Do you know why?
There are multiple factors as to why LE may shoot more rounds now:
Mental illness - organic and otherwise. When the brain function is impeded or limited, it can and does affect the limbic system and how the brain processes these signals.
Alcohol - abuse of alcohol is a CNS depressant and affects pain signaling in the brain.
Pharmaceutical abuse - legal prescription drugs and/or illicit drugs. Most often seen in the street as poly-pharmaceutical abuse. Taking multiple drugs can provide unpredictable results, such as highly increased resistance to pain compliance techniques such as hands on restraints and strikes, batons, Tasers, and even firearms. Look up cocaine psychosis, methamphetamine intoxication, etc.
Organic and imparted brain conditions such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy [see high impact sports or combat veterans], dementia, Lewy body syndrome, Alzheimer disease, Creutzfeld-Jakob diseases [traditional and new variant], lack of emotional development and rage syndrome.
OC spray does not work on everyone [genetic reasons], nor do Tasers when one or a combination of the above are present. Baton use is discouraged because of Rodney King and the ASP baton is frankly a gimmick that is poorly constructed.
The only thing that works is exsanguination [this can take many minutes] or a destruction of the brain stem through precision ballistic means. Anyone who has hunted big game and shot an animal with a high powered rifle in the lungs or the heart knows that they have to be prepared to track a running wounded animal for upwards of a mile when the animal runs after being shot.
Plenty of combat veterans of Iraq can attest to some suicide vest bombers living for minutes after triggering their explosives ~ one kilo worth. It can blow apart the abdomen and lower torso, but the arms can still function and some have crawled a short distance away.
No firearm is a guaranteed killing machine - I've personally worked a man who was 'zippered' with seven AK rifle rounds from sternum to upper leg; including several chest, abdomen, and pelvic wounds. He lived from the incident, through first aid, through FD/EMS arrival/treatment/transport by ground ambo to the hospital where he eventually died on the operating table. Around 40 minutes total and he fought my efforts at first aid. I've personally seen self inflicted shotgun wounds to the head that were not instantly fatal.
This is why cops are taught to shoot until the threat stops and why it can take more than one round.
Until some incredibly smart person or persons invents the Star Trek phaser where the body is literally disintegrated molecullarly, it is not going to get better.