BCD325P2/BCD996P2: Priority Scan not working for P25 and DMR

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May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
I have enabled Priority Scan for two systems. One a P25 and the other a DMR. Enabled Priority for several TGID's and when turning on Priority Scan "No Channel" is displayed.

Priority Scan does work however for conventional channels.

Firmware version 1.08.01

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Separate issue but maybe related.
For conventional channels that are marked priority, when in priority scan plus mode, if the channel has tone it will not record audio. Will only record if there is no tone on the channel.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Priority Scan is for conventional, Priority ID Scan is for trunking.

You don't turn Priority Scan on for trunked systems, instead you enable Priority ID Scan within the trunked system itself.


May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
Thanks @GTR8000 that makes sense. Not the expected functionality of the Pri button. So if Priority Scan is enabled for the system there is no toggling it on or off via the Pri button. Do I have that correct? Toggling only applies for conventional.


NY/NJ Database Guy
Database Admin
Oct 4, 2007
Thanks @GTR8000 that makes sense. Not the expected functionality of the Pri button. So if Priority Scan is enabled for the system there is no toggling it on or off via the Pri button. Do I have that correct? Toggling only applies for conventional.
*Priority ID Scan

Correct, there is no quick way to toggle Priority ID Scan on/off for the entire scanner. It is set on per-system basis, and the only way to turn it off is to navigate through the menus.


May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
Thanks again my man! OMG what a PITA. I cant believe it doesnt function the same way as conventional where it can be toggled. Who at Uniden could I submit feedback to?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
Priority ID Scan is confusing and it doesn't behave like you think it should when you are used to conventional frequency priority scanning. The current "way" of how priority scanning is done hasn't changed for several scanner generations (as in it has been at least this way since the BC396T came out 14 years ago).

On the trunked side, at least for the majority of system types (which does include P25), there is no pre-emption of non-priority transmissions to see if there is activity on a priority talkgroup. Only when the control channel is being monitored for channel grants will it "yield" to a higher priority talkgroup.

An example: Let's say you have Talkgroup A set as a Priority Talkgroup and all the correct settings are made for Priority ID Scanning. You are holding (Channel Hold) on Talkgroup Z and there are no transmissions going on "Z", and haven't for a few minutes. If Talkgroup A (your priority talkgroup) becomes active, the scanner will "jump" from Z to A and you hear the conversation.

Also, there is some "one way" priority stuff going on. Same scenario, holding on a trunked system talkgroup. However you have a conventional Frequency set as a priority channel and you have Priority Scan Mode On and all the correct settings to do conventional priority scanning.

If the conventional frequency becomes active, the scanner jumps off the trunked system and listens to that active convention frequency that is a priority channel.

On the other hand, if the scanner is holding on a non-priority conventional frequency, the scanner does NOT look to any trunked systems to see if there is any activity on a trunked system, priority or otherwise.

I suspect and the manufacturer probably won't confirm because it may get into engineering stuff, but the way they go about checking for trunked activity, especially in multiple site systems, takes too long for priority scanning in trunked systems to be efficient.


May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
Thanks @ofd8001 for the information. That gets into some specific usage scenarios which is good to know. On the engineering aspect, you would think if a system was set to ID Scan, that Priority scan for marked TGIDS wouldnt be that taxing. But this is my first scanner and Im looking at all of this through fresh eyes and perspective.


May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
I just want to also confirm that when in Hold mode there is no key combo to make that channel/id priority? You have to go to the menu, program system, select system, edit group, edit channel, priority = on | off


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
You can say that whenever the scanner are on the control channel it will start to follow calls on a priority TG as soon as they go active. The times the scanner are not on the control channel are when anyone are actively talking on another talk group that the scanner are monitoring. At other times it depends of the systems configuration. Some systems can be setup so that users, and scanners, stay on the voice channel a few seconds after a user are done talking, waiting for someone to respond. Another setup are when users go back immediatly to the control channel as soon as an active user releases his transmit button and waits there a few seconds. How effective scanners TG priority works depends of how the system administrator have setup the system.

Some systems transmit info of active TGs on the voice channel. This is also most often a configuration choise that the system administrator does what TGs, if any, he wants to be announced on voice channels. As I understand, Uniden just recently added the possibility to some scanners firmware to detect and act on the voice channel information to more consistently display user ID info. I don't know it that also added the possibility to detect and act on the TG info if it where a priority TG programmed in the scanner. Perhaps something to be added in future firmwares.



May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
As I understand, Uniden just recently added the possibility to some scanners firmware to detect and act on the voice channel information to more consistently display user ID info. I don't know it that also added the possibility to detect and act on the TG info if it where a priority TG programmed in the scanner. Perhaps something to be added in future firmwares.
That would be nice to see it in a future update. Anything that would add more flexibility or user control would be a gift.

Seems as far as Priority Scan goes it may vary depending on the system. Ive learned allot today thats for sure.


Premium Subscriber
Feb 6, 2004
Louisville, KY
I just want to also confirm that when in Hold mode there is no key combo to make that channel/id priority? You have to go to the menu, program system, select system, edit group, edit channel, priority = on | off

I'm going off memory here and could be wrong. That said I think when you are holding on a channel, you can press "E" and choose to edit the channel you are on. You can then set the priority status for that channel, I believe.

Saves a few button press steps by not having to go Menu>edit system>edit groups>edit channel.

On the other stuff about being able to do priority for trunk just like conventional, this has come up numerous times previously and it's obvious that users would like trunking priority to behave like conventional priority. I'm sure Uniden has caught the hint, so there must be some engineering reasons why this cannot be provided.


May 27, 2019
Queen Creek, AZ
I'm going off memory here and could be wrong. That said I think when you are holding on a channel, you can press "E" and choose to edit the channel you are on. You can then set the priority status for that channel, I believe.

Saves a few button press steps by not having to go Menu>edit system>edit groups>edit channel.

Oh no you are absolutely right! I just tried it. E|Yes brings you right to the edit channel menu when in hold mode. Perfect!!!! That is very helpful. That saves some key presses and scrolling. Huge thanks for that tip! (y)


Sep 8, 2006
Stockholm, Sweden
there must be some engineering reasons why this cannot be provided.
The reason are probably engineering resources and that a TG prio function are not reliable. During the last three years there have been a lot of bug fixes that slowly have been dealt with. There seems to be more to address as conventional monitoring of digital channels seems to work better than trunked control channel monitoring. Some RAS and encrypted detection seem to false detect and CapMax and Hytera branded systems seems to be problematic. I guess that the SDS series needs all resources at the moment. But free bug fixes doesn't boost sales so they must also be working on new stuff to release, like the SDS500 and accessory equipment to the SDS series that uses the extra USB feature connector.

I would like to see options in a system to select RAS Yes/No/Auto and Monitor Encryption Yes/No/Auto that would be super easy to do in firmware instead of making the firmware trying to figure out what the system sends out in its data stream. And there's no reason to not let the user have access to the tone controls, preferable on a system basis, to be able to adjust the audio to the room and user preferencies. The date and time should be displayed when playing back recordings. A letter R could always be shown on the display, changes to REC when recording, when manual user recording are enabled, reversed R when automatic replay recording are enabled. Variable 0-20dB attenuation set per system. Adjustable level of AGC. Signal strenght bars change to warning triangle when too high levels are received. Display show error indication of received frequency. Automatic power on from ignition sense and power off after one hour of button inactivity after ignition sense goes low. Photocell to detect ambient light level and adjusts display backlight. Reverse frequency and repeater find have configurable bandplan. Temp lockout have time limited option, 0=normal and default. 1-240 are minutes until restored.

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