.JPGUnfortunately, there was a lot of snow that was pushed up along the highway that made photography difficult. In the 30 minutes that I was there the camera took 135 pictures. Number 070 was of my prime suspect’s black truck. No antenna was visible on it.

I will keep trying this method until I achieve greater success. I will try this at other locations until I get the inbound messages that I want to see. They will have to be very close to my location for that to happen. I will be on the lookout for that guy in black Chevy truck and the Wells Fargo stagecoach.

Cheers, from the bush-wacker!


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Bravo, if you are not a writer you should be.

Lol, you had me cheering for you, and wanting to tell you to run when he stared you down.

I won't soon forget that.
Feb 3, 2015
I think that this guy maybe an OMEGA Team member. I have been on the lookout for them and their possible PPSTN TG for quite some time now.

The OMEGA TEAM and how I came to know of its existence:

A few years ago, at first light on a Sunday morning, a familiar person came to my home to speak to me about a person that I will call, M X. The person at the front door was at that time employed by a well-known “Alphabet Agency” as a “Crisis Manager”. I was simply told that on Saturday night, M X had been found dead at home. I then proceed to ask a few questions but received almost no answers. Ok, you can’t tell me that, I understand.

The police had attended the home of M X and their forensics investigator had determined the cause of death to be, suicide. I was in a state of shock at this point, as I could not understand why M X had committed suicide. The “crisis manager” was unwilling to disclose any further details but, before leaving my home, said this; “The OMEGA TEAM is at the X house!”. “Do not go there!”. I complied because I am always highly, compliant and I knew that the “crisis manager” was on patrol. Yes, I had just been “managed” and I felt like it.
It took this unfortunate event for me to find out about the existence of the OMEGA TEAM.

I thought that the “O Team” may have a Talkgroup on the PPSTN, and so began my quest. I was unable to find any information about the “O Team” and so I sought help from Webster and then went onto Oxford. My findings:
This team is named for the twenty-fourth and final letter of the Greek alphabet = the last of a series; the last word; the end of; the final development; a symbol associated with the end of life. Death. And with that, onto my next discovery, OMEGA 1.
One day last summer I was in the “bedroom district”, east of Regina, when I came across two vehicles parked on a street in front of a home. The one vehicle was a fire chief’s Chevy Suburban, and the second vehicle was also a Suburban type of vehicle that had a small symbol in the corner of one of the side windows that I recognized as the Greek OMEGA. The Sask license plate read OMEGA 1. Had I just found the O team’s leader? Commander O?

I have been keeping records of the TG 6208/6209 RIDs for 8 months. I keep statistics like this: Talkgroup 6208 has 7 times as many hits as TG 6209. I have also become quite familiar with their RID’s movements in this area, as can be seen in my previous posts. For the most part they seem to operate very much like a courier service. The RIDs only very rarely staying at this location for 30 minutes to at most, several hours. I did go out and look for them, driving past the hospital and other possible locations but unfortunately, I was never able to locate them as I was unsure at that point as to what I was looking for.

On January 12 at 12:17 pm, out of a snow-covered landscape, came a horseman clothed in black, riding a black horse. Had death passed by me? Now, as for that Letter “O” in green on the left shoulder of that Chevy Silverado driver’s black uniform. Why is it green and not some other color that would stand out on his black jacket? Again, I sought assistance from Webster and Oxford. Green = Grene as can be seen in the word Gangrene; Gangrenous = Mortified; A hue associated with death and the dead.
The following is purely speculative. I believe the “O Team” functions under the direction of the provincial coroner's office in Regina. They maybe be tasked with duties such as safe death-site clean-up/decontamination and transportation of cadavers to morgues. Most of the time they maybe transferring cadavers to a facility in Regina where the autopsies are performed and then transporting those cadavers to a crematorium or perhaps a funeral home. I know that in some jurisdictions, there are private companies that specialize in this kind of work. So called disaster clean-up. I know very little about this, “death business.”

I can understand the O Team’s use of encryption and unmarked vehicles for this purpose. The black Silverado seen on January 12 was unmarked. Theirs is a job no one wants. How do they advertise/recruit for such a job? What’s the pay? Every employee will get PTSD. This is not a career for the majority of us. I’m out.

At this point my data base will show that the PPSTN Talkgroups 6208 and 6209 maybe utilized by the Provincial Coroner’s Office (PCO) Regina.

Talkgroup 6208: PCO: Omega Team Operations and Talkgroup 6209: PCO/OT: TAC 1.

I will continue to investigate this and will provide updates as required. Maybe an RR member located in Regina could do a little investigating?
Please do not expect to see frequent updates or anymore images of vehicles, persons and/or their associated operations. I wish to avoid being reprimanded or banned by the RR’s administration. Thank you.

Death is such a cheery subject. Time to move.

What am I seeing in the second half of January 2023?
The RCMP North Battleford Crime Reduction unit on TAC #6.
RIDs: 2214724 / 2214771 / 2214772 / 2214775 / 2214777 along with Saskatoon HQ 2214149 and Traffic Services portable 2216402. They were not around my location.

At my location these visitors: RIDs: 2214935 on TG 70 / 2214936 on TG 70 / 2214945 on TG 46 along with 2213930 on TG 10 and 2211211 on TGs 58/10/18 This team was working out of the local detachment for a couple of days. Vehicles were 4 unmarked units that did not shout, “cop car”. No coms. The RID 2214242 TG 70 showed up on day one with the others and then vanished.
RID 2214935 was usually out doing the reconnaissance work. RIDs 2214936 and 2214945 were always locked together. RID 2211211 out of Regina was probably the leader. RID 2213930 has been seen TG 52 in the past.

The RID# 2211220 The black ERT unit has returned.

On Friday January 20, 2023, the Talkgroup 6208 RIDs 2264376 and 2264375 passed through this area between 1:23 pm and 1:25 pm. Obviously in a hurry as this equates to speeding.

Until next time.


Aug 5, 2012
Are you talking about Omega Transfer Services based out of Balgonie?

The OMEGA TEAM and how I came to know of its existence:

A few years ago, at first light on a Sunday morning, a familiar person came to my home to speak to me about a person that I will call, M X. The person at the front door was at that time employed by a well-known “Alphabet Agency” as a “Crisis Manager”. I was simply told that on Saturday night, M X had been found dead at home. I then proceed to ask a few questions but received almost no answers. Ok, you can’t tell me that, I understand.

The police had attended the home of M X and their forensics investigator had determined the cause of death to be, suicide. I was in a state of shock at this point, as I could not understand why M X had committed suicide. The “crisis manager” was unwilling to disclose any further details but, before leaving my home, said this; “The OMEGA TEAM is at the X house!”. “Do not go there!”. I complied because I am always highly, compliant and I knew that the “crisis manager” was on patrol. Yes, I had just been “managed” and I felt like it.
It took this unfortunate event for me to find out about the existence of the OMEGA TEAM.

I thought that the “O Team” may have a Talkgroup on the PPSTN, and so began my quest. I was unable to find any information about the “O Team” and so I sought help from Webster and then went onto Oxford. My findings:
This team is named for the twenty-fourth and final letter of the Greek alphabet = the last of a series; the last word; the end of; the final development; a symbol associated with the end of life. Death. And with that, onto my next discovery, OMEGA 1.
One day last summer I was in the “bedroom district”, east of Regina, when I came across two vehicles parked on a street in front of a home. The one vehicle was a fire chief’s Chevy Suburban, and the second vehicle was also a Suburban type of vehicle that had a small symbol in the corner of one of the side windows that I recognized as the Greek OMEGA. The Sask license plate read OMEGA 1. Had I just found the O team’s leader? Commander O?

I have been keeping records of the TG 6208/6209 RIDs for 8 months. I keep statistics like this: Talkgroup 6208 has 7 times as many hits as TG 6209. I have also become quite familiar with their RID’s movements in this area, as can be seen in my previous posts. For the most part they seem to operate very much like a courier service. The RIDs only very rarely staying at this location for 30 minutes to at most, several hours. I did go out and look for them, driving past the hospital and other possible locations but unfortunately, I was never able to locate them as I was unsure at that point as to what I was looking for.

On January 12 at 12:17 pm, out of a snow-covered landscape, came a horseman clothed in black, riding a black horse. Had death passed by me? Now, as for that Letter “O” in green on the left shoulder of that Chevy Silverado driver’s black uniform. Why is it green and not some other color that would stand out on his black jacket? Again, I sought assistance from Webster and Oxford. Green = Grene as can be seen in the word Gangrene; Gangrenous = Mortified; A hue associated with death and the dead.
The following is purely speculative. I believe the “O Team” functions under the direction of the provincial coroner's office in Regina. They maybe be tasked with duties such as safe death-site clean-up/decontamination and transportation of cadavers to morgues. Most of the time they maybe transferring cadavers to a facility in Regina where the autopsies are performed and then transporting those cadavers to a crematorium or perhaps a funeral home. I know that in some jurisdictions, there are private companies that specialize in this kind of work. So called disaster clean-up. I know very little about this, “death business.”

I can understand the O Team’s use of encryption and unmarked vehicles for this purpose. The black Silverado seen on January 12 was unmarked. Theirs is a job no one wants. How do they advertise/recruit for such a job? What’s the pay? Every employee will get PTSD. This is not a career for the majority of us. I’m out.

At this point my data base will show that the PPSTN Talkgroups 6208 and 6209 maybe utilized by the Provincial Coroner’s Office (PCO) Regina.

Talkgroup 6208: PCO: Omega Team Operations and Talkgroup 6209: PCO/OT: TAC 1.

I will continue to investigate this and will provide updates as required. Maybe an RR member located in Regina could do a little investigating?
Please do not expect to see frequent updates or anymore images of vehicles, persons and/or their associated operations. I wish to avoid being reprimanded or banned by the RR’s administration. Thank you.

Death is such a cheery subject. Time to move.

What am I seeing in the second half of January 2023?
The RCMP North Battleford Crime Reduction unit on TAC #6.
RIDs: 2214724 / 2214771 / 2214772 / 2214775 / 2214777 along with Saskatoon HQ 2214149 and Traffic Services portable 2216402. They were not around my location.

At my location these visitors: RIDs: 2214935 on TG 70 / 2214936 on TG 70 / 2214945 on TG 46 along with 2213930 on TG 10 and 2211211 on TGs 58/10/18 This team was working out of the local detachment for a couple of days. Vehicles were 4 unmarked units that did not shout, “cop car”. No coms. The RID 2214242 TG 70 showed up on day one with the others and then vanished.
RID 2214935 was usually out doing the reconnaissance work. RIDs 2214936 and 2214945 were always locked together. RID 2211211 out of Regina was probably the leader. RID 2213930 has been seen TG 52 in the past.

The RID# 2211220 The black ERT unit has returned.

On Friday January 20, 2023, the Talkgroup 6208 RIDs 2264376 and 2264375 passed through this area between 1:23 pm and 1:25 pm. Obviously in a hurry as this equates to speeding.

Until next time.


Aug 5, 2012
Omega Transfer Service is based out of Balgonie, Sask. The owner is also the volunteer fire chief for the town of Balgonie as well.