Turn v3 screw all the way until all 3 sites read at least 80% or 90% I have 3 sits Bloomington, Hindustan, and knight
Also I added all 18 frequencies for my 3 sites, and all talk group ids
Also I had to adjust the v3 a few times because I wasn't picking up IUPD and BLOOMINGTON PD
Also turn the screw all the way to right start there and turn back very slow
I'm running my bcd325p2 along side my pro-2096 can confirm picking everything up
V3 screw, turn to the right until you can no longer turn it,
press MAN until stops on control channel turn v3 backwards slow until you have about 90%
do this for all control channels i have 3, do this until all are about 80% or 90% may have todo this a few times,
watch for a bit make sure you're picking up all IDS
i'm on v 1.4 rebound
also don't put it back
Together until you're for sure scanner is picking everything up. i took it apart 3 times
also update i'm picking Bloomington PD now