PPSTN - Provincial Public Safety Telecommunications Network - System Updates

Feb 3, 2015
Yes. I have been hearing TG 6069 SHP, PA dispatcher unencrypted this week and also PRT 1 in use. Lots of action east of my location. Thanks.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
I have first hit on 6227 on May 2

2243553 I show as Fort Qu Appelle Fire 6 EMO, I do not have 2243554

They have a training facility down there for water rescue for all emergency organizations in Sask, don't they?

As far as EMS above 5500, I have 1 hit on 5502 with an unknown RID 2254409

Good Info
Feb 3, 2015
An update from this RR member with the assistance of other RR members.
What we have been seeing and in some cases hearing, this summer.

July 24, 2023: Login is Denied.
RID 2261131 Unknown unit is denied at 10:41 AM and again denied at 12:48 PM (Hits 1) no TG. Maybe a NB-CPO unit?

On July 25 my boss called first thing in the morning and I was told to not go into work. It was a very hot day (+37) and I was thankful, as things really started to heat up on the PPSTN that day. The following is what I was able to observe as it occurred on that day.

July 25 AM Logins:
RID 2211311 is an RGIS DELTA team member on TG 10 at 8:03 AM.
RID 2213281 is WEST Regina member #11 (WEST = Warrant Enforcement Suppression Team) on TG 217 = WEST#4 at 8:29 AM.
RID 2213280 is WEST Regina member #10 on TG 169 SMCU-N = Saskatoon Major Crimes Unit North, at 10:47 AM. Previously seen on TG 164 RMCU-S Regina Major Crimes Unit South.
RID 2213279 is WEST Regina member #09 on TG 217 at 11:02 AM.

During lunch I received this text message: West bound on #10 highway to Regina, just met 4 black RCMP SUVs and 1 truck, east bound with lights & sirens. Must be something crazy happening! I then texted: That's CIRT/ERT members, thanks. Only minutes later at 12:45 PM this group of 5 RCMP units raced through town.
Their destination unknown. “Could it be Melville or Yorkton?”
July 25 PM:
RID 2211220 is E240 Black Suburban ERT member, login 12:43 PM. Seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log and seen on TG 29 in site 71 logs.
RID 2216210 is E275 PDS/ERT Portable, TG 46 TAC3 login at 12:50 PM.
RID 2211142 is E275 PDS (K9) Mobile on TG 46 TAC3 login at 12:50 PM.
RID 2211215 is ERT Black Suburban login at 12:50 PM and portable is 2214835.
RID 2214835 is ERT portable on TG 50 joins TG 46. This RID is seen on TG 70 PA in site 19 data. Seen on TG 29 on site 71 with ERT mobile 2211219.
RID 2214836 is E240 ERT portable on TG 50 joins TG 46.Seen in Saskatoon PM Detail data. Site 19 log shows this RID on TG 70 PA.
RID 2212960 is Yorkton city portable on TG 50 joins TG 46. "Looks to me like what's happening, maybe in Yorkton"
RID 2212962 is Yorkton city portable on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213254 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213255 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213259 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46 and starts communicating on TG 46 with above RIDs.
RID 2219005 Regina control is seen on TG 46.
RID 2211216 is ERT black Suburban login/joins on TG 80 Battlefords at 12:55 PM. This RID was seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log data.
RID 2213280 is WEST Regina member #10 Login 1:03 PM on TG 169 and login again at 1:20 PM.
RID 2213254 is WEST member makes the last TG 46 channel grant seen at 1:28 PM.
RID 2211335 is a RGIS DELTA member login/joins at 2:10 PM on TG 46.
RID 2212719 is a CIRT member seen communicating on TG 46 at 2:13 PM with the following 5 RIDs:
RID 2212972 is Yorkton city portable. "Looks like something crazy is happening in Yorkton"
RID 2211529 is member RMCU-S
RID 2212714 is E124 CIRT Sierra 4 (Lead hand) Critical Incident Response Team. This RID was seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log data and in my log data on 11/02/2022.
RID 2214835 is ERT portable seen above.
RID 2213254 is WEST member on TG 50 seen above.
RID 2211224 E244 ERT armoured car, login TG 46 at 2:30 PM. Yes, the "Heavy Wrecker" is on the way there! This can also be a fat guy that breaks things!
RID 2211532 F130 RMCU-S is seen communicating on TG 46 and is the last RID seen on this group at 2:30 PM. Nothing more was seen that afternoon.
But in the evening:
RID 2211335 an RGIS Delta team member logs in on TG 46 at 7:40 PM.
RID 2211311 an RGIS Delta team member logs in on TG 18 at 7:54 PM.
RID 2211308 D364 RGIS logs in on TG 50 at 7:55 PM.
RID 2211215 an ERT black Suburban logs in on TG 50 at 8:12 PM.
RID 2211216 an ERT black Suburban logs in on TG 80 at 8:12 PM.
RID 2211220 E240 a black Suburban logs in on TG 46 at 8:18 PM.
RID 2214836 E275 PDS/ERT portable logs in on TG 46 at 8:28 PM.
RID 2211142 E275 PDS K9 logs in on TG 18 at 8:28 PM.
RID 2211224 E244 ERT armored car logs in on TG 46 at 8:43 PM. "Looks to me like the event is over"

Lets just have a look at this last RID E244. It first showed up at 2:30 PM, so that is 6 hours and 13 minutes for the round trip so divide this by 2 and we get 3 hours and 6.5 minutes one way. This armored unit doesn't travel at high speeds and for this reason I do not think that the incident it travelled to was beyond the Yorkton region. The police report may shed some light on what this was all about but don’t count on it to do so. Kids are out of school and looking for action. A youth will call 911. They call it SWATting. This is not the same as what farmers do in the fall.

July 26
Portable FQ1 login on TG 6230 UPA/RCMP/INOP#4 at 9:07AM-9:45-10:07-10:23-10:48 AM login TG 18. This RID monitored TG 6230 for 1 hour and 41 minutes but no channel grants were seen on that TG. Why monitor that TG?

July 27
RID 2264392 Deputy Sheriff (DS92) login on TG 6208 at 9:33 AM and 1:24 PM, followed by DS75,DS80,and DS76.
RID 2264391 DS91 login on TG 6208 at 9:48 AM, but not seen in PM.
TG 46 in use again along with SG-Patch 2037.
RID 2214835 E240 ERT portable seen on July 25.
RID 2214301 Onion Lake
RID 2214308 Onion Lake
RID 2214310 Onion Lake
RID 2216210 E275 PDS/ERT portable on site 71 July 25.
RID 2263370 SHP HU3370 login 3:22 PM, followed by open P25 communications from the PA dispatch with HU3318, HU3364 and HU3315 until 3:34 PM. A gift.

SERCO Update.
The CFB Moose Jaw SERCO RIDs listed here at RR were at some point reassigned to an as yet unknown police agency (UPA). The following are SERCO’s RID numbers, as recently provided by our friend Wil, the outstanding RR member from Moose Jaw! We thank Wil for the help he has so freely provided us, over the years!

SERCO TG 6106 15 Wing MP primary
SERCO Portable RIDs appear to be from 2264450 to 2264470 = 20 radios.
2264451 SERCO Charlie Unit (334 hits)
2264452 SERCO Delta Unit
2264453 SERCO Charlie Unit (33 Hits)
2264454 SERCO Charlie Unit(215 hits)
2264455 SERCO Portable 1
2264457 Alpha 1 (250 hits)
2264459 (13 hits)
2264463 Portable (223 hits)
2264464 Base (388 hits)
2264466 Bravo 1 (491 hits)
2264467 (439 Hits)
2264468 (529 hits) (Look at the number of hits!)

The unknown police agency (UPA) is utilizing the encrypted TGs 6133 / 6134 / 6135 / 6136 / 6137 / 6142 and their RIDs are from 2264550 to 2264775, a total of 225 radios. They appear to be fully interoperable with the RCMP utilizing the encrypted TGs 6225 / 6227 / 6228 / 6230. The UPA has been on the PPSTN for over 5 years.

This RR member’s Unitrunker data shows the TG 6133 and the RID 2264707 first appeared on May 16, 2018. This RID returned on November 11, 2019 on the TG 6134 (first appearance of TG) and then again on June 22, 2020 on TG 6134. This RID along with five others returned on June 14, 2023. I find the date 11/11/2019 Remembrance Day to be significant as this UPA member, may have been attending a service event in uniform. Any significance of the other dates?

It has been reported that these RIDs appear to be able to communicate on RCMP TGs utilizing the same encryption algorithm and it’s associated keys. This indicates to me that the unknown police agency is a federal one and not a provincial policing agency as there has been a reluctance on the part of the feds to share their encryption keys with the province.

The unencrypted interop TGs are all still in use and this makes me believe that key sharing between the feds and the province has not taken place at this time. The feds and the province have separate dispatch and control operations in different locations. It appears that the 2 must make phone contact with each other to share information.

Why does the unknown police agency (UPA) utilize RIDs starting with 226 and not some other? Some of the provincial policing agencies use the 226 RIDs. Does this fact indicate a provincial policing agency? The UPA utilizes 6 TGs plus 4 INOP TGs and 225 plus RIDs so it is a large organization. The UPA is larger than most provincial policing agencies combined. Why does the UPA require so many TGs?

Saskatchewan RR member, Unitrunker data is important. I had a look at Saskatoon RR member Ryan’s data with regard to the UPA and it’s time line on the network.

The TG 6136 first appeared 08/27/2020 having the most hits at 300, followed by TG 6133 (first appeared 09/26/2018) at 155 hits, TG 6134 (first appeared 05/14/2019) with 131 hits and TG 6142 (first appeared 09/17/2020) with 51 hits. The TGs 6135 and 6137, seen with only single hits. The RIDs showed very few hits, from a low of 2 to the highest at 74 hits. The UPA does not utilize a dispatch. Why? Taking a look at the “first” indicates that the UPA showed up in Ryan’s logs in the fall of 2018, with most RIDs showing up in 2020 and 2021. I can only conclude that the UPA is not a very active agency.

Many thanks go out to RR member Ryan in Saskatoon for providing his Unitrunker data.

This RR member decided to compare his own Unitrunker data collected on June 14, 2023 with Ryan’s Unitrunker data and found the results to be quite interesting.
The TG seen in my log was 6134. All hit counts are from Ryan’s data.
This team has the two highest hit count RIDs seen in Ryan’s data with the other members having higher hit counts than most of the other users of the same TGs.
RID 2264562 arrived first and may be a team leader with 74 hits
RID 2264702 the second to arrive shows 33 hits.
RID 2264618 the third to arrive shows 42 hits.
RID 2264583 the forth to arrive shows 30 hits.
RID 2262771 the fifth to arrive shows 60 hits.
RID 2264565 the sixth to arrive shows 74 hits.

In addition to this, another team with six members with similarly high hit counts was found in the data. The RCMP TG data provided by RR member Wolffe in Saskatoon.
RID 2264571 hits 47
RID 2264617 hits 55
RID 2264673 hits 48
RID 2264685 hits 44 and seen on RCMP TGs 26 and 76.
RID 2264760 hits 66
RID 2264777 hits 72 and seen on RCMP TGs 12 and 60.

My Unitrunker data from site 05 Regina shows only the RID 2264754 on TG 6133, no hits, no channel grants and it is not in Ryan's site 19 data.
The UPA has only a single member in Regina?
login and logout data for site 19 would confirm the UPA member numbers in Saskatoon and the location of their operation.

Who are these guys?
Why is no command/control/dispatch RID present in the data?
Could this be a federal agency with it’s command in Ottawa?

Until next time.


Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2010
I have first hit on 6227 on May 2

2243553 I show as Fort Qu Appelle Fire 6 EMO, I do not have 2243554

They have a training facility down there for water rescue for all emergency organizations in Sask, don't they?

As far as EMS above 5500, I have 1 hit on 5502 with an unknown RID 2254409

Good Info
Training facility… ummm not that I’m aware. There is a non profit (lack of a better term) that has gear for water / ice rescue in the area, but I don’t think they will deploy w/o cash in hand first.
My guess is the town has a new EMO coordinator and there are radios set aside or made available to them if they can afford the cost.

An update from this RR member with the assistance of other RR members.
What we have been seeing and in some cases hearing, this summer.

July 24, 2023: Login is Denied.
RID 2261131 Unknown unit is denied at 10:41 AM and again denied at 12:48 PM (Hits 1) no TG. Maybe a NB-CPO unit?

On July 25 my boss called first thing in the morning and I was told to not go into work. It was a very hot day (+37) and I was thankful, as things really started to heat up on the PPSTN that day. The following is what I was able to observe as it occurred on that day.

July 25 AM Logins:
RID 2211311 is an RGIS DELTA team member on TG 10 at 8:03 AM.
RID 2213281 is WEST Regina member #11 (WEST = Warrant Enforcement Suppression Team) on TG 217 = WEST#4 at 8:29 AM.
RID 2213280 is WEST Regina member #10 on TG 169 SMCU-N = Saskatoon Major Crimes Unit North, at 10:47 AM. Previously seen on TG 164 RMCU-S Regina Major Crimes Unit South.
RID 2213279 is WEST Regina member #09 on TG 217 at 11:02 AM.

During lunch I received this text message: West bound on #10 highway to Regina, just met 4 black RCMP SUVs and 1 truck, east bound with lights & sirens. Must be something crazy happening! I then texted: That's CIRT/ERT members, thanks. Only minutes later at 12:45 PM this group of 5 RCMP units raced through town.
Their destination unknown. “Could it be Melville or Yorkton?”
July 25 PM:
RID 2211220 is E240 Black Suburban ERT member, login 12:43 PM. Seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log and seen on TG 29 in site 71 logs.
RID 2216210 is E275 PDS/ERT Portable, TG 46 TAC3 login at 12:50 PM.
RID 2211142 is E275 PDS (K9) Mobile on TG 46 TAC3 login at 12:50 PM.
RID 2211215 is ERT Black Suburban login at 12:50 PM and portable is 2214835.
RID 2214835 is ERT portable on TG 50 joins TG 46. This RID is seen on TG 70 PA in site 19 data. Seen on TG 29 on site 71 with ERT mobile 2211219.
RID 2214836 is E240 ERT portable on TG 50 joins TG 46.Seen in Saskatoon PM Detail data. Site 19 log shows this RID on TG 70 PA.
RID 2212960 is Yorkton city portable on TG 50 joins TG 46. "Looks to me like what's happening, maybe in Yorkton"
RID 2212962 is Yorkton city portable on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213254 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213255 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46.
RID 2213259 WEST member on TG 50 joins TG 46 and starts communicating on TG 46 with above RIDs.
RID 2219005 Regina control is seen on TG 46.
RID 2211216 is ERT black Suburban login/joins on TG 80 Battlefords at 12:55 PM. This RID was seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log data.
RID 2213280 is WEST Regina member #10 Login 1:03 PM on TG 169 and login again at 1:20 PM.
RID 2213254 is WEST member makes the last TG 46 channel grant seen at 1:28 PM.
RID 2211335 is a RGIS DELTA member login/joins at 2:10 PM on TG 46.
RID 2212719 is a CIRT member seen communicating on TG 46 at 2:13 PM with the following 5 RIDs:
RID 2212972 is Yorkton city portable. "Looks like something crazy is happening in Yorkton"
RID 2211529 is member RMCU-S
RID 2212714 is E124 CIRT Sierra 4 (Lead hand) Critical Incident Response Team. This RID was seen in Saskatoon PM Detail log data and in my log data on 11/02/2022.
RID 2214835 is ERT portable seen above.
RID 2213254 is WEST member on TG 50 seen above.
RID 2211224 E244 ERT armoured car, login TG 46 at 2:30 PM. Yes, the "Heavy Wrecker" is on the way there! This can also be a fat guy that breaks things!
RID 2211532 F130 RMCU-S is seen communicating on TG 46 and is the last RID seen on this group at 2:30 PM. Nothing more was seen that afternoon.
But in the evening:
RID 2211335 an RGIS Delta team member logs in on TG 46 at 7:40 PM.
RID 2211311 an RGIS Delta team member logs in on TG 18 at 7:54 PM.
RID 2211308 D364 RGIS logs in on TG 50 at 7:55 PM.
RID 2211215 an ERT black Suburban logs in on TG 50 at 8:12 PM.
RID 2211216 an ERT black Suburban logs in on TG 80 at 8:12 PM.
RID 2211220 E240 a black Suburban logs in on TG 46 at 8:18 PM.
RID 2214836 E275 PDS/ERT portable logs in on TG 46 at 8:28 PM.
RID 2211142 E275 PDS K9 logs in on TG 18 at 8:28 PM.
RID 2211224 E244 ERT armored car logs in on TG 46 at 8:43 PM. "Looks to me like the event is over"

Lets just have a look at this last RID E244. It first showed up at 2:30 PM, so that is 6 hours and 13 minutes for the round trip so divide this by 2 and we get 3 hours and 6.5 minutes one way. This armored unit doesn't travel at high speeds and for this reason I do not think that the incident it travelled to was beyond the Yorkton region. The police report may shed some light on what this was all about but don’t count on it to do so. Kids are out of school and looking for action. A youth will call 911. They call it SWATting. This is not the same as what farmers do in the fall.

July 26
Portable FQ1 login on TG 6230 UPA/RCMP/INOP#4 at 9:07AM-9:45-10:07-10:23-10:48 AM login TG 18. This RID monitored TG 6230 for 1 hour and 41 minutes but no channel grants were seen on that TG. Why monitor that TG?

July 27
RID 2264392 Deputy Sheriff (DS92) login on TG 6208 at 9:33 AM and 1:24 PM, followed by DS75,DS80,and DS76.
RID 2264391 DS91 login on TG 6208 at 9:48 AM, but not seen in PM.
TG 46 in use again along with SG-Patch 2037.
RID 2214835 E240 ERT portable seen on July 25.
RID 2214301 Onion Lake
RID 2214308 Onion Lake
RID 2214310 Onion Lake
RID 2216210 E275 PDS/ERT portable on site 71 July 25.
RID 2263370 SHP HU3370 login 3:22 PM, followed by open P25 communications from the PA dispatch with HU3318, HU3364 and HU3315 until 3:34 PM. A gift.

SERCO Update.
The CFB Moose Jaw SERCO RIDs listed here at RR were at some point reassigned to an as yet unknown police agency (UPA). The following are SERCO’s RID numbers, as recently provided by our friend Wil, the outstanding RR member from Moose Jaw! We thank Wil for the help he has so freely provided us, over the years!

SERCO TG 6106 15 Wing MP primary
SERCO Portable RIDs appear to be from 2264450 to 2264470 = 20 radios.
2264451 SERCO Charlie Unit (334 hits)
2264452 SERCO Delta Unit
2264453 SERCO Charlie Unit (33 Hits)
2264454 SERCO Charlie Unit(215 hits)
2264455 SERCO Portable 1
2264457 Alpha 1 (250 hits)
2264459 (13 hits)
2264463 Portable (223 hits)
2264464 Base (388 hits)
2264466 Bravo 1 (491 hits)
2264467 (439 Hits)
2264468 (529 hits) (Look at the number of hits!)

The unknown police agency (UPA) is utilizing the encrypted TGs 6133 / 6134 / 6135 / 6136 / 6137 / 6142 and their RIDs are from 2264550 to 2264775, a total of 225 radios. They appear to be fully interoperable with the RCMP utilizing the encrypted TGs 6225 / 6227 / 6228 / 6230. The UPA has been on the PPSTN for over 5 years.

This RR member’s Unitrunker data shows the TG 6133 and the RID 2264707 first appeared on May 16, 2018. This RID returned on November 11, 2019 on the TG 6134 (first appearance of TG) and then again on June 22, 2020 on TG 6134. This RID along with five others returned on June 14, 2023. I find the date 11/11/2019 Remembrance Day to be significant as this UPA member, may have been attending a service event in uniform. Any significance of the other dates?

It has been reported that these RIDs appear to be able to communicate on RCMP TGs utilizing the same encryption algorithm and it’s associated keys. This indicates to me that the unknown police agency is a federal one and not a provincial policing agency as there has been a reluctance on the part of the feds to share their encryption keys with the province.

The unencrypted interop TGs are all still in use and this makes me believe that key sharing between the feds and the province has not taken place at this time. The feds and the province have separate dispatch and control operations in different locations. It appears that the 2 must make phone contact with each other to share information.

Why does the unknown police agency (UPA) utilize RIDs starting with 226 and not some other? Some of the provincial policing agencies use the 226 RIDs. Does this fact indicate a provincial policing agency? The UPA utilizes 6 TGs plus 4 INOP TGs and 225 plus RIDs so it is a large organization. The UPA is larger than most provincial policing agencies combined. Why does the UPA require so many TGs?

Saskatchewan RR member, Unitrunker data is important. I had a look at Saskatoon RR member Ryan’s data with regard to the UPA and it’s time line on the network.

The TG 6136 first appeared 08/27/2020 having the most hits at 300, followed by TG 6133 (first appeared 09/26/2018) at 155 hits, TG 6134 (first appeared 05/14/2019) with 131 hits and TG 6142 (first appeared 09/17/2020) with 51 hits. The TGs 6135 and 6137, seen with only single hits. The RIDs showed very few hits, from a low of 2 to the highest at 74 hits. The UPA does not utilize a dispatch. Why? Taking a look at the “first” indicates that the UPA showed up in Ryan’s logs in the fall of 2018, with most RIDs showing up in 2020 and 2021. I can only conclude that the UPA is not a very active agency.

Many thanks go out to RR member Ryan in Saskatoon for providing his Unitrunker data.

This RR member decided to compare his own Unitrunker data collected on June 14, 2023 with Ryan’s Unitrunker data and found the results to be quite interesting.
The TG seen in my log was 6134. All hit counts are from Ryan’s data.
This team has the two highest hit count RIDs seen in Ryan’s data with the other members having higher hit counts than most of the other users of the same TGs.
RID 2264562 arrived first and may be a team leader with 74 hits
RID 2264702 the second to arrive shows 33 hits.
RID 2264618 the third to arrive shows 42 hits.
RID 2264583 the forth to arrive shows 30 hits.
RID 2262771 the fifth to arrive shows 60 hits.
RID 2264565 the sixth to arrive shows 74 hits.

In addition to this, another team with six members with similarly high hit counts was found in the data. The RCMP TG data provided by RR member Wolffe in Saskatoon.
RID 2264571 hits 47
RID 2264617 hits 55
RID 2264673 hits 48
RID 2264685 hits 44 and seen on RCMP TGs 26 and 76.
RID 2264760 hits 66
RID 2264777 hits 72 and seen on RCMP TGs 12 and 60.

My Unitrunker data from site 05 Regina shows only the RID 2264754 on TG 6133, no hits, no channel grants and it is not in Ryan's site 19 data.
The UPA has only a single member in Regina?
login and logout data for site 19 would confirm the UPA member numbers in Saskatoon and the location of their operation.

Who are these guys?
Why is no command/control/dispatch RID present in the data?
Could this be a federal agency with it’s command in Ottawa?

Until next time.
Yes… there was a standoff in Yorkton. My system rebooted and I did not have any files for the day when I got home.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Hey Mobby

I have:
RID 2261131 listed as Northern Fire Air Ops on TG 6024
RID 2214835 listed as Unit C800 also seen on TG 74
RID 2211219 76 hits on TG 62
RID 2214836 also seen unit E240 using that RID

My son and myself were south of Yorkton 20 - 24 of July attending FRCC. 1000's of people in attendance. Interesting timing.

There also was a drug bust in Yorkton this last week, busy city

I have been seeing several SUV's with multiple antennas on them. I have not been able to get close enough to ID them. They have been different colors but all Yukons. Some of the antennas are regular antennas and some were stealth. At first I thought an amateur operator but I have now seen 3 of these Yukons so I am second guessing that. Won't know for sure until I can get close enough.
Walked up to a beautiful Denali SUV last week, it caught my attention because it was really dressed up and lifted. When I got close enough to see the MDT, radio equipment and lights, a damn German Shepherd inside the truck nearly made me mess myself. It could of given me warning before I was up against the passenger window. Found out my heart still works though so not all bad.

Now that I think of it, I wonder how long these teams have been around. I was mowing my mothers lawn about 7 years ago when 4 blacked out Suburbans raced by with gentlemen geared up and starring me down as they passed. At the time I thought they were city swat and still might of been but seeing the RIDs going so far back I wonder.


You might be right I am just going off of a news report 2 weeks ago about a training facility down there that just got a lot of Gov money to expand. Saskatoon Rescue boat was in the shot when they were talking about it. It was 6 in the morning and I hadn't had my coffee yet, I could of misheard.
Last edited:


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
You might be able to add TG's 6223, 6224 and 6226. Encrypted comms.

RID 2262605 on 6223, 6224
RID 2262604 on 6224, 6223
RID 2262600 on 6223, 6224
RID 2264774 on 6136
RID 2264687 on 6136
RID 2264682 on 6136
RID 2264739 on 6137
RID 2264739 on 6137
RID 2264740 on 6136

Manhunt by Laird Sk.

RID 2231970 on 6127 and later on Interop 155 joining a manhunt by Laird SK.
RID 2261960 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231034 manhunt TG 155 This RID was the Saskatoon Police Plane. However I monitor when the plane is up and have never come across this RID
RID 2231035 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231086 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231014 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231921 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231066 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231064 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231002 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231013 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231925 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231928 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231929 manhunt TG 155 and later on 6126
RID 2231065 manhunt TG 155
RID 2231924 manhunt TG 155 and later on 6126
RID 2231959 manhunt TG 155
RID 2213733 manhunt TG 155 Warman Unit B841
RID 2219011 manhunt TG 155 Prince Albert area member
RID 2214140 manhunt TG 155
RID 2213732 manhunt TG 155
RID 2211554 manhunt TG 155 Martensville Unit B437

Towards the end of the manhunt they went to simplex channel that I am too far away to receive. Would like to know the freq of the channel. It was referred to as channel 3. The plane had a hard time finding it.

Could the cars now be running multiple radios in order to have access to all the various players? I have been seeing more 223 prefixes crop up in the wild. Or maybe more municipalities are getting their own police forces.

RID 2261759 seen on 4049 6092 6083
Feb 3, 2015
What this RR member has seen so far in August and that other thing.

RID 2216442 traffic service member repeatedly Logs in and out on the TG 167 that has been used by the Regina Integrated Proceeds of Crime Unit. Also seen on TG 70.
RID 2216458 traffic service member on TG 180 used by TS Swift Current.
RID 2216459 TS member seen on TG 180 in RR member Ryan’s data.
RID 2216461 TS member Seen on TG 180 in RR member Ryan’s data.
RID 2216462 TS member seen LI/LO repeatedly on TG 180 was last seen in my logs on 11/12/2022 and not seen since. Seen on TG 62 in Ryan’s data.

Some time ago I can recall seeing a media report about specialized traffic service members that had received training in how to identify those vehicles (mules) used by organized crime for the purpose of transporting various illegal merchandise across our nation via the #1 highway. I recall that the media report was about one of those specialized TS members based out of the Moosomin detachment.

I believe that the traffic service member RIDs 2216458 to 2216462, based out of the Swift Current detachment utilizing the TG 180 are one of those specialized TS units. The TG 180 could possibly be linked with a similar specialized TS unit operating to the west in Alberta. I find it strange that these members do not just use one of the many TAC TGs for this purpose and this is why I believe that TG 180 maybe similar to the link to Flin Flon on TG 116 (RID 2212458). I have not as yet seen the TG 180 in use to know if a link RID 22124## is being utilized out there and one is not seen in Ryan's data, but a link RID maybe utilized at some point in the future on TG 180.

Now back to that other topic presently fueling this member’s obsessive compulsive neurosis. A disorder many of us love far too much to ever seek help for.

That unknown agency formerly believed to be SERCO and now referred to as the UPA.

Thanks to our member Wil in Moose Jaw, we now know that SERCO’s RIDs were repurposed for use by the UPA. The fact that this took place demonstrates that SERCO and the UPA are not the same agency. It appears that the UPA required additional RIDs and this was of such importance that SERCO had to be bumped to make that happen.

The UPA had been on the PPSTN for 5 years without attracting my attention, but then our member Wolffe reported seeing what seemed so extraordinary that I was in a state of disbelief. And yes, I am to this very day, in such a state.

Wolffe reported seeing 226 prefix RIDs (Motorola radios) on at least 4 RCMP TGs communicating (utilizing encryption) with RCMP members (Harris radios) in various locations. No other agency on the PPSTN had to this point ever been seen doing this extraordinary thing. Wolffe’s revelation did provoke my full and undivided attention to UPA operations and it’s identity. Later 6 members of the UPA appeared at my location.

The unencrypted interop TGs are still very much in use on the PPSTN. The PRT TGs are seen weekly. This fact demonstrates that key sharing between the feds and the province has not yet taken place. The feds are very reluctant to share their keys with the province and this is perfectly understandable. It is believed that key sharing with the feds is now possible since the province upgraded it’s Motorola radios.

Questions asked, along with and some possible answers.

How do we know what brand of radio the UPA is utilizing?
The UPA utilizes the new Motorola radios because these radios send a data grant to nowhere when they login on the network. This member has seen that happen.

Why does the UPA utilize the RID prefix 226? Is this so the UPA can hide in plain sight? Just another encrypted provincial government agency on the PPSTN.
I had never seen any UPA action up until recently and Ryan’s site 19 log data revealed a nearly dormant agency operating out of Saskatoon, and so I was not even interested. Yes, they got what they wanted.

Now after going back and taking an even harder look at Ryan’s data I see what a phoney organization the UPA is. Vital statistics: 78% of their available RIDs are unused. Of the remaining 22% only about 25% of those RIDs have had even moderate use. I have yet to see even one of our provincial government agencies waste resources like this. Only a federal government agency such as the military or the RCMP are capable of wasting resources on such a scale.

Why is there no command/control RID seen on any of the UPA’s 6 TGs?
The UPA HQ may not be located in this province.

Why are the UPA Saskatchewan operations believed to be based out of Saskatoon?
Most of the UPA operations have been seen by the 2 most active RR members in Saskatoon. The Saskatoon Airport may have everything to do with it as, the UPA members may fly in and then role out. Regina's airport is all but non-operational.

Do RCMP radios have a UPA ramp/zone with the 6 UPA TGs?
It appears that the RCMP do not have access to the 6 UPA TGs and so they can not communicate with the UPA or listen in on UPA operations. Why? Read on.

The RCMP radios have recently been reprogrammed so that they can communicate with the UPA on 4 Interop TGs. Important? It must be for this to happen.

What I find extraordinary is the UPA have access to RCMP TGs so that they can communicate at any time with RCMP members and have the ability to eavesdrop on RCMP operations at will. Important? It must be.

The UPA can utilize RCMP control in Regina to get 1O-27, 10-28, 10-29, SGI, NCIC information at will.

The UPA will have their own communications technicians, along with all the high tech equipment necessary for programming radios and encryption key management software that goes along with it. UPA communications capabilities appear to exceed that of the RCMP F-Division.

The UPA Motorola radios appear to be the only Motorola radios on the PPSTN that utilize the same encryption algorithm along with the same key and it’s associated key ID as used by the RCMP Harris radios. The UPA has not at any time been seen communicating with any provincial agencies equipped with Motorola radios while utilizing encryption on the PPSTN. The UPA has been seen on at least one of the special events talk groups and this may give us a chance to confirm their true identity. Does the UPA not have access to the 8 encryption key/IDs used by the province? They may not require that capability.

It appears that the UPA does not have any interest in communicating with any municipal or provincial police, EMS or FIRE Departments on the PPSTN.

The evidence heretofore indicates that it is highly likely that the UPA is in fact a federal agency and not a provincial one.

What alphabet agency has all the authority and the capabilities seen, above? The UPA may be the SPOOKS. You know, Canada’s spy agency.

You know, that alphabet agency that starts with a C and ends with an S. No it’s not cantankerous or capricious, it’s another one, keep trying.

The SPOOKS do use SaskTel’s cellular network, utilizing Crypto-Phones, and so it makes perfect sense that they would also use the PPSTN. The SPOOKS are much too proud and sophisticated to go to the RCMP for their radio gear. That is not going to happen.

The SPOOKS of course simply filled out the PPSTN application paperwork for 230 radios along with the 6 TGs required by their Saskatchewan shell company, the ABCXYZ Security Company of Saskatoon. The ABCXYZ Security Company had no requirement for encryption so none was asked for. The ABCXYZ Security Company AKA the SPOOKS then received their shipment of 230 fully operational 226 prefix PPSTN radios.

Then the SPOOK communications technicians loaded their own encryption algorithm and keys/IDs into those radios so that no one would ever be able to eavesdrop on their communications and of course these wizards already have access to the encryption algorithm and associated key/IDs used by the RCMP F-Division, so those were also loaded into all 230 SPOOK radios. What follows is what the SPOOKS don’t want known.

Some may ask these questions. How does the intelligence community get all of those encryption keys? They get all the keys from the vendors of the radio equipment. How does that happen? All the keys are stored in the memory of the device that loads those keys into the radios and that device of course requires regular software updates and if that does not occur the device fails to function properly. During those “required” software updates all the keys are read/sent to the vendor who has “agreed” to “share” the keys with the intelligence community. This is the fast and easy way to get all those keys, rather than the long and hard way. We are all too familiar with the habits of federal government workers.

All SPOOKS have an aversion for publicity.

Would you like to know when the SPOOKS are active and where those SPOOKS are?

Maybe we have been spying on SPOOKS without even knowing it.

This RR member is all SPOOKED out.

Until next time, Cheers!
Feb 3, 2015
Hi to all of you following this thread.

Update: July 25, 2023 event data, TG 46.
At 9:15 AM Yorkton RCMP responded to a report of a male with a firearm inside a residence on Maple Avenue. The male refused to exit and a perimeter was set up around the residence. The CIRT/ERT was called to the location. The ERT entered the residence and arrested 36-year old Aaron Meekis from Regina without incident. It was found that Meekis had been reported by Correction Service Canada as being Unlawfully at large with an arrest warrant from the RPS. It appears that no firearm was found?

Update: July 27, 2023 event data, TG 46.
At 4:30 PM, 35-year old Randy Cooke was arrested by the RCMP in his home community of Onion Lake Cree Nation. Additional RCMP resources had been engaged to assist with the investigation, including Turtleford RCMP and the Critical Incident Response Team, which includes the Emergency Response team.

Update: confirmation of RID information.
RID 2243553 is Amphibious Response Support Unit #1
RID 2243554 is Amphibious Response Support Unit #2
I have no idea how this operation is funded. Crowd funding? This maybe about one living the dream, but that lifestyle choice usually fails to pay one's bills.
There may have been some sort of water rescue training going on at Echo Valley Provincial Park, on the Pasqua lake side.
The EMO Coordinator’s RID is 2252632 and is used for both EMS/FIRE operations, as is both an EMT and a Firefighter (PARA-RESCUE).
RID 2243543 Fort Qu'Appelle Fire Utility Truck (EMO/Command unit) is also equipped with a multi-band VHF-UHF radio that has been fully programmed for communications with almost anyone.

Update: The fire fighter training facility in Melville, has recently been reestablished, after having closed due to COVID-19 and a by a lack of funding from the province. The province is now fully funding this facility. Aging firefighters must be replaced and this is just a first step. Our young people must also be willing to step up and become the firefighters of the future.

ECHO 1 FIRE talk-group.
RID 2243478 Emerald Park FD 1
RID 2243479 Emerald Park FD 2 Portable seen on site 71
RID 2243480 Emerald Park FD 3 Attack Truck
RID 2243481 Emerald Park FD 4 Chief
RID 2243482 Emerald Park FD 5
RID 2243483 Emerald Park FD 6 Tanker

Update: TG 5502 New unknown EMS use.
These RIDs may help with this. All but the last one are provided by Saskatoon RR member, Ryan. Many thanks to Ryan for his data.
RID 2254400 on TG 155, hits 8.
RID 2254401 CITY EMERGE, TG 5386, hits 2086.
RID 2254402 RUH EMERGE, TG 5389, hits 11096.
RID 2254403 ST. PAUL'S EMERGE, TG 5390, hits 8995
RID 2254406 RUH EMERGE BACKUP TG?, Hits 6.
RID 2254408 ST. PAUL’S EMERGE BACKUP, TG 5390, hits 6.
RID 2254409 on TG 5502, hits 1, from member Wolffe, (RID is not seen in Ryan’s data), this could be a new RID located at ST. Paul’s or RU Hospital?

RID 2261759 on TG 6061, hits 214, in Ryan’s data and could be a community corrections unit.
RID 2214835 is an ERT portable and RID 2211048 is C800 Traffic Service Mobile.

Some of the action seen and heard at my location.

On Saturday August 12 from 8:07 AM to 8:50 AM, I saw the RID 2214718 and RID 2215015 communicating frequently on talk-group 18 and I became interested.
I decided to be on the lookout for some action, as the RID 2214718 is utilized by a CIRT member, but I was unsure of the identity of the second RID.

That afternoon at 2:20 PM the action began when SHP unit HU3349 (RID 2263449) logged in on the talk-group 156 = INOP#6 followed by many channel grants between the following RIDs and one DOC RID. INOP#6 is open P25 = unencrypted.

RID 2211454 is DELTA 426 is in command of the operation and the first to be heard.
RID 2211036 is CHARLIE 402 Regina Traffic Service unit.
RID 2215015 is ECHO 200.(seen in the AM with CIRT member C202)
RID 2263343 is SHP unit HU3343 logs in on TG 156 at 2:25 PM.
RID 2216336 is MIKE 458 RPS Combined Traffic Service portable.
RID 2211453 is DELTA 425 logs in on TG 156 at 2:27 PM.
RID 2216428 is a Regina Traffic Service Portable.
RID 2216338 is MIKE 459 RPS Combined Traffic Service portable.
RID 2263368 is HU3368 SHP. Logs in latter at 2:50 PM.
RID 2214718 is CHARLIE 202 (CIRT), is second in command of the operation and logs in latter on, at 2:55 PM.
RID 2216335 is MIKE 455 RPS Combined Traffic portable.
RID 2216337 is MIKE 456 RPS/CTS Portable.
RID 2211064 is a Traffic Service unit that logs in on TG 10 at 2:45 PM.
RID 2211034 is MIKE 730 Combined Traffic Service logs in at 2:56 PM.
RID 2216444 is CHARLIE 402 Traffic Service portable logs in at 3:26 PM.
RID 2216316 is Traffic Service portable login/logout TG PRT#6 at 4:06 PM.
The last channel grant on TG 156 was at 4:30 PM. All the audio communications were recorded and saved.

This operation started in east Regina on Victoria avenue at Prince of Wales drive and then continued on the #1 highway east to Indian Head. Then north on the #56 highway to Katepwa and then onto Fort Qu’Appelle. Then north on the #35 highway to Lipton and west on the #22 highway to Cupar. Then continued west on the #22 to Southey and then south on the #6 highway to Regina’s Albert street north.

No details of this operation will be disclosed other than to say that the 16 above members along with a much larger contingent representing a very different brand, had a great deal of fun as they all took part in a poker-rally for a great cause.

Their utilization of the TG 156 INOP#6 demonstrates that encryption key sharing has
not taken place between the feds and the province.

August 14, the focus of my most recent obsession, passed through my location.
RID 2264754 logged in on TG 6133 at 10:22 AM with a single data grant to nowhere.
Then the return trip with a friend came, 3.3 hours later.
RID 2264590 logged in on TG 6133 at 2:04 PM with a single data grant to nowhere.
RID 2264754 logged in on TG 6133 at 2:09 PM with a single data grant to nowhere.
There were no channel grants.
It looks like TG 6133 is the SPOOK’S Regina region main-ops and TG 6134 is the SPOOK’S Regina region TAC 1.
RID 2264754 is a Regina SPOOK, who later returned home with another SPOOK from an unknown location, possibly, Yorkton, as travel time from, was 99 minutes.
If the SPOOKS keep up this sort of behaviour, I hope to get confirmation of identity at some point in the not too distant future.

August 22, PPSTN site #72 control channel (138.88500 MHz) data is now being decoded on a full time basis along with site 71.
I had the day off so I decided to connect, (utilizing an adapter cable), another RTL-SDR to an unused 1/4 wavelength, ground plane, VHF antenna that has been in my attic for almost 20 years. All I had to do was to construct a short adapter cable with the correct ends to get things working, as the RG58/U coaxial cable from the attic antenna was already in place.

The adapter was constructed using an unused adapter cable that was designed to connect a Motorola peanut phone to an external antenna on a vehicle, for added range. I modified the one end of the cable to fit on the RTL-SDR. I removed the unknown type of connector at the other end of that cable and then I used “F” type cable TV connectors to connect it to the attic RG58/U cable after removing it’s existing PL259. I did attempt to utilize a TV antenna and cable from the attic but the result was not satisfactory.

The site #72 RSSI is poor at only 48, with a Window value of -15 and a Heath of 78 to 88. I am satisfied with this decode rate. The RTL-SDR is connected to a tired old Windows 7 tablet PC that should have been trashed 15 years ago. Looking at the data from this site I see that this site still has it’s site radio 2213472 and talk-group 372, unlike site 71 that has lost it’s site radio and TG for some reason.

When things slow down and I get more free time I will try my 2 site decode method previously discussed, to ambush those SPOOKS on one of their return trips through this area. I have no doubt that they will be looking back at me just as hard as I will be looking at them when we have our close encounter. And yes my traffic camera will be operational.

August 23, at 9:55 AM portable FQ19 joins TG 6228 and then logs out.

August 24, WEST is the Warrant Enforcement Suppression Team on TG 217 = WEST#4.
RID 2213272 WEST member login 8:15 AM on TG PRT#1 site 71 and followed by login at 8:54 AM on site 72.
RID 2213279 WEST member login 8:15 AM on TG 217 and followed by login at 8:55 on site 72.
RID 2213281 WEST member login 9:16 AM on TG 217 and followed by login at 9:25 AM on site 72.
RID 2213273 WEST member joins TG 217 and communications begin with RID 2213267 that appears to be WEST's command RID.
RID 2213267 WEST Command communicates with all of the above WEST members on and off until 4:08 PM.
It appears that the operation took place within the footprint of site 72 possibly on the File Hills FNR. I will check the upcoming police report for information.
None of these RIDs returned through the footprint of site 71.



Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
RID 2214835 I have as North Battleford RCMP 131 hits
RID 2215015 I have as Pinehouse Lake, Beauval RCMP Unit ECHO 200. Seen on TG 62 and 94. 412 hits
RID 2214718 I have as North Battleford RCMP Officer 870 hits. Seen on TG 62 and 80.
RID 2261759 on TG 6061 also seen on 4049, 6092, and 6083
RID 2254409 seen on INTEROP 6

Great work
Feb 3, 2015
Hi to all of you, I will share with you all, what I have been seeing.

August 27, 3:05 PM to 4:05 PM unknown FIRE Department on TG 4015 Delta 1.
I am not monitoring the voice traffic on site 72. The DELTA Fire TG is not used at my location. I had a few of these incorrectly listed as McLean FD, but they use the ECHO 1 TG and not the DELTA TG. Melville FD?
RID 2242267 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242268 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242269 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242270 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242271 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242272 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242273 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242274 login on TG 4015 site 72
RID 2242276 login on TG 4015 site 72

RID 2244963 Lemberg FD 1 on TG FOXTROT 1 site 72.
RID 2244964 Lemberg FD 2 on TG ECHO 1 site 72.

September 06, at 8:52 AM.
Key sharing has taken place.
RID 2261423 Saskatchewan Environment CO415 portable Echo Valley park logs in on TG 6225. It appears that the province and the feds are now utilizing encryption key sharing on these 5 talk-groups.


At some point I will take the time to examine ISP messages to see the key IDs.

September 06, at 10:00 AM RID 2212248 Radio Tech logs in on TG 10, site 72 and at 10:13 AM and 1:25 PM E300 R-Tech makes group voice grants on TG 18.

September 06, 12:50 PM, RID 2262632 (Deputy Marshal 32) makes one group voice grant on TG 6225.

RIDs 2262600 to 2262699 had not been seen on the PPSTN prior to the province creating the new marshals service in 2023.

September 06, at 1:20 PM RID 2261423 logs in on TG 6225. CO415 is monitoring this TG with his portable for some reason.

September 06, at 1:40 PM RID 2262632 (Deputy Marshal 32) makes one group voice grant on TG 6225.

September 06, at 1:57 PM RID 2212248 R-Tech logs in on TG 10, site 72 and then logs in on site 71 at 2:24 PM followed by a log out at 2:40 PM

These 2 talk-groups appear to be used by:
TG 6223 Provincial Marshals Service PMS 1 Saskatoon RIDs 2262600 to 2262605
TG 6224 Provincial Marshals Service PMS 2 Saskatoon RIDs 2262600 to 2262605

I read a story recently that the RCMP F-Division will have Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) at all of it’s detachments by April of 2024. The types of RPAS are Mavic (multi-rotor) and Sky Fury (multi-rotor to fixed-wing). We may be able to monitor the video down-link frequencies used by these systems.

Until the next time, Cheers.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
These RID's were on TG 6134 on towers 19 and 32. 19 is on the west side of the city and 32 is east of the city. Most of the time anything in the city will be on tower 19 unless it is the far east side of the city or east of the city. They were on from 11.00am for the rest of the day. Sept. 06/23

RID 2262771
RID 2264741
RID 2262772
RID 2264618

On TG 6229
RID 2213955

Not sure what this TG is, 2213955 is the only one I have seen on it with 8 hits. The same RID I have 1,566 hits combined on 60,62,6229.


Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Hey Group, went though my list of TG's, here is a list that I would like help in finding who they are. Anyone can contribute, even the small towers can add valuable data. Some of these are repeats but I thought I would ask again.

5001 5034 5071 5098 5168 5171 5174 5219 5232 5234 5241 5261 5299 5242

5385 5502 6020 6021 6049 6074 6075 6092 6111 6157 6159 6165 6176 6177

6180 6181 6183 6191 6210 6214 6229 6249



Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
TG 5098 had RID 2259963 Mobile Crisis Services (MCS) 3 Swift Current Dispatch EMS, 22519964 Moose Jaw Dispatch EMS and 2255142 using it

TG 5098 is Swift Currents MCS Channel

Saw RID 2313027 encrypted on TG 10
and RID 2231925 clear on TG 155
Feb 3, 2015
Hi, to all.

The first thing that I will share is why we no longer feel safe in our home.

On September 2, 2023, just before noon there was a super-group patch seen in use for TGs 10 Regina and TG 18 Fort Qu'Appelle. I could see by the RIDs being used that something serious was going on to the west of my location. Knowing the identity of all the RIDs and the great number of channel grants between those RIDs, I suspected that a high-speed chase was underway.

Prior to the use of encryption folks like me would have immediately known what was going on and then taken steps to protect ourselves and our neighbors. We would have stayed in our homes, locked our doors, and been on the lookout for the suspects and their vehicle.

Now we live our lives in a continual deep-state of darkness. No worries the alphabet agency will protect us from the evil doers, but only after they have committed evil deeds.

Some information I gleaned from the RCMP report follows.

At about 10:40 am, White Butte RCMP received a report of a robbery in progress at a rural residence in the Avonhurst district. An armed male and female broke into the residence, threatened and assaulted the adult female occupant of the residence. The suspects then stole a vehicle and fled.

Officers from Lumsden (TG 10), Southey (TG 10), and Fort Qu’Appelle (TG 18) detachments along with Regina PDS began searching the area. Officers located the suspect vehicle travelling south bound on the #210 highway and attempted a traffic stop, but this failed. The suspect vehicle continued south bound at a high rate of speed onto the #10 highway. The suspect vehicle then exited the highway and travelled into and then across a field.

Officers disabled the suspect vehicle and arrest 22-year-old Taylor Asapace and 26-year-old Joseph Antoine at the location. Another stolen vehicle from Regina was found near the location of the robbery. A firearm and numerous banking cards and ID cards were seized by the officers. End of the police report.

Reading RCMP media releases, one always sees a concerted effort to downplay the severity of these incidents that have recently occurred in this part of our province. These crimes have caused us to live in a continual state of fear. The media machine must always soften the cold hard truth. Always understating their reports and then failing to do any follow-up reports.

Why do they always do this?

The victim was terrorized by the suspects and will never again feel safe in her rural home. This poor woman was fortunate to have escaped death at the hands of these dangerous felons. If they had murdered her, they may never have been caught.

Just a few months ago a man was murdered in his home while attempting to defend his family during a home invasion. The man’s wife was then brutally raped by the thugs. The man’s firearms were locked-up, so that he could not defend his family, but the suspects then stole those same firearms and fled into Manitoba.

We all know that most of the charges will be stayed or dropped and these hardened criminals will get an early release from prison so they can continue their criminal behavior.
Arrest release repeat, arrest release repeat, arrest release repeat.

End of rant. I am so sorry for that.

Now on to other things I have seen and heard.

September 10.
RID 2211223 ERT black Suburban on sites 71 and 72. Over the following days it logged in and out frequently like it is patrolling the area. I find this to be very interesting.
Why? This guy may have been sent out to patrol the less travelled rural areas where there is ever increasing criminal activity taking place. PRT-ERT patrol? This would be a great thing. I hope this is what the ERT member is doing.
RID 2212722 CIRT member login Sept 10 at 3:02 pm on TG 46 with RID 2211544 MPE aircraft?
RID 2213282 WEST member on TG 217 login Sept 11 at 9:37 am on site 71.
RID 2216107 Regina GIS member on TG 162 login 5:18 pm on Sept 14.

September 15.
RID 2214360 Unknown to me, login on TG 10 at 10:51 am on site 71 then login site 72 11:37 pm, travelling east. See Sept 20 info.
RID 2213154 Yorkton GIS member login on TG 163 at 12:23 pm on site 72.

On September 15 pm, the TG PRT#1 was in use. Four Carlyle RCMP members and three conservation officers out of Moose Mountain Park were sent to the Redvers area to search for a grey Chevy truck. The conservation officer’s truck is a grey Chevy with a tool box in the back and so he was quick to tell the RCMP this fact so that there would not be any confusion with the suspect vehicle. No other information is known about this occurrence.

RID 2261596 CO# 0385/0416 unmarked grey Chevy truck JR/KR 93-99 = Moose Mountain.
RID 2211908 Carlyle traffic services unit was also heard on the TG PRT#1.

September 18.
RID 2216419 Regina GIS member login 3:22 pm on TG 161 then login site 72 3:34 pm, going east.

September 19.
RID 2215843 on TG 10 and RID 2215846 on TG 50 are from Yorkton travelling through together west bound at 10:00 am and then are seen again at 4:00 pm going east.

September 20.
RID 2214360 is a traffic Services unit that is seen logging in on TG 10 on site 72 four times along with C823 Broadview Traffic Services that is also seen logging in at the same times, so these two are in fact, working together in the Balcarres area.

September 21.
RID 2214192 is a TG 86 Nipawin unit that logs in on site 71 at 7:29 am and then onto site 72 at 7:39 am, so this unit is speeding to make that happen that fast.
RID 2213151 E391 Yorkton Provost Portable. Court is 10:00 am on this day.

September 21, OPERATION EQUINOP on TAC#2, TG 45, total RID count 16 total Hits 442.
This operation commenced at 1:44 pm and ended at 2:37 pm.
RCMP RMCU RGIS along with 8 RPS (SWAT) members? conducted what I have called operation EQUINOP, details are unknown at this time.

Logins and channel grants were seen on both PPSTN sites 71 and 72.

RID 2211362 RGIS member logs in on TG 45 at 1:44 pm, Hits 113.
RID 2212304 EXT-AGE Loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 1:46 pm, Hits 4.
RID 2215542 RMCU Mobile logs in on TG 45 at 1:47 pm, Hits 19.
RID 2214498 Unknown logs in on TG 45 at 1:49 pm, Hits 53.
RID 2215506 RMCU DELTA portable logs i on TG 45 at 1:51 pm, Hits 19.
RID 2214359 Unknown logs in on TG 45 at 1:52 pm, Hits 57.
RID 2212625 Regina HQ unit (CIRT) Logs in on TG 45 at 1:55 pm, Hits 49.
RID 2214147 Saskatoon HQ#1 logs in on TG 45 at 1:55 pm, Hits 63.
RID 2212307 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 1:55 pm, Hits 9.
RID 2212305 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 1:55 pm, Hits 1.
RID 2212302 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 1:58 pm, Hits 6.
RID 2212309 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 2:03 pm, Hits 14.
RID 2212308 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 2:04 pm, Hits 2.
RID 2212313 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 2:04 pm, Hits 22.
RID 2212300 EXT-AGE loner portable logs in on TG 45 at 2:04 pm, Hits 4.
RID 2215521 RMCU DELTA mobile logs in on TG 45 at 2:04 pm, Hits 7.

September 21.
RID 2211217 ERT Staff SGT, logs in t 3:35 pm on TAC#3 TG 46 site 72.

Until the next under-reported event.
Feb 3, 2015
Hey Group, went though my list of TG's, here is a list that I would like help in finding who they are. Anyone can contribute, even the small towers can add valuable data. Some of these are repeats but I thought I would ask again.

5001 5034 5071 5098 5168 5171 5174 5219 5232 5234 5241 5261 5299 5242

5385 5502 6020 6021 6049 6074 6075 6092 6111 6157 6159 6165 6176 6177

6180 6181 6183 6191 6210 6214 6229 6249


OK, Wolffe

I will try to help you out with those unknown TGs. Utilizing alphabetical order by the locations of EMS is how the PPSTN radio techs appear to have done things or they tried to do so, but there are exceptions as later applications for TGs had by necessity to be out of alphabetical order like this one: Assiniboia EMS TG is 5470. This was latter followed by Air Ambulance Service, STARS at 5490. These 2 TGs may help us to establish the identity of the users of TGs 5501 and 5502.

See below.

Wolffe, you just take a close look at the RR PPSTN database to see what I am talking about. In addition to that you could use a search-engine to lookup the locations for EMS in your region to help with establishing the identity of those unknown EMS TG's. Some could be little used TAC TG's.

When an EMS subscriber unit (SU) logs in on the site that you are monitoring and decoding, only then will you hear or see activity on that particular talk-group. The EMS TG's that you see and hear may never be seen or heard at my location. Your unknown EMS TG's must be used in and around the Saskatoon Health Region. The Bridge City is a hub for activity on EMS TG's because of the hospitals located there. It comes down to a process of elimination via geography.

You will also see that the Fire department TGs are in alphabetical order starting with Alpha 1 is 4000 on up to Tango 1 is 4075.

EMS talk-groups.
5000 A = Ambulance Services TG starting point.
5001 EMS based at a location starting with A.
5002 EMS Balcarres 1
5034 EMS based at a location starting with B or C.
5071 EMS based at a location starting with C or D.
5098 EMS Estevan 1
5168 EMS based at a location starting with V.
5171 EMS based at a location starting with I or K.
5174 EMS based at a location starting with K.
5219 EMS based at a location starting with I.
5232 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5234 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5241 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5261 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5299 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5242 EMS based at a location starting with M.
5385 EMS based at a location starting with R or S.
5470 EMS Assiniboia
5490 Air Ambulance Regina STARS
5501 EMS based at a location starting with A? Air Ronge?
5502 EMS based at a location starting with A? Air Ambulance fixed wing?

I think the alphabetical method may have also been used by the PPSTN radio techs for the government agency talk-groups with a few exceptions.
The SERCO TGs 6106 and 6107. SERCO is not a government agency so here we have an exception and there will be other exceptions.

Wolffe, you will quickly see that a distinct pattern emerges.

6000 C = Conservation Officers Dispatch
6020 E? agency name may start with E.
6021 E? agency name may start with E.
6024 E = Environment = Northern Fire Air Ops.
6035 F? agency name may start with F. Finance?
6045 F = Finance = Revenue Enforcement 1.
6046 F = Finance = Revenue Enforcement 2.
6049 F? agency name may start with F.
6051 G? agency name may start with G.
6069 H = Highway Patrol Officers.
6070 J = Justice = Juvenile Offender Jails.
6073 J = Justice = Juvenile Offender Transport.
6074 J? agency name may start with J, Justice?
6075 J? agency name may start with J. Jail?
6076 J? agency name may start with J.
6084 J = Justice and Jail.
6092 J? agency name may start with J.
6111 J? agency name may start with J,
6127 J = Justice = Courts = Saskatoon court house.
6133 J? agency name may start with J, Justice Department, Federal?
6142 J? agency name may start with J, Justice Department, Federal?
6157 L? agency name may start with L, Liquor and Gaming?
6159 O? agency name may start with O, Occupational Health & Safety?
6165 P? agency name may start with P. Probation Services?
6169 P = Protection and Response Team 1.
6175 P = PRT PAGER Protection and Response Team
6176 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6177 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6180 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6181 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6182 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6191 P? Public Safety and Policing?
6206 S = Security. USASK#1
6207 S = Security. USASK#2
6208 S = Sheriffs Regina.
6209 S = Sheriffs Saskatoon.
6210 S? = Sheriffs TAC#1?
6214 S? = Sheriffs TAC#5?
6225 S? Security National? Feds?
6229 S? Security National? Feds?
6249 T? agency name may start with T.
6300 U? Utilities? Future use by Sask-Tel?
6491 W? Water Security Agency? WSA HQ is in Moose Jaw.
6496 W? Water Security Agency? (WSA?) These TGs were all seen in Moose Jaw.
6500 Y? or return back to A?

What are the names of the government agencies that may require talk-groups?
There are no government agencies that begin with the letters K, Q, R, X, Z.
PPSTN policy states that only policing agencies will have assess to encryption.
We may never know the true identities of the users of some of the encrypted talk-groups.
I could very well be wrong about the alphabetical method having been used by the radio techs.
Your thoughts on the alphabetical order?

RID 2313027 is RCMP Training Academy unit, as all those have the 231 prefix.
RID 2231925 is Saskatoon Police Service.

Feb 3, 2015
What this member has been hearing, seeing and even going to locate.

On September 25, I got Unitrunker 2 running again and with some additional help from another RR member with a Warp setting of 7, it is now working very well. After clicking on the Peers tab I noticed that there are 10 neighboring sites showing. This is far more than Unitrunker 1 shows as peers for site 71. A new system 00C site is listed bellow.

000A-00C, Site ID# 049-049, Unknown Site, Control Channel #198 = 138.9900 MHz I will have to take a road trip and try to locate this new 00C site.

September 26, at 7:37 am Regina control is heard in open P25 on TG 18 communicating with a FHPS member.

September 28.
RID 2212201 E300 Radio Tech, channel grants at 10:16 am and then site 72 goes down, and so I know that E300 is now over there.
RID 2212231 R-Tech logs in on TG 450 = Talk-group ID for site 150 radio.
RID 2212230 R-Tech logs in on TG 202 = Radio Tech TG 3.
RID 2212230 R-Tech receives a total of 3 individual data grant messages from the FNE RID 16777212. Site 72 is now back up with the control channel being moved to 139.17000 MHz
RID 2212231 logs in on TG 372 = talk-group ID for site 72 radio at 1:55 pm followed by 2 unprotected channel grants on TG 372 and then 1 data grant.
RID 2212244 R-Tech logs in on TG 10 = Regina at 2:32 pm.
RID 2212201 E300 makes channel grants on TG 18 at 2:42 pm. Going home now.

RID 2211212 ERT login at 3:50 pm on TG 58.
RID 2211217 ERT login at 3:54 pm on TG TG 46.

RID 2252631 EMT login at 4:05 pm on TG 5501 followed by a channel grant on that TG.

RID 2262771 A Spook’s mobile #1 logs in at 7:16 pm on site 72.

September 29.
RID 2242851 Oxbow FD on Delta 1.

September 30.
RID 2262772 A Spook's Mobile #2 login joins TG 6134 at 2:36 pm on site 72. (This RID has also been seen on TG 6035).

October 3.
RID 2263370 is SHP HU3370 Yorkton, login on SHP TG at 1:01 pm on site 72 and then login on site 71 at 1:37 pm, west bound, 36 minute travel time.
RID 2263369 is SHP HU3369 Yorkton, login on SHP TG at 1:06 pm on site 72 and then login on site 71 at 1:36 pm, west bound, 30 minute travel time. See Oct 5 for their return trip.

October 4.
Pro96com Patch log for PPSTN site # 072.
"10/04 08:32:01","Added Patch: 66 (RCMP Waskesiu)-2030 (SuperGroup 0)"
"10/04 08:32:01","Added Patch: 62 (RCMP Saskatoon)- 2030 (SuperGroup 0)"
"10/04 08:32:56","Removed Patch: 62 (RCMP Saskatoon)- 2030 (SuperGroup 0)"
"10/04 08:32:56","Removed Patch: 66 (RCMP Waskesiu)-2030 (SuperGroup 0)"
"10/04 08:36:12","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster)-2031 (Super Group 1)"
"10/04 08:36:12","Added Patch: 215 (RCMP WEST 2)- 2031 (Super Group 1)"
"10/04 08:37:04","Removed Patch: 215 (RCMP WEST 2)- 2031 (Super Group 1)"
"10/04 08:37:04","Removed Patch: 215 (RCMP WEST 2)- 2031 (Super Group 1)"
"10/04 08:37:35","Added Patch: 60 (RCMP Rosetown)- 2032 (SuperGroup 2)"
"10/04 08:37:35","Added Patch: 216 (RCMP WEST 3)- 2032 (SuperGroup 2)"
"10/04 08:38:16","Removed Patch: 216 (RCMP WEST 3)- 2032 (SuperGroup 2)"
"10/04 08:38:16","Removed Patch: 60 (RCMP Rosetown)- 2032 (SuperGroup 2)"
"10/04 08:40:30","Added Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster)- 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"10/04 08:40:30","Added Patch: 214 (RCMP WEST 1)- 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"10/04 08:41:04","Removed Patch: 214 (RCMP WEST 1)- 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"10/04 08:41:04","Removed Patch: 76 (RCMP Lloydminster)- 2033 (SuperGroup 3)"
"10/04 09:26:25","Added Patch: 10 (RCMP Regina)- 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"10/04 09:26:25","Added Patch: 28 (RCMP Saskatoon HQ)- 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"10/04 09:28:00","Removed Patch: 28 (RCMP Saskatoon HQ)- 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"
"10/04 09:28:00","Removed Patch: 10 (RCMP Regina)- 2034 (SuperGroup 4)"

RID 2256349 (226DDD) is STAR 9 pilot, login 4:07 pm and RID then sends this ISP multi-block individual data grant GPS location message:
P25: 56C600226DDD810238009029 / 07069C00000C00000005EE22 / 030A00226DDD800000007546 / A15D432D515C0D7D5546760E. The Keyhole Markup Language is used for this message.
At 4:48 pm RID 2256349 sends this ISP individual data grant message P25: 030800226DDD80000000B321 / 0F131D7945636166ED663348.
At 4:54 pm STAR 9 pilot calls the aviation center in Regina. STAR 9 is now on the way to the RGH.

October 5.
RID 2263370 SHP HU3370 Yorkton login on site 71 at 4:42 pm followed by a login on site 72 at 4:58 pm. East bound for home and a little over speed. At 4:51 pm SHP dispatch is heard in the clear communicating with HU3357 with HU3352 responding, so 2263352 is portable for HU3357.

RID 2263369 SHP HU3369 Yorkton login on site 71 at 5:07 pm followed by a login on site 72 at 5:23 pm. East bound at the same speed as HU3370. From 5:25 pm to 5:29 pm SHP dispatch could be heard communicating with HU3339 utilizing his portable RID 2263323.

RID 2261640 CO# 351 Melville? Logs in on site 71 at 4:57 pm followed by a login on site 72 at 5:09 pm. Going home in a hurry. This RID had been previously used at Kindersley. RID 2261640 logs off site 72 at 5:25 pm. I will be on the lookout for this one.

October 8.
I decided to try running Unitrunker 2 on the site 72 control channel and this required a Warp setting of 25 to achieve the highest decode rate possible. Again U2 is showing more peers/neighbors than U1 shows for this site. The 000A-00C, Site ID# 049-049, Unknown Site is not present so it’s location is not to the east of my location. OK, I then tried decoding a tower SW of my location utilizing Pro96com in conjunction with a decode radio.

Tower Info
System ID: 00A
System Name: PPSTN
WACN: 0000A
Tower Number (Decimal): 52-52
Tower Number (Hex): T3434
Tower Description: McLean
Control Capabilities: Data, Voice, Registration
Flavor: Phase 1
Call Sign(s):
Timestamp: Sun Oct 8, 11:03:24, 2023

#Format: Table ID, Base Freq, Spacing, Input Offset, Assumed/Confirmed, Band Width,
Slots 00,138.00000,0.00500,0.00000,"Confirmed",0.01250,1

#Format: Channel, Usage, Frequency(/Slot),Input Channel, Input Frequency(/Slot),Input Explicit(1/0),Hit Count

#Format: Tower ID, Tower ID Hex, System ID, Channel, Frequency, Tower Name
1717,"T1111",00a,"01-0207",0.00000,"Regina TA 800 MHZ"
5858,"T3A3A",00a,"00-0108",138.54000,"Piapot FNR#80"
4343,"T2B2B",00c,"00-0108",138.54000,"Unknown Location 00C site" <-------
4949,"T3131",00c,"00-0198",138.99000,"Unknown Location 00C site" <-------
7171,"T4747",00a,"00-0261",139.30500,"Fort Qu'Appelle"
7373,"T4949",00a,"00-0156",138.78000,"Indian Head"

Site 49 00C is listed along with site 43 00C. This kind of information simplifies finding the location of these 00C sites. By decoding more sites I will be able to triangulate the location of site 49 00C and maybe even locate site 43 00C.

October 8, and it was time for a road trip.
The Indian Head site shows system 00C site: 43 as a neighbor.
The Qu'Appelle site shows system 00C sites: 43, 47, and 49 as neighbors.
The Piapot FNR#80 site shows system 00C site: 49 as a neighbor.
The Regina site shows system 00C sites: 43, 47, 49 and 101 as neighbors and all 4 of these are not found in the RR data base.

It appears that additional channel capacity / coverage has been added because of the ever increasing urban sprawl in those regions south of the city of Regina.

Now it was time to decode a couple of 00C sites.

Tower Info 1
System ID: 00C
System Name: PPSTN 2
WACN: 0000A
Tower Number (Decimal): 47-47
Tower Number (Hex): T2F2F
Tower Description: Lajord
Control Capabilities: Data, Voice, Registration
Flavor: Phase 1
Call Sign(s):
Timestamp: Sun Oct 8, 12:23:12, 2023

#Format: Table ID, Base Freq, Spacing, Input Offset, Assumed/Confirmed, Band Width, Slots 00,138.00000,0.00500,0.00000,"Confirmed",0.01250,1

#Format: Channel, Usage, Frequency(/Slot),Input Channel, Input Frequency(/Slot),Input Explicit(1/0),Hit Count

#Format: Tower ID, Tower ID Hex, System ID, Channel, Frequency, Tower Name
1717,"T1111",00a,"01-0207",0.00000,"Regina TA 800 MHz"
4343,"T2B2B",00c,"00-0108",138.54000,"Unknown location" <-------

Tower Info 2
System ID: 00C
System Name: PPSTN 2
WACN: 0000A
Tower Number (Decimal): 49-49
Tower Number (Hex): T3131
Tower Description: Unknown location
Control Capabilities: Data, Voice, Registration
Flavour: Phase 1
Call Sign(s):
Timestamp: Sun Oct 8, 13:05:24, 2023

#Format: Table ID, Base Freq, Spacing, Input Offset, Assumed/Confirmed, Band Width, Slots 00,138.00000,0.00500,0.00000,"Confirmed",0.01250,1

#Format: Channel, Usage, Frequency(/Slot), Input Channel, Input Frequency(/Slot),Input Explicit(1/0),Hit Count

#Format: Tower ID, Tower ID Hex, System ID, Channel, Frequency, Tower Name
1717,"T1111",00a,"01-0207",0.00000,"Regina TA 800 MHz"
101,"T0101",00c,"00-0222",139.11000,"Unknown Location" <-------
5858,"T3A3A",00a,"00-0108",138.54000,"Piapot FNR#80"
4343,"T2B2B",00c,"00-0108",138.54000,"Unknown Location" <-------
7171,"T4747",00a,"00-0261",139.30500,"Fort Qu'Appelle"

Some of the units affiliated onto 00C site 49 were: A450 and A455 Milestone, Regina portables RG8 and RG3, E275 PDS mobile and the Balgonie FD pumper, so this information tells us that this site is located to the west of system 00C site 47, Lajord. I do know that it was not to the east of it.

RID 2216799 is 00C site 49's radio ID and it's talk-group ID is 12049.
RID 2227001 Sask-Power logs in on TG 4050 = INOP 10 at 11:30 am on site 05 Regina.
RID 2264592 a Spook logs in at 11:34 am on TG 6133 on site 05 Regina.

Patch Log sites 52 and 70
"Timestamp", Description"
"10/08 16:35:41","Added Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:35:52","Removed Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:35:57","Added Patch: 114 (Sinclair Man?) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:36:10","Removed Patch: 114 (Sinclair Man?) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:36:27","Added Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:36:38","Removed Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:36:39","Added Patch: 114 (Sinclair Man?) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:36:46","Added Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:37:14","Removed Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"
"10/08 16:37:26","Removed Patch: 14 (RCMP Carlyle) --> 2037 (SuperGroup 7)"

I suspect that the TG 114 is another link into the Manitoba P25 system. If it is used for this, an RID from 2212400 to 2212499 will be seen along with that TG as RIDs in this range are used for links and patches. I am seeing these in use frequently.



Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Have you noticed any change in the channel mapping of the towers? Since the beginning of the year I have seen channels added to the mapping that don't make sense.

For example Tower 19 Saskatoon map includes the original frequencies but also has 155.900, 155.920, 151.4750, 157.900, 149.540, 149.520, 144.400, 144.610, 141.840, 139.235, 139.0750. Plus 61 empty slots. Some of these fall within the old RCMP frequency range some do not. The ones I find odd is the 144.400 and 144.610 which is in the amateur radio 2 meter band. This area is for digital transmissions most notably APRS. APRS is basically a personal tracking system, more clearly your radio updates your position on a map to anyone who is listening. The data is then uploaded to a network for all to see. I have monitored APRS out of curiosity but never used it myself. I figured my personal tracking device (crapple cellphone) will be enough. It is worth noting that survivalist groups do use APRS to keep track of each other. We will not address the legalities of this use.

Other towers also have added channels, but fewer and not all the same. I have been trying to rule out software or radio error. Does anyone understand Unitrunker well enough to tell me if the software could add these channels to a tower map without there actually being a channel there? I have been Unitrunker II for a year. The amateur radio frequencies creates a problem. If these are legitimate channels then who is using them and are they licensed to use them

Some of the frequencies have multiple hits and most others only 1 hit. I am assuming radio or software error.

I suspect there must be some kind of error on my end, I would like to know if anyone else is seeing this.
Last edited:
Feb 3, 2015
Hi, Wolffe

I am not seeing any changes in the channels / frequencies used by the PPSTN.

None of those additional frequencies that you are seeing are valid for the PPSTN.

First you want to see what U2 is seeing/decoding so with U2 running, go to the radio window and go down to logging and click on it to change No to Yes.
Do this for just a few minutes and then return logging to No.

Now you want to have a look at that control channel log, so in the radio window click on the yellow file folder located in the top left corner and it will open a window with the logging file named: DecodeVcoA-20231015.
Click on it and open it to see the messages sent by the control channel.

You can log both an idle control channel = no channel grant activity and then another with channel grant activity so that you can see all of the messages sent by the control channel. Take a good look at the log file with channel grant activity to see all of the channels / frequencies in use.

You may want to share this log file with us, so right click on that file and select send to: compressed (zipped) folder and move that zip folder to your desktop. You can then post that zipped file here as an attachment to your post.

Did those “ghost frequencies” show up in the log file?

Do those “ghost frequencies also have channel numbers?

Example: 155.9000 would be channel # 3580 is DEC and DFC is the HEX of 3580.

What can you do with all those “ghost frequencies” in U2?

With U2 running.

Click on the Channels tab.

You want to clean-up this page by removing the unwanted frequencies.

Click on an unwanted frequency and then click on the red X tab at the top and delete it from the list.

Just keep the real site frequencies and discard all those “ghost frequencies”.

I suspect that U2 is getting mixed P25 messages from some other sources and combining those to display what you are seeing.
You could use SDR Sharp to do a hunt for another P25 system/site in or around the city.

Have you rechecked your radio settings recently?

Is your Warp setting correct?

Are you getting a high Heath number = decode rate? 100%?

Receiver overloading? Gain and/or squelch adjustments?

Incorrect control channel frequency?

Take a look at the RR data base and see the frequencies listed for site 19.

PPSTN SITE 19 Saskatoon.

Channel # 135 = 138.6750, so the input RX channel is # 627 = 141.1350.
Channel # 207 = 139.0350, so the input RX channel is # 699 = 141.4950.
Channel # 225 = 139.1250, so the input RX channel is # 717 = 141.6150.
Channel # 228 = 139.1400, so the input RX channel is # 720 = 141.6300.
Channel # 249 = 139.2450, so the input RX channel is # 741 = 141.7050.

There are 2 RR data base errors for this site.
The first error is 139.7950 = channel # 359, this is not a valid PPSTN channel.

The valid PPSTN channel is:
Channel # 159 = 138.7950, so the input RX channel is # 651 = 141.2550.

The second error is the valid PPSTN channel is not listed for this site and it is:
Channel # 102 = 138.5100, so the input RX channel is # 900 = 142.5000.

I have not decoded site 19, but I did decoded site 5 Regina on October 8, 2023 and
there were no changes to the channel numbers and frequencies used and this site is the twin of site 19.

Frequencies for site 5 Regina.
Output Channel #, Usage, Output Frequency, Input Channel #, Input Frequency.

Even with incorrect radio settings, I have never had U1 or U2 display channels like you are seeing.

Once you delete all those “ghost frequencies” they should never be seen again.

But only time will tell.

Now I will move on to the best part of this post.

I decided to try something new with Unitrunker 2 and I want to share my findings with you, Wolffe, as you do appear to be quite interested in P25 messaging.

I found that U2 can display and even decode some P25 ISP messages.
How to do this?

With U2 running on the control channel go to the radio window and then go to Decode, Manual, type in the CC input frequency 141.7050 and push the enter key on your key-board.
The site window will close, but allow U2 to continue running.
Now turn on Logging by selecting, Yes.

Allow the program to continue running for some time, as long as you wish.
At some point go to Decode, Manual and type in the control channel frequency 139.2450 and push the enter key as you did previously, the site window will then open as before.

Now turn logging off by selecting, No.
Click on the yellow folder in the top left corner and open that file.
The data beginning at the top of the page will be the ISP messages and those will be followed by the OSP messages.

You can then do this again, but this time using a voice channel # 651 = 141.2550.

These are the ISP messages sent on channel # 753 = 141.765 is the input to control channel # 261 = 139.3050.

06:56:44.283 Switch to P25(1).
06:56:58.238 047 7 -92 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 C1 0A 64 0E G C10A
07:02:21.495 047 7 E-92 00 00 00 03 C0 00 21 C1 06 A5 82 G C106
07:02:27.806 047 7 -92 00 01 00 01 00 00 21 C1 06 A7 F1 G C106
07:04:27.656 047 7 E 2B 00 3C 3F C3 B3 CA 21 CD F8 0E 54 Location Registration Response Sub B3 Site CA I 21CDF8 G 3FC3 accept
07:06:05.715 047 7 -AC 00 00 00 00 A0 0A 21 C1 03 23 87 Unit Registration Response Sys 000 ID 00A00A WUID 21C103 accept
07:06:07.380 047 7 -A8 00 00 00 0A 00 12 21 C1 03 BC B0 Group Affiliation Response I 21C103 accept 0012
07:07:52.510 047 7 E 1E F3 04 02 AA 34 09 A1 C0 C1 7F 7C Standard Discarded
07:08:13.608 047 7 E-92 0C CD 00 01 00 00 21 C1 05 97 92 Standard Discarded
07:11:06.040 047 7 E-83 00 00 00 50 A0 0A 20 4D 29 5F BB Group Voice Grant Update Explicit G 4D29 TX 5-0A0(0.00000) RX 0-A20(0.00000), (0 priority, packet)
07:11:14.685 047 7 -AB 00 00 00 00 A0 0A 21 C1 03 3F 7D Location Registration Response Sub A0 Site 0A I 21C103 G 0000 accept

These are ISP messages sent on channel # 891 = 142.4550 is input to voice channel # 093 = 138.4650.

This first 2 were sent by the RCMP RID 2212096.
07:34:32.835 047 C E 56 C6 00 21 C1 00 81 02 08 00 B1 6D
07:34:32.835 047 C E 0B C2 1C 00 00 02 00 00 00 14 EF AA
These 2 are sent by RCMP RID 2212101
07:36:27.080 047 C E 03 09 00 21 C1 05 80 00 00 00 5F 84
07:36:27.080 047 C E 61 76 6D 40 4F 4C 4C 45 7E 7E 28 50

Have some fun by trying this out.


PS, Saturday evening of 14th conservation officers utilizing TG 6076 for a night hunting operation involving the use of an SE fixed-wing aircraft. The COs call a spot-lighter, a diamond in the ruff. If you are lucky, you may even hear the AC on 163.1100, 163.5600, or 162.7200 MHz Good hunting!


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Oct 6, 2014
The Great White North, eh
Yeah I was thinking the extra channels were an error on my end. I run 2 Hackf's, one for 2 voice channels and the other for signal for the 7 towers I listen to. The signal SDR has a preamp on it and I think I am injecting noise into the system by over driving the local towers. I now have put the 2 local towers on the first SDR that is not amped and see if the solves it. The thing that made me second guess this is that 3 of the channels have over 300 hits on them.

Another possibility is that I also transmit on other frequencies and the antennas are not that far apart, so another area for me to look at.