Pro-18 Digital Trunking Scanner - Post release Thread

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Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan
Did anyone else find it odd that the Pro-18 just disappeared from the RadioShack web site all together?

I can understand that it would be discontinued due to the current status of the GRE manufacturing, but I can't ever remember any other scanner model from RadioShack that just disappeared even from a support page.

Has anyone seen it in their local stores at all? They are non existent in my area.


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Dave, these Pro-18's were never core stocked in very many stores even during their active life cycle.

As I stated earlier in this thread, the RS Pro-18 officialy went discontinued or "disco" status 2/7/13.
When items go from active status to disco status they will usually disappear from the website.

Now as for the support page for the owners manual and updates it should still be there or it
may have moved. I saw another thread that reffered to scanner reveiws being deleted, etc.
Perhaps the IT guys are in the process of migrating or updating the official RadioShack website ?

There are still several Pro-18's to be had and your local RS store can use the Product Portal page
to locate any in your district first and then try a regional search for the SKU # 200-0018 (RS Pro-18)

Happy Hunting ....

ps ~ I would grab a Pro-18 in a nano-second if it could do the PSR-800 magic and do P25 Phase II TDMA ;)

btw ~ An example here is a software link for a Pro-106
Now keep in mind that the Pro-18 gets it's updates through the EZ-Scan CD-Rom program not from RS site.
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Founders Curmudgen
Database Admin
Jan 5, 2003
West Michigan

Thanks for the inside information. I actually have posted the direct link to the owners manual on that thread. I've also attempted to keep the wiki updated with what was available. My concern was that its as if it never existed on the web site when you do a search at

I agree, this would have been a more appealing radio if Phase II had been added. Unfortunately in its discontinued status, as with its cousin the GRE PSR-800, I believe the CPU and DSP firmware updates are over. I'd be happy to be wrong however.

If we were to try to get RadioShack to continue firmware support (mainly for Phase II) who do you think would be the best contact channel at RadioShack to start bugging?


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
As for the Pro-18 ever handling P25 Phase II, I have read in a few threads many say that
the Pro-18 does NOT have the chipset or hardware in place to ever decode P25 Phase II ?
I don't have any clarity on this ... perhaps it would take a carefull study of their two
service manuals ( with schematics ) side by side to definitevly answer this question ?
Unless the level of PCB VLSI would nor readily reveal any outward visible chipset differences ?
Example: There are something like 10+ or so major features the PSR-800 has over the Pro-18.
So there most likely just have to be different circuitry on the PSR-800 to handle such things
as the MicroSD on chip recording, the color LED, the 200 scanlists vs 100 scanlists etc. etc.
I can't bring the complete list to mind ... but you get the idea ... good luck researching this ;)
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2013
Kingwood, TX
So as you can see by my profile, I'm a "new" member to the forum, although I've been a listener since the 70's. I've been using a PRO-43 the entire time.

After reading what I thought was good information, I just purchased a PRO-18 scanner hoping I could get back up and running.
After a large amount of information on the site, I wonder if the scanner can even monitor the new systems now deployed in Houston area?

I have no idea what trunking and PH II is. So be gentle.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2013
Kingwood, TX
It's been a week of reading everything available about the PRO18 scanner. I still have a TON to learn, digest and figure out. I at least have a much better, although limited under standing of the scanner. I have updated the scanner software version. I have updated the SD card library and I have even loaded z2 playlist on the scanner.
BUT, I can only ever hear the computer voice on the HFD DIS 1 or HFD TAC 1 channels.
I have driven from Kingwood to Katy and still only hear the HFD channels. I did however pickup "Total Traffic" on 1 trip, when I was at Beltway 8 & 249.......
I have updated the playlists on my pc and then loaded them onto the scanner SLD card.
I have also verified the channels are there by stepping through the playlists.

Only thing I haven't done is try an external mobile antenna. I do have an external antenna at the house, but again, I have never heard anything but the HFD channels.

Any suggestions?


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
I am at a GREat disadvantage because I do not have boots on the ground in Houston.
There are hopefully a few Radioreference Heavyweights there that could probably help guide you.
I see you also reposted your issues in the ever popular City of Houston Project 25 TRS thread
to better gain a response from those that are examining and monitoring this same new system.
I had the idea that the Pro-18 could only monitor the P25 Phase 1 sites (Simulcast 1 & 2).
If you wanted to monitor the gQQd HPD Talkgroups you would need a GRECOM PSR-800 scanner
that would allow you to monitor the Simulcast 3 Layer which is the new P25 Phase II type format.
Go re-post and tell them what actual sites you have listed in your Pro-18 Digital iScan software ?
Perhaps try locking out just the P25 Phase II Simulcast #3 site so your scanner won't be confused ?
Just leave the P25 Phase 1 Simulcast Sites 1 & 2 enabled and see how things work from there ...
It just maybe like Loumaag said you may just hear HPD only when they are using Mutal Aid TG's, etc.
Ah sigh, if only GRECOM PSR-800's were still $250-ish dirt cheap like they were on eBay in the past.
Good luck to you :) OK, our P25 Phase II day is coming in a few years I'm affraid in say 2015/2016 ish :(
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Premium Subscriber
Jun 2, 2013
Kingwood, TX
Thanks Michael,

I just traveled from kingwood to Corpus Christi with my new PRO-18 scanner. I used several different modes from the 2 playlists that I had setup, the signal stalker function and public service search.
Wonderful reception in Refugio, Victoria and some other nondescript Podunk town. I was going to bring my 40 year old Pro43 Realistic Hyperscan. I didn't and now wish I would of.
I have one more option, return the brick and save my pennies to purchase what appears to be a "real" scanner.


Feb 20, 2003
Central NC
Did anyone ever find a source for the Pro18 software? I bought a used one that didn't come with a disc. Radio shack doesn't show it anymore on their system. Thanks for any info.


Jan 1, 2005
San Antonio, Texas
Did anyone ever find a source for the Pro18 software? I bought a used one that didn't come with a disc. Radio shack doesn't show it anymore on their system. Thanks for any info.

Then back in March 2013:
Pro-18 EZ-Scan Software CD-ROM RSU Catalog # 12489102 $1.50 ( In Stock ) Hope this helps you !!!

Now as of today July 21, 2013:
Randy, I'm affraid it WAS available back in March 2013 and I just checked the RSU parts for 200-0018
and I no longer see that EZ-Scan CD-Rom available. Well for only $1.50 is was a GREat deal thought.
Hopefully some body will let you borrow theirs of get you a copy somehow. Good Luck Sir...

These are the only RSU parts showing at present below:
RSU Part Identification Search Results For:Catalog # : 2000018 Description : HANDHELD ISCAN DIG TRNKNG SCANNER


Result Pages: < > 1
RSU # Description Sug. Retail Availability Additional Description Image
MANUAL SERVICE 20-0018 CD ROM $12.00 In Stock image
12489090 PCB LINEAR ASSY $172.97 In Stock image
12489091 ESCUTCHEON TOP $5.38 In Stock image
12489092 POT SQUELCH W/NUT $3.70 In Stock image
12489093 PCB LOGIC ASSY $290.04 In Stock image
12489094 CASE FRONT ASSY $17.73 In Stock image
12489095 CASE REAR ASSY $18.61 In Stock image
12489096 PCB KEY TOP ASSY $42.30 In Stock image
12489097 HARDWARE KIT 20-0018 $2.40 In Stock image
12489098 ANTENNA RUBBER $8.27 In Stock image
12489099 CABLE FPC $.80 In Stock image
12489100 CABLE USB $3.57 In Stock image
12489101 CARD MICRO SD $48.94 In Stock image
12489103 COVER BATTERY $5.07 In Stock image
12489104 LCD 2.36" $25.55 In Stock image
12489106 MANUAL USERS 20-0018 $12.00 In Stock image


Feb 20, 2003
Central NC
Thanks Michael, I hope I can come up with something. I saw where one guy has had success using the psr800 software with a pro18 after the sd card was formatted with the pro18 software and scan lists 101-200 were manually deleted from the card. I guess it will be trial & error. Thanks again


Jan 29, 2011
Did anyone ever find a source for the Pro18 software? I bought a used one that didn't come with a disc. Radio shack doesn't show it anymore on their system. Thanks for any info.

Since the software is no longer available, I zipped up my copy and hosted it online. You can unzip it and burn your own CD. I don't think this should be an issue since the software is no longer available for download or purchase. It's unbelievable that Radio Shack doesn't have the download available on their website considering the radio is not that old, and it is useless if you lose or don't have the software for any reason. If it is a problem, I understand if the moderators remove it.
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Jul 20, 2003
Grass Lake
My Wife picked me up a Pro-18 last night at the clearance price..She is the best...
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Premium Subscriber
Jul 2, 2002
I thought I would share my experience the purchasing PRO 18@199.00. Had my daughter law go into RS and purchase one for me in New York. She sent the package and when I opened it up all was there except the radio. They left the radio on display. They are now nice enough to send it 2nd day Fed Exp. The one good thing I did get the CD-ROM and was able to install it.


Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2013
I thought I would share my experience the purchasing PRO 18@199.00. Had my daughter law go into RS and purchase one for me in New York. She sent the package and when I opened it up all was there except the radio. They left the radio on display. They are now nice enough to send it 2nd day Fed Exp. The one good thing I did get the CD-ROM and was able to install it.

I ALMOST had the exact opposite experience. My box was empty. They said they keep the actual radios in back to prevent theft and use the box as the display. I noticed before I left the store but sounds pretty common.


Premium Subscriber
Nov 19, 2011
Lake Co. Ohio
When I bought mine on Sunday, the box on display was empty for theft deterrence and everything but the belt clip was taped together in the back room. The clerk had to go back and find the belt clip.


You Member, Member!
Nov 28, 2007
34.0500° N, 118.2500° W
I bought one saturday morning 9am and returned it today. Its a POS not even worth the $199.99 plus tax spent.

At first RS store i went to (where purchased) the guy said I couldn't return clearance items and it was against store policy and this and that. I said ok I'll go to a different store then. He said as I walked out "sir which store are you going to?" hahaha like I was really going to tell him.

Went to a rat shack at the mall near me and without the BS I was given at the other store I got my $$$$ back.

My $85 dollar bc296d is alot better then that 18 from RS.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2


Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2013
I bought one saturday morning 9am and returned it today. Its a POS not even worth the $199.99 plus tax spent.

At first RS store i went to (where purchased) the guy said I couldn't return clearance items and it was against store policy and this and that. I said ok I'll go to a different store then. He said as I walked out "sir which store are you going to?" hahaha like I was really going to tell him.

Went to a rat shack at the mall near me and without the BS I was given at the other store I got my $$$$ back.

My $85 dollar bc296d is alot better then that 18 from RS.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Any details on why you didn't like it? Mine has been working flawlessly and was easy to program with the included software. Without any specifics on why you dislike this scanner, you just come off as lazy honestly. You probably could have sold it for more than you paid.


You Member, Member!
Nov 28, 2007
34.0500° N, 118.2500° W
It feels crappy. I dont like the look of it. Scanners need buttons and keypads. No web programming. Its sensitivity is horrible compared to other scanners like bcd396t 996xt... heck even my bc250d gets more signals using the stock antenna then the pro18.

Nuff said.

Sell it for Profit u say?? Nahhh!

Seen alot of them on ebay since they went on sale at $199.97 and NONE have sold LoL. Even one seller has 10 at $349.99 and not one sale yet.

He prob drove for miles cleaned up his neighborhoods thinking he can sell them like pancakes. But unfortunately is not gonna happen. And he will return every single one of them before the 30 day return deadline comes.

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
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